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Complete Solutions to spring pendulum of chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSspring pendulum
Number Of Questions55
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two bodies (M) and (N) of equal masses are suspended from two separate massless springs of spring constants (k_1) and (k_2) respectively. If the two bodies oscillate vertically such that their maximum velocities are equal, the ratio of the amplitude of vibration of (M) to the of (N) is.

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  2. A mass m is suspended by means of two coiled spring which have the same length in unstretched condition as in figure. Their force constant are k 1 and k 2 respectively. When set into vertical vibrations, the period will be

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  3. A spring has a certain mass suspended from it and its period for vertical oscillations is `T_(1)`. The spring is now cut into two equal halves and the same mass is suspended from one of the half. The period of vertical oscillation is now `T_(2)`. The ratio of `T_(2)//T_(1)` is

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  4. Two masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` are suspended together by a massless spring of constant K. When the masses are in equilibrium, `m_(1)` is removed without disturbing the system. Then the angular frequency of oscillation of `m_(2)` is -

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  5. In arrangement given in figure, if the block of mass m is displaced, the frequency is given by

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  6. Two identical spring of constant K are connected in series and parallel as shown in figure. A mass mis suspended from them. The ratio of their frequencies of vertical oscillations will be

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  7. A mass m is suspended from the two coupled springs connected in series. The force constant for springs are `k_(1) "and" k_(2).` The time period of the suspended mass will be

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  8. A spring is stretched by 0.20 m , when a mass of 0.50 kg is suspended. When a mass of 0.25 kg is suspended, then its period of oscillation will be `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  9. A mass `M` is suspended from a spring of negiliglible mass the spring is pulled a little and then released so that the mass executes simple harmonic oscillation with a time period `T` If the mass is increases by `m` the time period because `((5)/(4)T)`,The ratio of `(m)/(M)` is

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  10. A spring having a spring constant k is loaded with a mass m. The spring is cut into two equal parts and one of these is loaded again with the same mass. The new spring constant i

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  11. A massless spring, having force constant k, oscillates with frequency n when a mass m is suspended from it. The spring is cut into two equal halves and a mass `2m` is suspended from one half. The frequency of oscillation will now be

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  12. `A` mass `M` is suspended from a light spring. An additional mass `m` added to it displaces the spring further by distance `x` then its time period is

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  13. In figure `S_(1)` and`S_(1)` are identical springs. The oscillation frequency of the mass `m` is `f`. if one spring is removed, the frequency will become

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  14. The vertical extension in a light spring by a weight of 1 kg suspended from the wire is 9.8 cm . The period of oscillation

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  15. A particle of mass 200 g executes a simpel harmonit motion. The resrtoring force is provided by a spring of spring constant `80 N m^-1`. Find the time period.

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  16. The length of a spring is l and its force constant is k . When a weight W is suspended from it, its length increases by x . If the spring is cut into two equal parts and put in parallel and the same weight W is suspended from them, then the extension will be

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  17. A block is placed on a frictionless horizontal table. The mass of the block is m and springs are attached on either side with force constants ` K_(1) and K_(2)` . If the block is displaced a little and left to oscillate, then the angular frequency of oscillation will be

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  18. A spring of certain length and having spring constant `k` is cut into two pieces of length in a ratio `1:2`. The spring constants of the two pieces are in a ratio `:`

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  19. A mass m = 100 gm is attached at the end of a light spring which oscillates on a frictionless horizontal table with an amplitude equal to 0.16 metre and time period equal to 2 sec. Initially the mass is released from rest at t = 0 and displacement x = –0.16 metre. The expression for the displacement of mass at any time t is

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  20. A block of mass m, attached to a spring of spring constant k, oscilltes on a smooth horizontal table. The other end of the spring is fixed to a wall. If it has speed v when the spring is at its naturla lenth, how far will it move on the table before coming to an instantaneous rest?

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  21. The force constants of two springs are`K_(1) and K_(2)`. Both are stretched till their elastic energies are equal. If the stretching forces are ` F_(1) and F_(2) then F_(1) : F_(2)` is

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  22. A mass m is vertically suspended from a spring of negligible mass, the system oscillates with a frequency n. what will be the frequency of the system, if a mass `4m` is suspended from the same spring?

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  23. If the period of oscillation of mass M suspended from a spring is one second, then the period of 4M will be

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  24. Five identical springs are used in the following three configurations. The time periods of vertical oscillations in configurations (i), (ii) and (iii) are in the ratio

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  25. A mass m performs oscillations of period T when hanged by spring of force constant K . If spring is cut in two parts and arranged in parallel and same mass is oscillated by them, then the new time period will be

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  26. If a watch with a wound spring is taken on to the moon, it

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  27. What will be the force constant of the spring system shown in figure?

