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Complete Solutions to velocity of simple Harmonic motion of chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSvelocity of simple Harmonic motion
Number Of Questions27
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A simple pendulum simple harmonic motion about `x = 0` with an amplitude a and time period `T` speed of the pendulum at `x = a//2` will be

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  2. A body is executing simple harmonic motion with an angular frequency s rad/2 . The velocity of the body at 20 mm displacement, when the amplitude of motion is 60 mm , is

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  3. A body of mass 5 gm is executing S.H.M. about a point with amplitude 10 cm . Its maximum velocity is 100 cm / sec . Its velocity will be 50 cm / sec at a distance

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  4. A simple harmonic oscillator has a period of 0.01 sec and an amplitude of 0.2 m . The magnitude of the velocity in `m sec^(-1)` at the centre of oscillation is

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  5. A particle executes S.H.M. with a period of 6 second and amplitude of 3 cm . Its maximum speed in cm / sec is

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  6. particle is executing S.H.M. If its amplitude is 2 m and periodic time 2 seconds , then the maximum velocity of the particle will be

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  7. A SHM has amplitude `A` and time period `T`. The maximum velocity will be

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  8. A body is executing S.H.M. when its displacement from the mean position is 4 cm and 5 cm, the corresponding velocity of the body is 10 cm/sec and 8 cm/sec. Then the time period of the body is

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  9. A partilce is executive simple harmonic motion given by
    The velocity of the particle when its displacement is 3 units is

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  10. If a simple pendulum oscillates with an amplitude of 50 mm and time period of 2 sec, then its maximum velocity is

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  11. If the displacement of a particle executing SHM is given by `y=0.30 sin (220t +0.64)` in metre , then the frequency and maximum velocity of the particle is

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  12. The maximum velocity and the maximum acceleration of a body moving in a simple harmonic oscillator are 2 m/s and` 4 m//s^(2)`. Then angular velocity will be

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  13. If a particle under S.H.M. has time period 0.1 sec and amplitude `2xx10^(-3)` It has maximum velocity

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  14. A particle executing simple harmonic motion has an amplitude of 6 cm . Its acceleration at a distance of 2 cm from the mean position is `8 cm/s^(2)` The maximum speed of the particle is

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  15. A particle executes simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 4 cm . At the mean position the velocity of the particle is 10 cm/ s . The distance of the particle from the mean position when its speed becomes 5 cm/s is

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  16. Two particles P and Q start from origin and execute simple harmonic motion along X-axis with same amplitude but with periods `3s` and `6s` respectively. The ratio of the velocities of P and Q when they meet is

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  17. A particle is performing simple harmonic motion with amplitude A and angular velocity `omega` . The ratio of maximum velocity to maximum acceleration is

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  18. The angular velocities of three bodies in `SHM` are `omega_(1), omega_(2), omega_(3)` with their respective amplitudes as `A_(1),A_(2),A_(3)`. If all three bodies have same mass and maximum velocity then

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  19. The velocity of a particle performing simple harmonic motion, when it passes through its mean position i

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  20. The velocity of a particle in simple harmonic motion at displacement y from mean position is

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  21. particle is executing the motion `x=A cos (omegat-theta)` The maximum velocity of the particle is

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  22. A particle executing simple harmonic motion with amplitude of 0.1 m. At a certain instant when its displacement is 0.02 m, its acceleration is 0.5 m/s 2. The maximum velocity of the particle is (in m/s )

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  23. The amplitude of a executing `SHM` is `4cm` At the mean position the speed of the particle is `16 cm//s` The distance of the particle from the mean position at which the speed the particle becomes `8 sqrt(3)cm//s` will be

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  24. The maximum velocity of a simple harmonic motion represented by `y= 3 sin (100 t + pi/6 )` is given by

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  25. The amplitude and maximum velocity will be respectively `X= 3 sin 2t + 4 cos 2t`The amplitude and maximum velocity will be respectively

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  26. Velocity at mean position of a particle executing S.H.M. is v , they velocity of the particle at a distance equal to half of the amplitude

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  27. The instantaneous displacement of a simple pendulum oscillator is given by `x= A cos (omegat+ pi / 4 )`Its speed will be maximum at time

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velocity of simple Harmonic motion questions and complete solutions for chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11