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Complete Solutions to Exercise 6.3 of chapter NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION 1 of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Block A is given an acceleration `12 ms^(-2)` towards left as shown in fig. Assuming block B always remains horizontal, find the acceleration (in `ms^(-2)`) of B.

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  2. The three block shown in fig. move with constant velocities. Find the velocity of blocks A and B. given `V_(P2)=10ms^(-1) darr, V_(C)=2ms^(-1) uarr`.

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  3. For the system as shown in fig. find the acceleration of C. the accelerations of A and B with respect to ground are marked.

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  4. System is shown in fig. and wedge is moving toward left with speed `2ms^(-1)`. Find the velocity of the block B.

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  5. In fig. shown, the speed of the truck is v to the right. Find the speed with which the block is moving up at `theta=60^(@)`.

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  6. Determine the speed with which block B rises in fig. if the end of the cord at A is pulled down with a speed of `2ms^(-1)`.

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  7. An inextensible string AB is tied to a block B of negligible dimensions and passes over a small pulley C so that free end A hangs h unit above the ground on which the block B rests. In this initial position shown in fig. The free end A is h unit below C. if now end A moves horizontally with a velocity `v_(0)`, obtain an expression for the velocity of the block at any time t.

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  8. Find the acceleration blocks in fig. The pulley and the string are massless.

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  9. Figure shows, a system of four pulley with two masses A and B. Find at an instant.

    (a) Speed of block A when block B is going up at `1ms^(-1)` and pulley Y is going up at `2 ms^(-1)`.
    (b) Acceleration of block A if block B is going up `3 ms^(-2)` and pulley Y is going down at `1 ms^(-2)`.

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  10. Figure shows a pulley over which is string passes and connected to two masses A and B. Pulley moves up with a velocity `V_(P)` and mass B is also going up at a velocity `V_(B)`.

    Find the velocity of mass A if
    (a) `V_(P)=5ms^(-1)` and `V_(B)=10ms^(-1)`
    (b) `V_(P)=5ms^(-1)` and `V_(B)=-20 ms_(-1)`.

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  11. Find the relation in the accelerations of the three masses shown in fig.

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  12. A ring A which can slide on a smooth wire is connected to one end of a string as shown in fig. Other end of the string is connected to a hanging mass B. Find the speed of the ring when the string makes an angle `theta` with the wire and mass B is going down with a velocity v.

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  13. Figure shows a block A constrained to slide along the inclined plane of the wedge B shown. Block A is attached with a string which passes through three ideal pulleys and connected to the wedge B. If wedge is pulled toward right with an acceleration a, find
    (a) the acceleration of the block with respect to wedge
    (b) the acceleration of the block with respect to ground.

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  14. Find the acceleration of block B as shown in fig. (a) and (b) relative to block A and relative to ground if block A is moving toward right with acceleration a.

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  15. If the string is inextensible, determine the velocity u of each block in terms of v and `theta`.

    (a) fig a: u=…
    (b) fig.(b): u=….

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  16. Calculate the acceleration of block A and B in cases (a),(b), and (c ).

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  17. A rod of mass m is supported on a wedge of mass M shown in fig. Find the accelerations of rod a and wedge A in the arrangment. The friction between all contact surfaces in negligible.

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  18. In fig, no relative motion takes place between the wedge and the block placed on it. The rod slides down wards over the wedge and pushes the wedge to move in horizontal direction, The mass of wedge is same as that of the block and is equal to M. If `tan theta=(1//sqrt(3))`, find the mass of rod. (Neglect rotation of the rod).

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  19. The velocities of A and B shown in fig. Find the speed (in `ms^(-1)`) of block C. (Assume that the pulleys and string are ideal).

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Exercise 6.3 questions and complete solutions for chapter NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION 1 of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11