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Complete Solutions to Exercise 6.2 of chapter GRAVITATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The radii of two planets are respectively `R_(1) and R_(2)` and their densities are respectively `rho_(1) and rho_(2)`.The ratio of the accelerations due to gravity at their surface is

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  2. Draw g' versus `d and g` versus `h` graph. Here, `d` is depth below the surface of earth and `h` is the height from the surface of earth.

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  3. The mass and diameter of a planet are twice those of earth. What will be the period of oscillation of a pendulum on this plenet. If it is a 2 second's pendulum on earth?

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  4. Will `1 kg` sugar be more at poles or at the equator?

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  5. The magnitude of gravitational field at distances `r_(1)` and `r_(2)` from the centre of a uniform sphere of radius `R` and mass `M`, respectively. Find the ratio of `(I_(1))//(I_(2)))` if `r_(1)gtR` and `r_(2)gtR`.

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  6. Assertion : On satellites we feel weightlessness. Moon is also a satellite of earth. But we do not feel weightlessness on moon.
    Reason : Mass of moon is considerable.

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  7. Why does a body lose weight at the centre of the earth?

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  8. Does the concentration of the earth's mass near its centre change the variation of `g` (acceleration due to gravity) with height from its surface?

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  9. The Sun's tide-raising power is only half as great as that of the Moon. The direct pull of the Sun on the earth, however, is about `175` times that of the Moon. Why is it then that the Moon causes larger tides?

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  10. If a planet of given density were made larger, its force of attraction for an object on its surface would increase because of the greater distance from the object to the centre of the planet. Which effect predominates?

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  11. A stone is dropped along the centre of a deep vertical mine shaft. Assume no air resistance but consider the earth's rotation. Will the stone continue along the centre of the shaft? If not, describe the motion.

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  12. Show that if the earth were not rotating about its axis the value of `g` at the equator would exceed its present value by `3.36cm//s^(-2)`. Given the radius of earth `= 6.371xx 10^(6)m` . and angular speed of earth `=7.27xx10^(-5)rad//s^(-1)`

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  13. How far away from the earth does the acceleration due to gravity become `10%` of its value on earth's surface? Radius of earth `= 6.37 xx 10^(6) m`.

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  14. (a) Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform density, calculate the value of acceleration due to gravity at a point (i) `1600 km` above the earth, (ii) `1600 km` below the earth, (b) Also find the rate of variation of acceleration due to gravity above and below the earth's surface. Radius of earth `=6400 km, g 9.8 m//s^(2)`.

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  15. How much faster than its present speed should the. earth (radius `6.37 xx 10^(6)m`) rotate so that the bodies lying on the equator may fly off into space? (At equator, `g=9.78m//s^(-2)`)

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Exercise 6.2 questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVITATION of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11