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Complete Solutions to Exercise 6.3 of chapter GRAVITATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions16
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Why do different planets have different escape speeds?

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  2. What are the two factors which determine why some bodies in solar system have atmosphere and others do not?

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  3. Why does Moon have no atmosphere'?

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  4. What is binding energy of a satellite?

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  5. If a body is projected with speed `v` greater than escape speed `v_(e)` from the surface of earth, find its speed in intersteller space.

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  6. The radius of a planet is twice that of the earth but its average density is the same. If the escape speed at the planet and at the earth are `v_(p)` and `v_(e)`, respectively, then prove that `v_(p)=2v_(e)`

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  7. A particle is projected vertivally upwards from the surface of earth `(radius R_e)` with a kinetic energy equal to half of the minimum value needed for it to escape. The height to which it rises above the surface of earth is ……

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  8. What is the escape velocity of the object, if.the magnitude of the potential energy per unit mass of the object at the surface of earth is `E`?

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  9. Would you expect the total energy of the solar system to be constant? What about the total angular momentum? Explain

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  10. The total energy of the earth `+` Sun system is negative. How do you interpret the negative energy of a system?

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  11. An artificial satellite in the presence of frictional forces will move into an orbit closer to the earth and may have increased kinetic energy. Explain this.

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  12. Is the velocity of escape of a particle at rest on the surface of the earth the same as that of a particle just orbiting the earth? Explain.

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  13. A body is released at a distance far away from the surface of the earth. Calculate its speed when it is near the surface of earth. Given `g=9.8ms^(-2)` radius of earth `R=6.37xx10^(6)m`

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  14. A projectile is fired vertically from the earth's surface with an initial speed of `10 km//s`. Neglecting air drag, how high above the surface of earth will it go?

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  15. Two earth satellites `A` and `B`, each of mass `m` are to be launched into circular orbits about earth's centre at altitudes `6400 km` and `19200 km`, respectively. The radius of earth is `6400 km`. Find (i) the ratio of potential energy of `B` to that of `A`, (ii) ratio of kinetic energy of `B` to that of `A` and (iii) which one has greater total energy?

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  16. Calculate te radus of an isolated sphere of density `3.0 g cm^(-3)` from the surface of which the escape velocity be `40 ms^(-1)`

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Exercise 6.3 questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVITATION of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11