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Complete Solutions to Exercise 4.2 of chapter LINEAR AND ANGULAR SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A block of mass m is suspended from the ceiling of a stationary standig elevator through a spring of spring constant k. Suddenly, the cable breaks and the elevator starts falling freely. Show that the bklock now executes a simple harmonic motion of amplitude `mg/k` in the elevator

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  2. The left block in filgure collides inelastically with the right block and sticks to it. Find the amplitude of the resulting simple harmonic motion.

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  3. A ball of a mass m is connected to two rubber bands of length L, each under tension T as shown in figure . The ball is displaced by a small distance y perpendicular to the length of the rubber band. Assuming the tension does not change , shown that (a) the restoring force is `- (2T//L)y` and (b) the system exhibits simple harmonic motion with an angular frequency `omega = sqrt(2T//mL)`s.

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  4. A mass M attached to a spring oscillation with a period of `2 s`. If the mass is increased by `2 kg` , the period increases by 1s, find the initial mass m assuming that Hooke's low is obeyed.

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  5. A horizontal rod of mass m and length L is pivoted at one end The rod's other end is supported by a spring of force constant k. The rod is displaced by a small angle `theta` from its horizontal equilibrium position and released. The angular frequency of the subsequent simple harmonic motion is

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  6. A pendulum has a period `T` for small oscillations. An obstacle is placed directly beneath the pivot, so that only the lowest one - quarter of the string can follow the pendulum bob when it swings to the left of its resting position. The pendulum is released from rest at a certain point. How long will it take to return to that point again ? In answering this question, you may assume that the angle between the moving string and the vertical stays small throughout the motion.

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  7. A horizontal spring block system of mass M executes simple harmonic motion. When the block is passing through its equilibrium position, an object of mass m is put on it and the two move together. Find the new amplitude and frequency of vibration. Given, k is the spring constant of the system.

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  8. A spring of spring constant `200 N//m` has a block of mass `1 kg` hanging at its one end and form the other and the spring is attached to a celling of an elevator. The elevator rises upwards with an acceleration of `g//3`.
    When acceleration is suddenly ceased , then what should be the angular frequency and elongation during the time when the elevator is accelerating?

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  9. With the assumption of no slipping, determine the mass m of the block which must be placed on the top of a `6 kg` cart in order that the system period is `0.75s`. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction `mu_(s)` for which the block will not slip relative to the cart is displaced `50 mm` from the equilibrium position and released? Take `(g = 9.8 m//s^(2))`.

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  10. A simple pendulum of length l swings from a small angle `theta` . Its swinging is constrained by the smooth inclined planes OP and PC. Assuming elastic collision of the bob with the plane PC, find
    a. angular amplitude for the motion of the bob in the left hand side of its mean position.
    b. time period for a complete cycle of motion of the bob.

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  11. A uniform rod of length l is pivoted distance x from the top of the rod . Neglecting friction find the (a) value of x for minimum period of oscillation, (b) minimum period of oscillation of the rod.

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  12. The period of oscillation of a spring pendulum is T. If the spring is cut into four equal parts, then find the time period corresponding to each part.

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  13. A uniform stick of length l is hinged so as to rotated about a harmonic axis perpendicular to the stick, at a distance from the center . Find the value of x, for which the time period is minimum.

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  14. A ball is released in a smooth dimetrical tunnel of earth
    a. After how much time will it pass through the center of earth?
    b. With what speeed will the ball pass the center earth?

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  15. A body is in `SHM` with period `T` when oscillated from a freely suspended spring. If this spring is cut in two parts of length ratio `1 : 3 &` again oscillated from the two the two parts separatedly, then the periods are `T_(1) & T_(2)` then find `T_(1)//T_(2)`.

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  16. A point mass m is suspended at the end of a massless wire of length l and cross section. If Y is the Young's modulus for the wire, obtain the frequency of oscillation for the simple harmonic motion along the vertical line.

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  17. In the figure shown, the block A of mass m collides with the identical block B and after collision they stick together. Calculate the amplitude of resulatant vibration.

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  18. Figure shown a block P of mass m resting on a smooth floor at a distance l from a regid wall. Block is pushed towards right by a distance `3//2` and released. When block passes from its mean position another block of mass `m_(1)` so that the combined block just collides with the left wall.

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  19. Figure shown a block P of mass m resting on a smooth horizontal ground, attached to one and a spring of force constant k in netural length. If another block od same mass and moving with a velocity u towards right is placed on the block on which stick to it due to friction ,find the time it will take to reach its exterme position. Also find the amplitude of oscillation of the combined mass `2m`.

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  20. Figure shown a spring block system hanging in equilibrium. If a velocity `v_(0)` is imparted to the block in downwards direction . Find the amplitude of SHM of the block and the time after which it will reach a point at half the amplitude of block

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  21. Find the amplitude of the harmonic motion obtained by combining the motions
    `x_(1) = (2.0 cm) sin omega t`
    and `x_(2) = (2.0 cm) sin (omega t + pi//3)`.

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  22. `x_(1) = 3 sin omega t`,x_(2) = 4 cos omega t`
    Find (i) amplitude of resultant SHM, (ii) equation of the resultant SHM.

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  23. A partical is subjucted to two simple harmonic motions
    `x_(1) = A_(1) sin omega t`
    and `x_(2) = A_(2) sin (omega t + pi//3)`
    Find(a) the displacement at`t = 0`, (b) the maximum speed of the partical and ( c) the maximum acceleration of the partical.

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Exercise 4.2 questions and complete solutions for chapter LINEAR AND ANGULAR SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11