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Complete Solutions to Exercise 6.2 of chapter NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION 1 of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions35
Academic Year2023-24
  1. As per the diagram given in fig.

    The free-body diagram of M is fig. (correct or incorrect). Assume all surface are frictionless.

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  2. A mass m is palced on a body of mass M. There is no friction anywhere. Force F is applied on M and it moves with acceleration a. Find the force (along x-axis) on the top body.

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  3. In fig., the mass of the man is M. Calculate the mass of the man as registered by weighing machine. Assume weighing machine, man, and wedge all are stationary.

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  4. A small object is suspended at rest from two strings as shown in fig. The magnitude of the force exerted by each string on the object is `10sqrt(2)N`. Find the magnitude of the mass of the object.

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  5. Figure shows a light platform on which a man of mass M is standing and holding a string passing over a system of ideal pulleys. Another mass m is hanging as shown in fig. Find the force the man has to exert to maintain the equlibrium of system, and find the force exerted by the platform on the man. Also find the ratio of `M//m`.

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  6. The object in fig. weighs 40kg and hangs at rest. Find the tensions in the three cords that hold it.

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  7. A block of mass 30 kg is suspended by three string as shown in fig, Find the tension in each string.

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  8. Determine tension `T_(4)` (in N) in fig.

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  9. Two trolleys A and B are moving with accelerations a and 2a, respectively, in the same direction. To an observer in trolley A. Find the magnitude of the pseudo force acting on a block of mass m on trolley B.

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  10. A block of mass 25 kg is raised bu a 50kg man in two different ways as shown in fig. what is the action on the floor by the man in the two cases? If the floor yields to a normal force of `700N`, which mode should the man adopt to lift the block without the floor yielding?

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  11. Consider the system shown in fig. the system os released from rest, find the tension in the cord connected between 1kg and 2 kg blocks.

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  12. The system shown in fig, is released from rest. Calculate the tension in the string and the force exerted by the string on the pulleys, assuming pulleys and strings are massless.

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  13. Find the acceleration of blocks and tension in the cord in the device shown in fig. Assume no friction anywhere.

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  14. Two monkey of masses 10 kg and 8 kg are moving along a verticle rope as shown in fig. the former climbing up with an acceleration of `2 ms^(-2)`, while the later coming down with a uniform velocity of `2 ms^(-2)`. Find the tension in the rope at the fixed support.

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  15. A homogeneous rod of length L is acted upon by two forces `F_(1) and F_(2)` applied to its ends and directed opposite to each other. With what force F will the rod be stretched at the cross section at a distance l from the end where `F_(1)` is applied?

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  16. A `20 kg` monkey has a firm hold on a light rope that passes over a frictionless pulley and is attached to a `20 kg` bunch of bananas. The monkey looks upwards , sees the bananas and starts to climb the rope to get them.
    (a) As the monkey climbs ,do the bananas move up , move down or remain at rest?
    (b) As the monkey climbs ,does the distance between the monkey and the banana decrease, increase or remain contact?
    (c) The monkey releases her hold on the rope .What happens to the distance between the monkey and the bananas while she is falling ?
    (d) Before reaching the ground , the monkey grabs the rope to stop her fall. What do the bananas do?

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  17. A lift is going up. The total mass of the lift and the passengers is 1500kg. The variation in the speed of the lift is given by the graph.

    (a) What will be the tension in the rope pulling the lift at time t equal to
    (i) 1a, (ii) 6s, (iii)11s ?
    (b) What will be the average velocity and the average acceleration during the course of the entire motion?

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  18. A body hangs from a spring balance supported from the roof of an elevator.
    (a) If the elevator has an upward acceleration of `2.45 ms^(-2)` and the balance reads 50N, what is the true weight of the body?
    (b) Under what circumstances will the balance read 30N?
    (c) What will be the balance reading if the elevator, cable breaks?

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  19. In fig. the block of mass M is at rest on the floor . At what acceleration with which should a boy of mass m climb along the rope of negligible mass so as to lift the block from the floor?

