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Complete Solutions to Energy of simple Harmonic motion of chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSEnergy of simple Harmonic motion
Number Of Questions34
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The total energy of a particle executing S.H.M. is proportional to

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  2. A particle executes simple harmonic motion along a straight line with an amplitude A . The potential energy is maximum when the displacement is

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  3. A particle is vibrating in a simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 4 cm . At what displacement from the equilibrium position, is its energy half potential and half kinetic

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  4. For a particle executing `S.H.M.,` the kinetic energy `K` is given `K = K_(0) cos ^(2)omega t`. The maximum value of potential energy is:

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  5. The potential energy of a particle with displacement X is `U(X)`. The motion is simple harmonic, when (K is a positive constant)

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  6. The kinetic energy and potential energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion will be equal, when displacement (amplitude `=a`) is

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  7. The total energy of the body excuting `S.H.M.` is `E` . Then the kinetic energy when the displacement is half of the amplitude, is

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  8. The potential energy of a particle executing S.H.M. is 2.5 J, when its displacement is half of amplitude. The total energy of the particle will be

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  9. The angular velocity and amplitude of simple pendulum are `omega` and r respectively. At a displacement x from the mean position, if its kinetic energy is T and potential energy is U, find the ratio of T to U.

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  10. When the potential energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is one-fourth of its maximum value during the oscillation, the displacement of the particle from the equilibrium position in terms of its amplitude a is

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  11. A particle of mass 10 gm is describing S.H.M. along a straight line with period of 2 sec and amplitude of 10 cm . Its kinetic energy when it is at 5 cm from its equilibrium position is

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  12. When the displacement is half the amplitude, the ratio of potential energy to the total energy is

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  13. The P.E. of a particle executing SHM at a distance x from its equilibrium position is

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  14. A vertical mass-spring system executed simple harmonic oscillation with a period `2s` quantity of this system which exhibits simple harmonic motion with a period of `1sec` are

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  15. For any S.H.M., amplitude is 6 cm . If instantaneous potential energy is half the total energy then distance of particle from its mean position is

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  16. A body of mass 1kg is executing simple harmonic motion. Its displacement y(cm) at t seconds is given by `y = 6 sin (100t + pi//4)` . Its maximum kinetic energy is

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  17. A particle is executing simple harmonic motion with frequency f . The frequency at which its kinetic energy changes into potential energy is

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  18. There is a body having mass `m` and performing `SHM` amplitude a There is a restoring force `F = - Kx` where `x` is the displacement The total energy of body depends upon

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  19. The total energy of a particle executing S.H.M. is 80 J . What is the potential energy when the particle is at a distance of 3/4 of amplitude from the mean position

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  20. In a simple harmonic oscillator, at the mean position

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  21. Displacement between maximum potential energy position energy potential and maximum kinetic energy position for a particle executing `S.H.M` is

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  22. When a mass M is attached to the spring of force constant k , then the spring stretches by . If the mass oscillates with amplitude l , what will be maximum potential energy stored in the spring

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  23. The potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator when the particle is half way to its end point is
    (where, E is the total energy)

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  24. A body executes simple harmonic motion. The potential energy (P.E), the kinetic energy (K.E) and energy (T.E) are measured as a function of displacement `x`. Which of the following staements is true?

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  25. If lt E gt and lt U gt denote the average kinetic and the average potential energies respectively of mass describing a simple harmonic motion, over one period, then the correct relation is

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  26. The total energy of a particle, executing simple harmonic motion is.
    where x is the displacement from the mean position, hence total energy is independent of x.

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  27. The kinetic energy of a particle executing S.H.M. is 16 J when it is at its mean position. If the mass of the particle is 0.32 kg , then what is the maximum velocity of the particle

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  28. Consider the following statements. The total energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion depends on its
    (1) Amplitude
    (2) Period
    (3) Displacement Of these statements

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  29. A particle starts simple harmonic motion from the mean position. Its amplitude is a and total energy E . At one instant its kinetic energy is 3E/4 . Its displacement at that instant is

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  30. A particle executes simple harmonic motion with a frequency. (f). The frequency with which its kinetic energy oscillates is.

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  31. The amplitude of a particle executing SHM is made three-fourth keeping its time period constant. Its total energy will be

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  32. A particle of mass m is hanging vertically by an ideal spring of force constant K . If the mass is made to oscillate vertically, its total energy is

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  33. A body is moving in a room with a velocity of `20 m//s` perpendicular to the two walls separated by `5` meters These is no friction and the collisions with the walls are elastic .The motion of the body is

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  34. A body is executing simple harmonic motion. At a displacement `x` its potential energy is `E_(1)` and at a displacement `y` its potential energy is `E_(2)` The potential energy `E` at displacement `(x+y)` is

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Energy of simple Harmonic motion questions and complete solutions for chapter SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11