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Complete Solutions to Level 1 Single Correct of chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYLevel 1 Single Correct
Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A simple harmonic oscillation has an amplitude `A` and time period `T`. The time required to travel from `x = A` to ` x= (A)/(2)` is

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  2. The potential energy of a particle executing SHM varies sinusoidally with frequency `f`. The frequency of oscillation of the particle will be

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  3. For a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion, the velocity is plotted against displacement. The curve will be

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  4. A simple pendulum is made of bob which is a hollow sphere full of sand suspended by means of a wire. If all the sand is drained out, the period of the pendulum will

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  5. Two simple harmonic motions are given by `y_(1) = a sin [((pi)/(2))t + phi]` and `y_(2) = b sin [((2pi)/( 3))t + phi]`. The phase difference between these after `1 s` is

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  6. A particle starts performing simple harmonic motion. Its amplitude is `A`. At one time its speed is half that of the maximum speed. At this moment the displacement is

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  7. Which of the following is not simple harmonic function ?

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  8. The disperod of a particle varies according to the relation `x=4 (cos pit+ sinpit)`. The amplitude of the particle is.

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  9. Two pendulums `X` and `Y` of time periods `4 s` and `4.2s` are made to vibrate simultaneously. They are initially in same phase. After how many vibration of `X`, they will be in the same phase again ?

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  10. A mass `M` is suspended from a massless spring. An additional mass `m` stretches the spring further by a distance `x`. The combined mass will oscillate with a period

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  11. Two bodies `P` and `Q` of equal masses are suspended from two separate massless springs of force constants `k_(1)` and `k_(2)` respectively. If the two bodies oscillate vertically such that their maximum velocities are equal. The ratio of the amplitude of `P` to that of `Q` is

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  12. A disc of radius `R` is pivoted at its rim. The period for small oscillations about an axis perpendicular to the plane of disc is

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  13. Identify the correct variation of potential energy `U` as a function of displacement `x` from mean position (or `x^(2)`) of a harmonic oscillator (`U` at mean position `= 0`)

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  14. If the length of a simple pendulum is equal to the radius of the earth, its time period will be

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  15. The displacement - time `(x - t)` graph of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is shown in figure. The correct variation of net force F action on the particle as a function of time is

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  16. In the figure shown the time period and the amplitude respectively, when `m` is left from rest when spring is relaxed are (the inclined plane is smooth)

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  17. The equation of motion of a particle of mass `1g` is `(d^(2)x)/(dt^(2)) + pi^(2)x = 0`, where `x` is displacement (in m) from mean position. The frequency of oscillation is (in Hz)

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  18. The spring as shown in figure is kept in a stretched position with extension `x` when the system is released. Assuming the horizontal surface to be frictionless, the frequency of oscillation is

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  19. The mass and diameter of a planet are twice those of earth. What will be the period of oscillation of a pendulum on this plenet. If is a second's pendulum on earth?

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  20. The resultant amplitude due to superposition of three simple harmonic motions `x_(1) = 3sin omega t`,
    `x_(2) = 5sin (omega t + 37^(@))` and `x_(3) = - 15cos omega t` is

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  21. Two SHMs `s_(1) = a sin omega t` and `s_(2) = b sin omega t` are superimposed on a particle. The `s_(1)` and `s_(2)` are along the direction which makes `37^(@)` to each other

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  22. The amplitude of a particle executing SHM about `O` is `10 cm`. Then

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  23. A particle is attached to a vertical spring and is pulled down a distance `4 cm` below its equilibrium and is released from rest. The initial upward acceleration is `0.5ms^(-2)`. The angular frequency of oscillation is

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  24. A block of mass `1kg` is kept on smooth floor of a truck. One end of a spring of force constant `100 N//m` is attached to the block and other end is attached to the body of truck as shown in the figure. At `t = 0`, truck begins to move with constant acceleration `2 m//s^(2)`. The amplitude of oscillation of block relative to the floor of truck is

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Level 1 Single Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11