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Complete Solutions to Only one option is correct for JEE Mains of chapter CENTRE OF MASS, IMPULSE AND MOMENTUM of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY MASTER PROBLEM PACKAGEOnly one option is correct for JEE Mains
Number Of Questions49
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The centre of mass of the shaped portion of the disc is (The mass is uniformly distributed in the shaded portion)

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  2. Two particles having mass ratio `n:1` are interconnected by a light inextensible string that passes over a smooth pulley . If the system is released , then the acceleration of the centre of mass of the system is

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  3. A ball of mass 50 gm is dropped from a height h=10m. It rebounds losing 75 percent of its kinetic energy. If it remains in contanct with the ground for `Deltat=0.01` sec. the impulse of the impact force is (take `g=10 m//s^(2)`)

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  4. In an arrangement shown , bob A on the left is pulled aside . It is then released and allowed to collide with other bob B which is at rest . A perfectly inelastic collision occurs and the system rises to a height h/4 . The ratio of the masses of the bobs is

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  5. There are hundred indentical blocks equally spaced on a frictionless track as shown in the figure . Initially , all the blocks are separate . Each collision is perfectly inelastic . The final velocity will be

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  6. A stationary body explodes into two fragments of masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2)`. If momentum of one fragment is `p`, the energy of explosion is

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  7. A ball collides with an inclined plane of inclination `theta` after falling through a distance h. if it moves horizontal just after the impact, the coefficient of restitution is

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  8. Three blocks are initially placed as shown in the figure. Block `A` has mass `m` and initial velocity `v` to the right. Block `B` with mass `m` and block `C` with mass `4m` are both initially at rest. Neglect friction. All collisions are elastic. The final velocity of blocks `A` is

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  9. A force exerts an impulse Ion a particle changing its speed from initial velocity `u` to final velocity `2u`. The applied force and the initial velocity are oppositely oriented along the same line. The work done by the force is

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  10. A ball is projected from ground with a velocity `V` at an angle `theta` to the vertical. On its path it makes an elastic collison with a vertical wall and returns to ground. The total time of flight of the ball is

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  11. An open water tight railway wagon of mass `5 xx 10^(3) kg` moves at an initial velocity `1.2 m//s` without friction on a railway track. Rain drops fall vertically downwards into the wagon. The velocity of the wagon after it has collected`10^(3) kg` of water will be :-

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  12. A rocket of mass 4000 kg is set for vertical firing. How much gas must be ejected per second so that the rocket may have initial upwards acceleration of magnitude `19.6 m//s^(2)` ? [Exhaust speed of fuel`=980 m//s`]

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  13. A 2kg toy car can move along an x axis. Graph shows force `F_(x)` , acting on the car which being at rest at time `t=0` . The velocity of the particle at `t=10s` is:

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  14. The displacement of a particle of mass 2kg moving in a straight line varies with times as `x = (2t^(3)+2)m`. Impulse of the force acting on the particle over a time interval between t = 0 and t = 1 s is

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  15. Ball 1 collides directly with another identical ball 2 at rest. Velocity of second ball becomes two times that of 1 after collison. Find the coefficient of restitution between the two balls?

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  16. A particle of mass 1 kg is projected at an angle of `30^(@)` with horizontal with velocity v = 40 m/s . The change in linear momentum of the particle after time t = 1 s will be (g = 10 `m// s^(2)`)

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  17. Two blocks of masses `3kg` and `6kg` respectivley are placed on a smooth horizontal surface. They are connected by a light spring of force constant `k=200N//m`. Initially the spring is unstretched. The indicated velocities are imparted to the blocks. Find the maximum extension of the spring.

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  18. The centre of mass of a non uniform rod of length L, whose mass per unit length varies as `rho=(k.x^2)/(L)` where k is a constant and x is the distance of any point from one end is (from the same end)

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  19. A particle of mass `m` is made to move with uniform speed `u` along the perimeter of a regular polygon of `n` sides. What is the magnitude of impulse applied by the particle at each corner of the polygon?

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  20. From a circular disc of radius R, a square is cut out with a radius as its diagonal. The center of mass of remaining portion is at a distance from the center)

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  21. A Force F = `(2 hati + hatj + 3 hatk)` N acts on a particle of mass 1 kg for 2 s . If initial velocity of particle is u = `(2 hati + hatj)` m/s . Speed of particle at the end of 2 s will be

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  22. A bullet is fired from a gun The force on a bullet is `F =600 -2 xx 10^(5) t` newton. The force reduces to zero just when the bullet leaves barrel Find the impulse imparted to the bullet .

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  23. A uniform rod of length l is kept vertically on a rough horizontal surface at x = 0 . It is rotated slightly and released . When the rod finally falls on the horizontal surface , the lower end will remain at

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  24. An object comprises of a uniform ring of radius `R` and its uniform chord `AB` (not necessarily made of the same material) as shown. Which of the following can not be the centre of mass of object

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  25. A projectile of mass 3m explodes at highest point of its path. It breaks into three equalparts. One part retraces its path, the second one comes to rest. The range of the projectile was 100 m if no explosion would have taken place. The distance of the third part from the point of projection when it finally lands on the ground is -

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  26. Choose the correct option:
    A metre rule, weighing 100 g rests on a table with a part projecting over the edge. Find the length of the part projecting out if a 5 g body hung at the end just tills the rule.

