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Complete Solutions to simple Harmonic Motion of chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSsimple Harmonic Motion
Number Of Questions21
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The period of a simple pendulum whose bob is hollow metallic sphere is `T`. The period is `T_(1)` when the bob is filled with sand, `T_(2)` where it is filled with mercury and `T_(3)` when it is half filled with mercury Which of the following is true?

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  2. A pendulum clock thast keeps correct time on the earth is taken to the moon. It will run

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  3. A pendulum has time period `T` in air when it is made to oscillate in water it acquired a time period `T = sqrt(2)T` The density of the pendulum bob is equal to (density) of water `= 1)`

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  4. An object of mass `0.2 kg` executes simple harmonic oscillation along the `x - axis`with a frequency of `(25//pi) Hz`. At the position `x = 0.04`, the object has Kinetic energy of `0.5 J` and potential energy `0.4 J. The amplitude of oscillations is……m.

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  5. Time period of a block when suspended from the upper plate of a parallel plate capactor by a spring of stiffness `k` is when block ids unchanged If a change `g` is given to the block then new time period of oscilation will be

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  6. A man weighing `60kg` stands on the horizontal platform of a spring balance. The platform starts executing simple harmonic motion of amplitude `0.1m` and frequency `(2)/(pi)`. its which of the following statement is correct ?

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  7. A man having a wrist watch and a pendulum clock rises on a TV tower. The wrist watch and pendulum clock per chance fall from the top of the tower. Then

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  8. A force of 6.4 N stretches a vertical spring by 0.1 m. The mass (in kg) that must be suspended from the spring so that it oscillates with a time period of `(pi)/(4)` second.

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  9. A spring with 10 coils has spring constant k. It is exactly cut into two halves, then each of these new springs will have a spring constant

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  10. Four mass less spring whose force constant are `2k , 2k, k` and `2k` respectively are attached to a mass `M` kept on a friction less plate (as shown in figure) if the mass `M` is displaced in the horizontal direction then the frequency of oscillation of the system is

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  11. Values of the acceleration `A` of a particle moving in simple harmonic motion as a function of its displacement `x` are given in the table below.
    `|{:(A(mm s^(-2)),16,8,0,-8,-16),(x(mm),-4,-2,0,2,4):}|`
    The pariod of the motion is

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  12. Two simple pendulums have time periods `T` and `5T//4`. They start vibrating at the same instant from the mean position in the same phase. The phase difference between them when the pendulum with higher time period complets one oscillation is

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  13. The periodic time of a particle doing simple harmonic motion is 4 second . The time taken by it to go from its mean position to half the maximum displacement (amplitude) is

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  14. The displacement of a particle from its mean position (in mean is given by `y = 0.2 sin(10pi t + 1.5 pi) cos (10 pi t+ 1.5 pi)`. The motion but not `S.H.M.`

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  15. The kinetic energy and the potential energy of a particle executing `SHM` are equal The ratio of its displacement and amplitude will be

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  16. Two simple pendulums of lengths 1.44 m and 1 m start swinging together. After how many vibrations will they again start swinging together

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  17. Equations ` y_(1) A sinomegat and y_(2) = A/2 sin omegat + A/2 cos omega t `represent S.H.M. The ratio of the amplitudes of the two motions is

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  18. A particle doing simple harmonic motion amplitude `= 4 cm` time period `= 12sec` The ratio between time taken by it in going from its mean position to `2cm ` and from `2cm` to extreme position is

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  19. On a planet a freely falling body takes 2 sec when it is dropped from a height of 8 m , the time period of simple pendulum of length 1 m on that planet is

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  20. If a simple pendulum is taken to place where g decreases by 2%, then the time period

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  21. Two simple pendulum first of bob mass `M_(1)` and length `L_(1)` second of bob mass `M_(2)` and length `L_(2) M_(1) = M_(2)` and `L_(1)` = 2L_(2)`. if the vibrational energy of both is same which is correct?

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simple Harmonic Motion questions and complete solutions for chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11