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Complete Solutions to Level 1 Objective of chapter WORK, ENERGY & POWER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYLevel 1 Objective
Number Of Questions38
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Identify, which of th following energies can be positive (or zero) only ?

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  2. The total work done on a particle is equal to the change in its kinetic energy

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  3. Work done by force of static friction .

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  4. Work done when a force `F=(hati + 2hat(j) + 3hatk) N` acting on a particle takes it from the point
    `r_(1) =(hati + hatk)` the point `r_(2) =(hati -hatj + 2hatk)` is .

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  5. A particle moves along the x-axis from `x=0` to `x=5m` under the influence of a given by `F =7-2x + 3x^(2)`. The work done by the applied force to the particle is.

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  6. A particle moves with a velocity `v=(5hati-3hatj + 6hatk) ms^(-1)` under the influence of a constant force
    `F =(10hati + 10hatj + 20hath) N`, the instantaneous power applied to the particle is.

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  7. A pump is required to lift `800 kg` of water per minute from a 10 m deep well and eject it with speed of `20 kg m//s` . The required power in watts of the pump will be

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  8. A ball is dropped onto a floor from a height of `10 m`. If `20%` of its initial energy is lost,then the height of bounce is

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  9. A body with mass `1kg` moves in one direction in the presence of a force which is described by the potential energy graph. If the body is releasd from rest at `x=2 m`, than its speed when it crosses `x=5 m`, is (Neglect dissipative forces).

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  10. A body has kinetic energy E when projected at angle of projection for maximum range. Its kinetic energy at the highest point of its path will be

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  11. A person pulls a bucket of water from a well of depth h. if the mass of uniform rope is and that of the bucket full 0f water is M, then work done by the person is.

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  12. The velocity of a particle decreases uniformly from `20 ms^(-1)` to zero in to `10 s` as shown in figure. If the mass of the particle is `2 kg`, the identify the correct statement.

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  13. The minimum stopping distance of a car moving with velocity `u` is `x`. If the car is moving with velocity 2v, then the minimum stopping distance will be.

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  14. A projectile is fired from the origin with a velocity `v_(0)` at an angle `theta` with x-axis. The speed of the projectile at an altitude `h` is .

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  15. A particle of mass m moves from rest under the action of a constant force F which acts for two seconds. The maximum power attained is

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  16. A body moves under the action of a constant force along a straight line. The instantaneous power developed by this force with time `t` is correctly represented by.

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  17. A ball is dropped at `t=0` from a height on a elastic surface. Identify the gragh which correctly represents relation of kinetic energy K with time t.

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  18. A block of mass 5 kg is raised from the bottom of the lake to a height of 3m without change in kinetic energy. If the density of the block is `3000 kg m^(-3)`, then the work done is equal to.

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  19. A bode mass m is projected at an angle `theta` with the horizontal with an initial velocity u, the average power of gravitational force over the whole time of flight is.

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  20. A spring of force constant k is cut in two parts at its one-third lingth. When both the parts are stretched by same amount. The word done in the two parts will be .

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  21. A particle moves under the action of a force `F=20hati + 15hatj` along a straight line `3y + alphax =5`, where, `alpha` is a constant. If the work done by the force F is zero the value of `alpha` is .

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  22. A system of wedge and block as shown in figure, is released with the spring in its natural length. All surfaces are frictionless. Maximum elongation in the spring will be

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  23. A force`F=(3thati + 5hatj)N` acts on a body due to which its displacement varies as `S=(2t^(2)hat-5hatj)m`. Work done by these force in `2 s` is .

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  24. An open knife of mass m is dropped from a height h on a wooden floor. If the blade penetrates up to the depth d into the wood. The average resistance offered by the wood to the knife edge is to the depth d into the wood, the average resistance offered by the wood to the knife edge is .

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  25. Two springs have force constants `k_(A)` such that `k_(B)=2k_(A)`. The four ends of the springs are stretched by the same force. If energy stored in spring `A` is `E`, then energy stored in spring `B` is

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  26. A mass of `0.5 kg` moving with a speed of `1.5 m//s` on a horizontal smooth surface, collides with a nearly weightless spring of force constant `k =50 N//m` The maximum compression of the spring would be.

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  27. A bullet moving with a speed of `100 ms^(-1)` can just penetrate into two planks of equal thickness. Then the number of such planks, if speed is doubled will be .

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  28. A body of mass 100 g is attached to a hanging spring force constant is `10 N//m`. The body is lifted until the spring is in its unstretched state and then released. Calculate the speed of the body when it strikes the table `15 cm` below the release point .

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  29. An ideal massless spring S can compressed `1.0` m in equilibrium by a force of `1000 N`. This same spring is placed at the bottom of a friction less inclined plane which makes an angle `theta =30^@` with the horizontal. A `10 kg` mass `m` is released from the rest at top of the inclined plane and is brought to rest momentarily after compressing the spring by `2.0 m.` the distance through which the mass moved before coming to rest is.

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  30. A body of mass m is released from a height h on a smooth inclined plane that is shown in the figure. The following can be true about the velocity of the block knowing that the wedge is fixed. .

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  31. A block of mass m is directly pulled up slowly on a smooth inclined plane of height h and inclination `theta` with the help of a string parallel to the incline. Which of the following statement is incorrect for the block when it moves up from the bottom to the top the incline? . .

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  32. A spring of natural length `l` is compressed vertically downward against the floor so that its compressed lengtg becomes `(1)/(2)`. On releasing, the spring attins its natural length. If `k` is the siffness constant of spring, then the work done by the spring on the floor is

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  33. The relationship between the force F and position x of body is as shown in figure. The work done in displacing the body in displacing the body from (`x = 1 m` to `x = 5 m`) will be

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  34. Under the action of a force, a `2 kg` body moves such that its position x as a function of time is given by `x =(t^(3))/(3)` where x is in meter and t in second. The work done by the force in the first two seconds is .

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  35. The kinetic energy of a projectile at its highest position is `K`. If the range of the projectile is four times the height of the projectile, then the initial kinetic energy of the projectile is .

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  36. Power applied to a particle varices with time as `P =(3t^(2)-2t + 1)` watt, where t is in second. Find the change in its kinetic energy between time `t=2s` and `t = 4 s` .

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  37. A bolck of mass `10 kg` is moving in x-direction with a constant speed of `10 m//s`. it is subjected to a retardeng force `F=-0.1 x J//m`. During its travel from `x =20m` to `x =30 m`. Its final kinetic energy will be .

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  38. A ball of mass `12 kg` and another of mass `6 kg` are dropped from a `60` feet tall building after a fall of `30` feet each, towards earth, their kinetic energies will be in the ratio of .

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Level 1 Objective questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, ENERGY & POWER of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11