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  27. Four paticle of masses `m_1 = 2 m, m_2 = 4 m, m_3 = m and m_4` are placed at four corners of a square. What should be the value of `m_4` so that the centres of mass of all the four particle are exactly at the centre of the square ?

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  28. Mass is non - uniformly distributed on the circumference of a ring of radius a and centre at origin . Let b be the distance of centre of mass of the ring from origin. Then ,

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  29. A man of mass 80 kg is riding on a small cart of mass 40 kg which is rolling along a level floor at a speed 2 m/s . He is running on the cart , so that his velocity relative to the cart is 3 m/s in the direction opposite to the motion of cart . What is the speed of the centre of the mass of the system ?

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  30. Two smooth objects with a coefficient of restitution e , collides directly and bounce as shown .
    Newton ' law of restitution gives

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  31. Two billiard balls of same size and mass are in contact on a billiard table. A third ball of same mass and size strikes them symmetrically and remains at rest after the impact. Find the coefficient of restitution between the balls?

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  32. After perfectly inelastic collision between two identical balls moving with same speed in different directions, the speed of the combined mass becomes half the initial speed. Find the angle between the two before collision.

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  33. A ball strickes a horizontal floor at an angle `theta = 45^@` with the normal to floor. The coefficient of restitution between the ball and the floor is `e = 1//2`. The fraction of its kinetic energy lost in the collision is.

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  34. A gardener waters the plants by a pipe of diameter 1 cm . The water comes out at the rate of 20 cc/s . The reactionary force exerted on the hand of the gardener is

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  35. A bead can slide on a smooth straight wire and a particle of mass `m` attached to the bead by a light string of length `L`. The particle is held in contact with the wire and with the string taut and is then let fall. If the bead has mass `2m` then when the string makes an angle `theta` with the wire, the bead will have slipped a distance.

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  36. A man of mass m moves with a constant speed on a plank of mass M and length l kept initially at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface, from one end to the other in time t. The speed of the plank relative to grounud while man is moving, is

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  37. Two particles of equal mass 'm' are projected from the ground with speed `v_(1)` and `v_(2)` at angles `theta_(1)` and `theta_(2)` at the same times as shown in figure. The centre of mass of the two particles.

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  38. Two blocks of masses 2 kg and 1 kg respectively are tied to the ends of a string which passes over a light frictionless pulley . The masses are held at rest at the same horizontal level and then released . The distance traversed by centre of mass in 2 s is ( g = 10 `m//s^(2)`)

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  39. A boy of mass `60kg` is standing over a platform of mass `40kg` placed over a smooth horizontal surface. He throws a stone of mass `1kg` with velocity `v=10m//s` at an angle of `45^@` with respect to the ground. Find the displacement of the platform (with boy) on the horizontal surface when the stone lands on the ground. Take `g=10m//s^2`.

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  40. A particle of mass `m` moving with a speed `v` hits elastically another staionary particle of mass `2m` on a smooth horizontal circular tube of radius `r`. Find the time when the next collision will take place?

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  41. A particle of mass 100 g moving at an initial speed u collides with another particle of same mass kept initially at rest. If the total kinetic energy becomes 0.2 J after the collision what could be minimum and the maximum value of u.

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  42. A sphere is moving with velocity vector `2hati+2hatj` immediately before it hits a vertical wall. The wall is parallel to `hatj` and the coefficient of restitution of the sphere and the wall is `e=1/2`. Find the velocity of the sphere after it hits the wall?
    A.`hati - hatj ` B.`-hati + 2 hatj` C.`- hati - hatj` D.`2 hati - hatj`

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  43. In one dimensional elastic collision of equal masses, the velocities are interchanged. Can velocities in one dimensional collision be interchanged if the masses are not equal?

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  44. Infinite number of bricks are placed one over the other as shown in the figure. Each succeeding brick having half the length and breadth of its preceding brick and the mass of each succeeding bricks being `(1//4)^(th)` of the preceding one. Taking `'O'` as the origin, the `x` coordinate of centre of mass of the system of bricks is at

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  45. A ball of mass m moving vertically down , collides with inclined surface of the wedge . After the collision , wedge starts moving in horizontal direction with velocity `v_(0)` . If all the surfaces are smooth then impulse applied by wedge on the ball during collision is given by

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  46. Block `A` is hanging from a vertical spring and is at rest. Block `B` strikes the block `A` with velocity `v` and sticks to it. Then the value of `v` for which the spring just attains natural length is

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  47. Choose the correct option:
    Three blocks of identical masses are placed on a frictionless table as shown . The centre block is at rest , whereas the other two blocks are moving directly towards the stationary block with identical speed v . The centre block is initially closer to the left block than the right one . All collisions are elastic . After long time , which of the following is true .

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  48. A stream of water droplets, each of mass m = 0.001kg are fired horizontally at a velocity of `10m//s` towards a vertical steel plate where they collide. The droplets one spaced equidistant with a spacing of `1cm.`What is approximate average force exerted on the plate by the water droplets. (Assuming that they do not rebound after collision.)

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  49. Seven particles are placed at the seven corners of a cube of side 'a' (except at origin ) . The mass of each particle is 'm' . The centre of mass of the system is

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Only one option is correct for JEE Mains questions and complete solutions for chapter CENTRE OF MASS, IMPULSE AND MOMENTUM of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11