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  20. What should be the minimum force P to be applied to the string so that block of mass m just begins to move up the frictionless plane?

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  21. Three blocks `m_(1), m_(2)`, and `m_(3)` are arranged as shown in fig. if `m_(2)=5 kg` and `m_(3)=8kg`, at what value of `m_(1)` will `8kg` mass be at rest?

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  22. A block of mass m is placed on an inclined plane. With what acceleration A towards right should the system move on a horizontal surface so that m does not slide on the surface of inclined plane? Also calculate the force supplied by wedge on the block. Assume all surfaces are smooth.

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  23. Man A of mass 60 kg pushes the other man B of mass 75 kg due to which man B starts moving with acceleration `3ms^(-2)`. Calculate the acceleration of man A at that instant.

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  24. Seven identical dominoes (i.., blocks) each of mass m=1kg are to be stacked in three columns and pushed across a frictionless ice rink by a horizontal 10-N force.Assume dominoes do not slip w.r.t. each other. How many dominoes should be in each column, with a minimum of one, (a) to maximize the acceleration of the dominoes, (b) to maximize the force on column C due to column B, (c ) to maximize the net force on column B due to column A and C, and (d) to maximize the force on column B due to column A?

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  25. In fig. the man and the platform together weight 950N. The pulley can be treated as frictionless. Determine how hard the man has to pull on the rope to lift himself upward above the ground with constant velocity. If the weight of man is 550 N, what is the normal reaction between them?

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  26. The masses of blocks A,B,and C are 1kg, 2kg,and 0.5kg, respectively. All surfaces are smooth. If force `F=50N` acts as shown in fig. at the instant shown, find the force which A exerts on B and the acceleration of C.

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  27. Consider the two configurations shown in equlibrium. Find the ratio of `T_(A)//T_(B)`. (Ignore the mass of the rope and the pulley).

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  28. A locomotive accelerates a train of identical railway carts. The carts are numbered consecutively with the cart next to locomotive having the number 1. The tension in the connection between the carts with numbers 4 and 5 is three times begger than the tension in the connection between the carts with numbers 14 and 15. What is the number of the last cart? there is no resistance to the train's motion.

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  29. A uniform string of length 10 m and mass 20 kg lies on a smooth friction-less inclined plane. A force of 200N is applied as shown in the figure.

    (a) Find the acceleration of the string.
    (b) Find the tension in the string at 2m from end A.

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  30. A man of mass `m` stands on a platform of equal mass `m` and pulls himself by two ropes passing over pulleys as shown in figure.If he pulls each rope with a force equal to half his weight ,his upwards acceleration would be

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  31. A small cubical block is placed on a triangular block M so that they touch each other along a smooth inclined contact plane as shown in fig. The inclined surface makes an angle `theta` with the horizontal. A force F is to be appled on the block m in horizontal direction so that the two bodies move without slipping against each other assuming the floor to be smooth also. determine the
    (a) normal force with which m and M press against each other.
    (b) magnitude of external force F. Express your answer in terms of m, `M, theta`,and g.

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  32. A block of mass 1kg is kept on the tilted floor of a lift moving down with `3ms^(-1)`. If the block is released from rest as shown, what will be the time taken by block to reach the bottom? What is the normal reaction on the block during the motion?

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  33. Two particles of mass m each are tied at the ends of a light string of length 2a. The whole system is kept on a frictionless horizontal surface with the string held tight so that each mass is at a distance `a` from the centre P (as shown in the figure). Now, the mid-point of the string is pulled vertically upwards with a small but constant force F. As a result, the particles move towards each other on the surface. The magnitude of acceleration, when the separation between them becomes 2x, is

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  34. A block of weight W is placed on a wedge and arranged as shown in fig. find the force F needed to hold the cart equilibrium if there is no friction.

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  35. A steel ball is suspended from the ceiling of an acceleration carriage by means of two cords A and B. Determine the acceleration a of the carriage which will cause the tension in A to be twice that in B.

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Exercise 6.2 questions and complete solutions for chapter NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION 1 of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11