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  28. Two springs have their force constants `K_(1)` and `K_(2)` and they are stretched to the same extension. If `K_(2) gt K_(1)` work done is

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  29. The effective spring constant of two spring system as shown in figure will be

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  30. A mass (M) attached to a spring, oscillates with a period of (2 sec). If the mass in increased by (2 kg) the period increases by one sec. Find the initial mass (M) assuming that Hook's Law is obeyed.

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  31. A mass M is suspended by two springs of force constants `K_(1) and K_(2)` respectively as shown in the diagram. The total elongation (stretch) of the two springs is

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  32. The frequency of oscillation of the springs shown in the figure will be

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  33. The scale of a spring balance reading from 0 to 10 kg is 0.25 m long. A body suspended from the balance oscillates vertically with a period of `pi//10` second. The mass suspended is (neglect the mass of the spring)

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  34. If a spring has time period T, and is cut into (n) equal parts, then the time period of each part will be.

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  35. One-forth length of a spring of force constant K is cut away. The force constant of the remaining spring will be

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  36. A mass `m` is suspended separately by two different spring of spring constant `K_(1)` and `k_(2)` given the time period `t_(1)` and`t_(2)` respectively if the same mass `m` is shown in the figure then time period `t` is given by the relation

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  37. Two spring of force constants `K` and `2K` are connected a mass `m` below The frequency of oscillation the mass is

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  38. Two springs of spring constants`K_(1)` and `K_(2)` are joined in series. The effective spring constant of the combination is given by

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  39. A particle at the end of a spring executes simple harmonic motion with a period `t_(1)` while the corresponding period for another spring is `t_(2)` if the oscillation with the two springs in series is T then

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  40. Infinite springs with force constant`k , 2k, 4k and 8 k .... respectively are connected in series. The effective force constant of the spring will b

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  41. To make the frequency double of a spring oscillator, we have to

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  42. The springs shown are identical. When A =4 kg , the elongation of spring is 1 cm . If B = 6kg , the elongation produced by it is

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  43. When a body of mass `1.0 kg` is suspended from a certain light spring hanging vertically, its length increases by `5cm`. By suspending `2.0kg` block to the spring and if the block is pulled through `10cm` and released, the maximum velocity of it in `m//s is (g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  44. Two springs with spring constants m ` K _(1) = 1500 N//m`and m `K_(2) = 3000 N//m` are stretched by the same force. The ratio of potential energy stored in spring will be

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  45. If a spring extends by `x` on loading, then then energy stored by the spring is (if T is tension in the spring and k is spring constant)

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  46. A weightless spring of length 60 cm and force constant 200 N/m is kept straight and unstretched on a smooth horizontal table and its ends are rigidly fixed. A mass of 0.25 kg is attached at the middle of the spring and is slightly displaced along the length. The time period of the oscillation of the mass is

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  47. The time period of a mass suspended from a spring is T. If the spring is cut into four equal parts and the same mass is suspended from one of the parts, then the new time period will be

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  48. A mass (M) is suspended from a spring of negligible mass. The spring is pulled a little and then released so that the mass executes SHM of time period T. If the mass is increased by m, the time period becomes `(5T)/3`. Then the ratio of `m/M` is .

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  49. An object is attched to the bottom of a light vertical spring and set vibrating. The maximum speed of the object is `15cm//s` and the period is `628` milli seconds. The amplitude of the motion in centimetres is

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  50. When a mass m is attached to a spring, it normally extends by 0.2 m . The mass m is given a slight addition extension and released, then its time period will be

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  51. If a body of mass 0.98 kg is made to oscillate on a spring of force constant 4.84 N/m the angular frequency of the body is

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  52. A mass m is suspended from a spring of length l and force constant K . The frequency of vibration of the mass is `f_(1)`. The spring is cut into two equal parts and the same mass is suspended from one of the parts. The new frequency of vibration of mass is `f_(2)` . Which of the following relations between the frequencies is correct

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  53. A mass m oscillates with simple harmonic motion with frequency `f= omega/(2pi)`and amlitude A on a spring with constant K. therefore

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  54. Two masses m 1 and m 2 are suspended together by a massless spring of constant K . When the masses are in equilibrium, m 1 is removed without disturbing the system. The amplitude of oscillations is

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  55. A spring executes SHM with mass of 10 kg attached to it. The force constant of spring is 10 N/m. If at any instant its velocity is 40 cm/sec, the displacement will be (where amplitude is 0.5 m )

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spring pendulum questions and complete solutions for chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11