Complete Solutions to Assertion- Reasoning of chapter GRAVITATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE PHYSICSAssertion- Reasoning
Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Statement 1: The value of escape velocity from the surface of earth at `30^@` and `60^@` is `v_(1)=2v_(e), v_(2)=2//3v_(e)`.
    Statement II: The value of escape velocity is independent of angle of projection.

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  2. Statement I: If the earth suddenly stops rotating about its axis, then the acceleration due to gravity will become the same at all the places.
    Statement II: The value of acceleration due to gravity is independent of rotation of the earth.

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  3. Statement I: The magnitude of the gravitational potential at the surface of solid sphere is less than that of the centre of sphere. Statement II: Due to the solid sphere, the gravitational potential is the same within the sphere.

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  4. Statement I: The smaller the orbit of a planet around the Sun, the shorter is the time it takes to complete.
    Statement II: According to Kepler's third law of planetary motion, square of time period is proportional to cube of mean distance from Sun.

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  5. Assertion: The value of acceleration due to gravity does not depends upon mass of the body on which force is applied.
    Reason: Acceleration due to gravity is a constant quantity.

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  6. Statement I: In free space a uniform spherical planet of mass `M` has a smooth narrow tunnel along its diameter. This planet and another superdense small particle of mass `M` start approaching towards each other from rest under action of their gravitational forces. When the particle passes through the centre of the planet, sum of kinetic energies of both the bodies is maximum.

    Statement II: When the resultant of all forces acting on a particle or a particle like object (initially at rest) is constant in direction, the kinetic energy of the particle keeps on increasing.

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  7. Statement I: The earth does not retain hydrogen molecules and helium atoms in its atmosphere, but does retain much heavier molecules, such as oxygen and nitrogen.
    Statement II: Lighter molecules in the atmosphere have translational speed that is greater or closer to escape speed of earth.

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  8. Statement I: It takes more fuel for a spacecraft to travel from the earth to the Moon than for the return trip.
    Statement II: The point of zero gravitational field intensity due to the earth and the Moon is lying nearer to the Moon, i.e., in the diagram shown, for `rltr_(0), E_(g)` is towards the earth's centre and for `rgtr_(0), E_(g)` is towards the Moon's centre and at `r=r_(0),E_(g)` is zero.

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  9. Statement I: Consider a satellite moving in an elliptical orbit around the earth. As the satellite moves, the work done by the gravitational force of the earth on the satellite for any small part of the orbit is zero.
    Statement II: `K_(E)` of the satellite in the above described case is not constant as it moves around the earth.

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  10. Statement I: If a particle projected horizontally just above, the surface of the earth with a speed greater than escape speed, then it will escape from gravitational influence of the earth. Assume that particle has a clear path.
    Statement II: Escape velocity is independent of its direction.

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  11. Statement I: If time period of a satellite revolving in circular orbit in equatorial plane is `24 h`, then it must be a, geostationary satellite.
    Statement II: Time period of a geostationary satellite is `24 h`.

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  12. Statement I: Two satellites are following one another in the same circular orbit. If one satellite tries to catch another (leading one) satellite, then it can be done by increasing its speed without changing the orbit.
    Statement II: The energy of earth-satellite system in circular orbit is given by `E = (-Gms)//(2a)`, where `r` is the radius of the circular orbit.

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  13. The minimum and maximum distances of a satellite from the center of the earth are `2R` and `4R` respectively, where `R` is the radius of earth and `M` is the mass of the earth . Find
    (a) its minimum and maximum speeds,
    (b) radius of curvature at the point of minimum distance.

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Assertion- Reasoning questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVITATION of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11