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Complete Solutions to Superposition of S.H. M and Resonance of chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSSuperposition of S.H. M and Resonance
Number Of Questions14
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The S.H.M. of a particle is given by the equation `y=3 sin omegat + 4 cosomega t` . The amplitude is

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  2. If the displacement equation of a particle be represented By `y = A sin PT+ B cos PT` the particle executes

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  3. The motion of a particle varies with time according to the relation `y=a (sinomegat + cos omegat)` ,then

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  4. The resultant of two rectangular simple harmonic motion of the same frequency and unequal amplitude but differing in phase by `pi//2` is

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  5. The composition of two simple harmonic motions of equal periods at right angle to each other and with a phase difference of p results in the displacement of the particle along

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  6. Two mutually perpendicular simple harmonic vibrations have same amplitude, frequency and phase. When they superimpose, the resultant form of vibration will be

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  7. The disperod of a particle varies according to the relation `x=4 (cos pit+ sinpit)`. The amplitude of the particle is.

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  8. A S.H.M. is represented by `x= 5 sqrt2 (sin2pit+cos 2 pi t)` amplitude of the S.H. M is

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  9. Resonance is an example of

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  10. In case of a forced vibration the resonance wave becomes very sharp when the

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  11. Amplitude of a wave is represented by `A(c)/(a+b+c)` Then resonance will occur when

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  12. A particle, with restoring force proportional to displacement and resulting force proportional to velocity is subjected to a force `F sin omega t`. If the amplitude of the particle is maximum for `omega = omega_(1)`, and the energy of the particle is maximum for `omega=omega_(2)`, then

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  13. A simple pendulum is set into vibrations. The bob of the pendulum comes to rest after some time due t

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  14. A simple pendulum oscillates in air with time period T and amplitude A . As the time passes

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Superposition of S.H. M and Resonance questions and complete solutions for chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11