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Complete Solutions to Check point 3.6 of chapter MOTION IN A PLANE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETCheck point 3.6
Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following graph represents uniform motion

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  2. From the following displacement-time graph find out the velocity of a moving body.

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  3. The distance time graph of a particle at time `t` makes angle `45^(@)` with respect to time axis. After `1s`, if makes angle `60^(@)` with respect to time axis. What is the acceleration of the particle?

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  4. The graph between displacement and time for a particle moving with uniform acceleration is a

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  5. The `v -t` graph of a moving object is given in figure. The maximum acceleration is

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  6. The variation of velocity of a particle with time moving along a straight line is illustrated in the following figure. The distance travelled by the particle in four seconds is.

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  7. A lift is going up. The variation in the speed of the lift is as given in the graph in the graph. What is the height to which the lift takes the passengers ?

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  8. System is shown in the figure. Velocity of sphere A is 9 `(m)/(s)`. Find the speed of sphere B.

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  9. The x-t equation is given as `x=2t+1`. The corresponding v-t graph is

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  10. Which of the following graph correctly represents velocity-time relationship for a particle released from rest to fall freely under gravity ?

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  11. A particle is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity `v`. It returns to the ground in time T. which of the following graphs correctly represents the motion ?

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  12. The velocity time graph of a body is shown in fig. it indicates that :

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  13. The velocity - time graph is shown in the figure, for a particle. The acceleration of particle is

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  14. The v-t plot of a moving object ios shown in the figure. The average velocity of the object during the first 10 s is

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  15. Which of the following graphs cannot possibly represent one dimensional motion of a particle?

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  16. If the velocity v of particle moving along a straight line decreases linearly with its displacement s from `20 ms^(-1)` to a value approaching zero at s = 30 m, then acceleration of the particle at v=10ms^(-1)` is

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  17. `v^(2)` versus s-graph of a particle moving in a straight line is shown in the figure. From the graph some conculsions are drawn. State which statement is wrong ?

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  18. A graph between the square of the velocity of a particle and the distance s moved by the particle is shown in the figure. The acceleration of the particle is

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  19. The area under acceleration-time graph represents the

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  20. A particle starts from rest at ` t= 0` and undergoes and acceleration (a) in `ms^(-2)` with time (t) in seconds which is shown in Fig. 2 (DF) .16 . Which one of the following plot represents velocity (v) (in `ms^(-1)`) verses time (in seconds ) ?

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Check point 3.6 questions and complete solutions for chapter MOTION IN A PLANE of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11