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Complete Solutions to All Questions of chapter CONSTRUCTIONS of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Class 7MATHS
MathematicsAll Questions
Number Of Questions35
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Draw an `/_B A C` of measure `50^0` such that `A B=5\ c m` and `A C=7\ c mdot` Through `C` draw a line parallel to `A B` and through `B` draw a line parallel to AC, intersecting each other at `Ddot` Measure `B D\ a n d\ C Ddot`

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  2. Draw a line`\ P Q` . Draw another line parallel to `P Q` at a distance of 3 cm from it.

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  3. Draw two parallel lines at a distance 5 cm apart.

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  4. Construct a triangle `A B C` if the lengths of its sides are given by `A B=6\ c m ,\ B C=7\ c m` and `A C=5\ c mdot`

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  5. Draw ` A B C` in which `A B=4. 5\ c m ,\ B C=5\ c m\ a n d\ C A=6\ c mdot` Also, draw the perpendicular bisector of `B Cdot`

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  6. Draw` A B C` in which `A B=5\ c m` . `B C=6\ c m` and `C A=7\ c mdot` Also, draw perpendicular bisector of side `B C` .

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  7. Draw` P Q R` in which `P Q=3\ c m` , `Q R=4\ c m` and `R P=5\ c mdot` Also, draw the bisector of`/_Q` .

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  8. Draw an equilateral triangle one of whose sides is of length `7\ c mdot`

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  9. Draw a triangle whose sides are of lengths `4\ c m ,\ 5\ c m\ a n d\ 7\ c mdot` Draw the perpendicular bisector of the largest side.

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  10. Draw a triangle `A B C` with `A B=6\ c m ,\ B C=7\ c m` and `C A=8\ c mdot` Using ruler and compass alone, draw (i) the bisector `A D\ ` of`\ /_A` and (ii) perpendicular `A L` from `A` on `B Cdot` Measure `L A Ddot`

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  11. Draw` D E F` such that `D E=D F=4\ c m` and `E F=6\ c mdot` Measure`/_E\ \ a n d\ /_Fdot`

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  12. Draw any triangle `A B C` . Bisect side `A B` at `D` . Through `D` , draw a line parallel to `B C` , meeting `A C` in `E` . Measure `A E` and `E C` .

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  13. Construct ` A B C` in which `/_B=60^0,\ A B=5c m\ a n d\ B C=6c mdot`

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  14. Draw a triangle `A B C\ ` with `B C=3. 2\ c m ,\ \ A B=3. 6\ c m\ ` and`\ /_B=120^0dot` Also draw a perpendicular from `A` on `B C` .

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  15. Draw` A B C` in which `A B=3\ c m ,` `B C=5\ c m` and`/_B=70^0dot`

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  16. Draw` A B C` in which`/_A=70^0,` `A B=4\ c m` and `A C=6\ c mdot` Measure `B Cdot`

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  17. Draw an isosceles triangle in which each of the equal sides is of length 3 cm and the angle between them is`45^0dot`

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  18. Draw ` A B C` in which `/_A=120^0,\ A B=A C=3c mdot` Measure `/_B\ a n d\ /_Cdot`

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  19. Draw` A B C` in which`/_C=90^0` and `A C=B C=4\ c mdot`

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  20. Draw a triangle `A B C` in which `B C=4\ c m ,\ A B=3\ c m` and `/_B=45^0dot` Also, draw a perpendicular from `A` on `B Cdot`

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  21. Draw a triangle `A B C` with `A B=3\ c m ,` `B C=4\ c m` and`/_B=60^0dot` Also, draw the bisector of angles `C` and `A` of the triangle, meeting in a point `O` . Measure`/_C O Adot`

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  22. draw ` A B C` in which `B C=6\ c m ,/_B=35^0\ a n d\ /_C=100^0dot` Measure `/_Adot`

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  23. Draw a triangle `A B C` in which `B C=5. 2\ c m ,\ /_B=60^0\ a n d\ /_A=100^0dot`

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  24. Construct ` A B C` in which `B C=4\ c m ,\ /_B=50^0` and `/_C=70^0dot`

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  25. Draw ` A B C` in which `B C=8\ c m ,\ /_B=50^0` and`\ /_A=50^0dot`

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  26. Draw ` P Q R` in which `/_Q=80^0,/_R=55^0\ ` and`\ Q R=4. 5\ c mdot` Draw the perpendicular bisector of side `Q Rdot`

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  27. Construct ` A B C` in which `A B=6. 4\ c m ,\ /_A=45^0\ a n d\ /_B=60^0dot`

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  28. Draw ` A B C` in which `A C=6\ c m ,\ /_A=90^0\ a n d\ /_B=60^0dot`

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  29. Draw triangle `A B C` with `/_C` a right angle, `A B=6. 2\ c m\ ` and`\ B C=4. 5\ c mdot`

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  30. Draw a right triangle having hypotenuse of length `5. 4\ c m ,` and one of the acute angles of measure `60^0dot`

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  31. Draw a right triangle with hypotenuse of length `5\ c m` and one side of length `4\ c mdot`

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  32. Draw a right triangle whose hypotenuse is of length `4\ c m` and one side is of length `2. 5\ c mdot`

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  33. Draw a right triangle having hypotenuse of length `5. 4\ c m ,` and one of the acute angles of measure`30^0dot`

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  34. Construct a right triangle `A B C` in which `A B=5. 8\ c m ,` `B C=4. 5\ c m\ ` and`\ /_C=90^0dot`

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  35. Construct a right triangle, right angled at `C` in which `A B=5. 2"\ "c m` and `B C=4. 6\ c mdot`

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