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Complete Solutions to LEVEL - I (C.W) of chapter ALTERNATING CURRENT of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The r.m.s value of an a.c of `59 Hz` is `10 A`. The time taken by the alternating current in reaching from zero to maximum valuef and the peak value of current will be

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  2. An inductor has a resistance `R` inductance `L`. It is connected to an `A.C` source of e.m.f. `E_(V)` and angular frequency `omega` then the current `I_(v)` in the circuit is

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  3. The peak value of `AC` mains (in volt) is

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  4. The peak value `A.C` is `2 sqrt(2)A`. It's apparent value will be

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  5. Alternating current in circuit is given by `I = I_(0) sin 2 pi nt`. Then the time by the current to rise from zero to r.m.s value is equal to

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  6. Using an ac voltmeter, the potential difference in the electrical line in a house is read to be 234 V. If the line freqency is known to be 50 cycles per second, the equation for the line voltage is

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  7. A mixer of `100 Omega` resistance is connected to an `A.C` source of `200 V` and `50 "cycles"//"Sec"`. The value of average potentail difference across the mixer will be

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  8. The equation of an alternating voltage is `E = 220 sin (omega t + pi // 6)` and the equation of the current in the circuit is `I = 10 sin (omega t - pi // 6)`. Then the impedance of the circuit is

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  9. A steady `P.D` of `10 V` produces heat at a rate `'x'` in resistor. The peak value of `A.C` voltage which will produce heat at rate of `x//2` is same resistor is

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  10. An alternating voltage `E=200sqrt(2) sin (100 t)V` is connected to a `1 muF` capacitor through an ac ammeter (it reads rms value). What will be the reading of he ammeter?

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  11. A `120` volt `AC` source is connected across a pure inductor of inductance `0.70` henry. If the frequency of the source is `60Hz`, the current passing through the inductor is

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  12. A transformer steps an `A.C` voltage from `230 V` ot `2300 V`. If the number of turns in the secondary coil is 1000, the number of turns in the primary coil will be

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  13. The transformer ratio of a transformer is 5. If the primary voltage of the transformer is `400 V, 50 Hz` the secondary voltage will be

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  14. A step-up transformer works on `220 V` and gives `2 A` to an external resistor. The turn ratio between the primary and secondary coils is 2 : 25. Assuming 100% efficiency, find the secondary voltage, primary current and power delivered respectively

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  15. A coil of self-inductance `((1)/(pi)) H` is connected is series with a `300 Omega` resistance. A voltage of `200 V` at frequency `200 Hz` is applied to this combination. The phase difference between the voltage and the current will be

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  16. A condenser of `10 mu F` and an inductor of `1 H` are connected in series with an `A.C` source of frequency `50 Hz`. The impedance of the combination will be (take `pi^(2) = 10)`

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  17. A `100 km` telegraph wire hasd capacity of `0.02 mu F//km`, if it carries an alternating current of frequency `5 kHZ`. The value of an inductrance required to be connected in series so that the impedance is minimum.

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  18. In an `LCR` series circuit the rms voltages across `R,L` and `C` are foundd to be `10 V, 10 V` and `20 V` respectively. The rms voltage across the entire combination is

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  19. In the circuit shown, a `30 V` d.c. source gives a current `2.0 A` as recorded in the ammeter A and `30 V` a.c. source of frequency `100 Hz` gives a currentd `1.2 A`. The inductive reactance is

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  20. A choke coil has negligible resistance. The alternating potential drop across it is 220 volt and the current is `5 mA`. The power consumed is

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  21. In an `AC` circuit, the instantaneous values of e.m.f and current are `e=200sin314t` volt and `i=sin(314t+(pi)/3)` ampere. The average power consumed in watt is

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  22. In a black box of unknown elements (L or R or any other combination), an ac voltage `E=E_(0) sin (omegat)+phi)` is applied and current in the circuit was found to be `I=(I_0) sin [ omega t + phi + (pi//4)]`. Then the unknown elements in the box may be

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  23. The voltage time (V-t) graoh for triangular wave having peak value `(V_0)` is as shown in fig.

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LEVEL - I (C.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter ALTERNATING CURRENT of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12