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Complete Solutions to Time period and frequency of chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSTime period and frequency
Number Of Questions18
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A particle moves such that its acceleration a is given by a = -bx , where x is the displacement from equilibrium positionand is a constant. The period of oscillation is

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  2. The equation of SHM of a particle is `(d^2y)/(dt^2)+ky=0`, where k is a positive constant. The time period of motion is

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  3. A tunnel has been dug through the centre of the earth and a ball is released in it. It will reach the other end of the tunnel after

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  4. The maximum speed of a particle executing S.H.M. is 1 m/s and its maximum acceleration is`1.57 m// sec^(2)` . The time period of the particle will be

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  5. The motion of a particle executing S.H.M. is given by `x= 0.01 sin 100 pi (t+.05)` , where x is in metres and time is in seconds. The time period is

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  6. The kinetic energy of a particle executing SHM is 16J. When it is in its mean position. If the amplitude of oscillation is 25cm and the mass of the particle is 5.12 kg, the time period of its oscillation in second is

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  7. The acceleration of a particle performing S.H.M. is ` 12 cm // sec^(2) ` cm at a distance of 3 cm form the mean position. Its period is

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  8. To make the frequency double of an oscillator, we have to

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  9. What is constant in S.H.M.

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  10. If a simple harmonic oscillator has got a displacement of `0.02m` and acceleration equal to `2.0ms^-2` at any time, the angular frequency of the oscillator is equal to

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  11. The equation of a simple harmonic motion is `X=0.34 cos (3000t+0.74)` where X and t are in mm and sec . The frequency of motion is

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  12. Mark the wrong statement

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  13. A particle is `SHM` is discribed by the displacement function `x(t) = a cos (omegat + theta)` If the initial `(t = 0)` position of the particle `1cm` and its initial velocity is `picm//s` The angular frequency of the particle is `pi rad//s`, then its amplitude is

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  14. A particle executes SHM in a line 4 cm long. Its velocity when passing through the centre of line is 12 cm/s . The period will be

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  15. The displacement x (in metre ) of a particle in, simple harmonic motion is related to time t ( in second ) as
    ` x= 0.01 cos (pi t + pi /4)`
    the frequency of the motion will be

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  16. A simple harmonic wave having an amplitude a and time period T is represented by the equation y = `5"sin"pi(t + 4)m`. Then the value of amplitude (a) in (m) and time period (T) in second are

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  17. A particle executing simple harmonic motion of amplitude 5 cm has maximum speed of 31.4 cm / s . The frequency of its oscillation is

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  18. The displacement x(in metres) of a particle performing simple harmonic motion is related to time t(in seconds) as `x=0.05cos(4pit+(pi)/4)` .the frequency of the motion will be

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Time period and frequency questions and complete solutions for chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11