What do the slopes of distancetime and velocitytime graphs represent ? What do positive and negative values of these slopes imply ?

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The slope of tangent at a point on diestance-time graph of a unifromly accelerated motion in one dimension represents the instantaceoous velocity at that instant of time.
The slope of velocity-time grapj of uniformly accelerated motion at a given instant represents the acceleration of the moving body at that gicen instant.
For the distanc time graph of an accelerated motion. the positive value of slope represents that the velocity of the moving body is derceasing with time.
Similarly for the velocity-time graph of a uniformly accelerated motion, the positive value or slope represnts that the acceleration is positive , i.e. the velocity of body is increasing with time and negative value of slope represents that the acceleration of body is negative,i.e. the velocity of body is decreasing with with time .
