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Complete Solutions to C.U.Q of chapter ALTERNATING CURRENT of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions66
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In an ac circuit the current

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  2. The average emf during the positive half cycle of an ac supply of peak value `E_(0)` is .

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  3. Alternating current is transmitted to distant places at

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  4. In case of `a.c` circuit, Ohm's law holds good for
    `{:a)` Peak values of voltage and current
    `{:b)` Effective values of voltage and current
    `{:c)` Instantaneous values of voltage and current

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  5. In case of `AC` circuits the relation `V = iZ`, where `Z` is impedance, can directly applied to

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  6. Alternating current can not be measured by D.C. Ammeter because

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  7. The r.m.s value of Potential due to superposition of given two alternating potentials `E_(1) = E_(0) sin omega t` and `E_(2) = E_(0) cos omega t` will be

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  8. If the instantaneous current in a circuit is given by `i=2cos (omegat-phi)`ampere, the r.m.s. value of the current is

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  9. If a capacitor is connected to two different `A.C` generators, then the value of capactive reactance is

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  10. In general in an alternating current circuit

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  11. The magnitude inducted e.m.f. in an `LR` circuit at brea of circuit as compared to its value at make of circuit will be

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  12. The emf and current in a circuit are such that `E = E_(0) sin omega t` and `I - I_(0) sin (omega t - theta)`. This `AC` circuit contains

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  13. The correct variation of resistance `R` with frequency `f` is given by

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  14. Same current is flowing in two alternating circuits. The first circuit contains only inductances and the other contains only a capacitor, if the frequency of the e.m.f of AC is increased, the effect on the value of the current will be

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  15. When an a.c source is connected across a resistor

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  16. The phase angle between current and voltage in a purely inductive circuit is

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  17. Ratio of impedence to capactive reactance has

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  18. An inductor-coil having some resistance is connected to an AC source. Which of the following quantities have zero average value over a cycle?

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  19. Why the current does not rise immediately in a circuit containing inductance

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  20. In an `AC` circuit containing only capacitance the current

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  21. A bulb is connected first with `DC` and the then `AC` of same voltage then it will shine brightly with

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  22. A capacitor of capacity `C` is connected in `A.C` circuit. If the applied emf is `V = V_(0) sin omega t`, then the current is

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  23. At low frequency a condenser offers

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  24. Statement (A) : The reactance offered by an inductance in `A.C`. Circuit decreases with increase of `AC` frequency
    Statement (B) : The reactance offered by capacitor in `AC` circuit increases with increase of `AC` frequency.

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  25. Statement (A) : With increase in frequency of `AC` supply inductive reactance increases.
    Statement (B) : With increase in frequency of `AC` supply capacitive reactance increase

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  26. In an `A.C` circuit having resistance and capacitance

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  27. Select the correct options among the following In an `R-C` circuit
    (a) instantaneous `A.C` is given by `I = I_(0) sin (wt + phi)`
    (b) the alternating current in the circuit leads the emf by a phase angle `phi`.
    (c) Its impedance is `sqrt(R^(2) + (omega C)^(2))`
    (d) It capacitive reactance is `omega c`

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  28. If the frequency of alternating e.m.f. is in `L-C-R` circuit, then the value of impedance `Z` will change with log (frequency) as

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  29. An inductor and a resistor are connected in series with an ac source. In this circuit.

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  30. An `LCR` circuit is connected to a source of alternating current. At resonance, the applied voltage and the current flowing through the circuit will have a phase difference of

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  31. The incorrect statement for `L-R-C` series circuit is

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  32. In series `L-C-R` resonant circuit, to increase the resonant frequency

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  33. In an `LCR` series ac circuit the voltage across `L,C` and `R` are `V_(1), V_(2)` and `V_(3)` respectively The voltage of the source is .

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  34. In the non-resonant circuit, what will be the nature of the circuit for frequencies heigher than the resonant frequency?

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  35. The phase difference between voltage and current in an `LCR` series circuit is

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  36. In an `LCR` a.c. circuit at resonance, the current

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  37. An inductance `L` and capacitance `C` and resistance `R` are connected in series across an `AC` source of angular frequency `omega`. If `omega^(2)gt (1)/(LC)` then

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  38. Consider the following two statements `A` and `B` and identify the correct answer.
    `{:A)` At resonance of `L-C` series circuit, the reactance of circuit is minimum.
    `{:B)` The reactance of a capacitor is an `A.C` circuit is similar to the reactance of a capacitor in a `D.C` circuit

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  39. Choose the wrong statement of the following

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  40. The essential difference between a `d.c` dynamo and an `a.c` dynamo is that

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  41. The unit of impedence is

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  42. The power factor of an AC circuit having resistance (R) and inductance (L) connected in series and an angular velocity `omega` is

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  43. The capacitor offers zero resistance to

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  44. Power factor is defined as

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  45. The core of any transformaer is laminated so as to

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  46. A step up transformer is used to

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  47. A transformer changes the voltage

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  48. A step up transformer is connected on the primary side to a rechargable battery which can deliver a large current. If a bulb is connected in the secondary, then

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  49. The ratio of primary voltage to secondary voltage in a transformer is `'n'`. The ratio of the primary current to secondary current in the transformer is

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  50. In a step down transformer, the number of turns in the primary is always

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  51. The transformer ratio of a step up transformer is

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  52. A setup transformer develops `440 V` in secondary coil for an input of `200 V A.C` Then the type of transformer is

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  53. Assertion (A) : If changing current is flowing through a machine with iron parts, results in loss of energy.
    Reason (R ) : Changing magnetic flux through an area of the iron parts causes eddy currents.

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  54. Transformers are used

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  55. The magnitude of the e.m.f. across the secondary of a transformer does not depend on

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  56. For an ideal transformer ratio of output ot the input power is always

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  57. Consider the following two statements `A` and `B` and identify the correct answer.
    (A) In a transformer a large alternating current at low voltage can be transformed into a small alternating current at high voltage
    (B) Energy in current carrying coil is stored in the form of magnetic field.

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  58. Statement (A) : Flux leakage in a transformer can be minimized by winding the primary and secondary coils one over the other.
    Statement (B) : Core of the transformer is made of soft iron

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  59. Statement (A) : In high current low voltage windings of a transformer thick wire is used to minimize energy loss due to heat produced
    Statement (B) : The core of any transformer is laminated so as to reduce the erergy loss due to eddy currents.

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  60. Statement (A) : Step up transformer converts low voltage, high current to high voltage, low current
    Statement (B) : Transformer works on both ac and dc.

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  61. To reduce the iron losses in a transformer, the core must be made of a material having

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  62. Maximum efficiency of a transformer depends on

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  63. For an LCR series circuit with an aac source of angular frequency `omega`.

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  64. The value of current in tow series LCR circuits at resonance is same, then

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  65. When an ac source of emf`e=E_(0) sin (100 t)` is connected across a circuit, the phase difference between emf e and currnet I in the circuit is observed to be `(pi)//(4)` as shown in fig. If the circuit consists possibly only of R-C or R-C of L-R series, find the relationship find the relationship between the two elements.

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  66. An AC voltage source of variable angular frequency `(omega)` and fixed amplitude `V_(0)` is connected in series with a capacitance C and an electric bulb of resistance R (inductance zero). When `(omega)` is increased

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C.U.Q questions and complete solutions for chapter ALTERNATING CURRENT of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12