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Using Gauss’s law derive an expression for the electric field intensity at any point near a uniformly charged thin wire of charge/length λC/m.

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Gauss Theorem : The net outward electric flux through a closed surface is equal to 1/ε0  times the net charge enclosed within the surface i.e. Electric field due to infinitely long thin and uniformly charged straight wire: Consider an infinitely long line charge having linear charge density l coulomb meter-1 linear charge density means charge per unit length. To find the electric field strength at a distance r we consider a cylindrical Gaussian surface of radius r and length l coaxial with line charge. The cylindrical Gaussian surface may be divided into three parts: i Curved surface S1  ii Flat surface S2  and iii Flat surface S3. By symmetry the electric field has the same magnitude E at each point of curved surface S1  and is directed radially outward. We consider small elements of surfaces S1S2 and S3. The surface element vector d vector S1 is directed along the direction of electric field i. e. angle between vector E and d vector S1 is zero; the elements d vector S2 and d vector S3 are directed perpendicular to field vector E  i. e. angle between d vector S2 and vector E is 90° and so also angle between d vector S3 and vector E. Electric Flux through the cylindrical surfaceAs λ is charge per unit length and length of cylinder is l therefore charge enclosed by assumed surface =λlThus the electric field strength due to a line charge is inversely proportional to r.

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