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Complete Solutions to ADDITIONAL EXERCISES of chapter GRAVIATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions4
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A geostationary satellite orbits the Earth at a height of nearly `36,000 km` from the surface of earth. What is the potential due to earth's gravity at the site of tthis satllite ? (Take the potential energy at infinity to be zero). Mass of the Earth `= 6.0 xx 10^(24) kg`, radius `= 6400 km, G = 6.67 xx 10^(-11) Nm^(2)//kg^(2)`.

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  2. A star `2.5` times the mass of the sun and collapsed to a size of the `12 km` rotates with a speed of `1.5` rev.per second. (Extremely compact stars of this kind are known as neutron stars. Centain onserved steller objects called pulsars are believed to belong this category ). Will an object placed on its equator remain struck to its surface due to gravity ? (Mass of the sun `= 2 xx 10^(30) kg)`.

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  3. A space-ship is stationed on Mars. How much energy must be expended on the spaceship to rocket it out of the solar system ? Mass of the spaceship `= 1000 kg`, Mass of the sun `= 2 xx 10^(30) kg`. Mass of the Mars `= 6.4 xx 10^(23) kg`, Radius of Mars `= 3395 km`. Radius of the orbit Mars `= 2.28 xx 10^(11) m, G = 6.67 xx 10^(-11) N m^(2) kg^(-2)`.

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  4. A rocket of mass `m` is field vertically from the surface of Mars of mass `M`, radius `R` with a sped `upsilon`. If `20%` of its initial energy is lost due to Martain atmosheric resistance, how far will the rocket go from the surface of Mars before returing to it? Let `G` be the gravational constant.

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ADDITIONAL EXERCISES questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVIATION of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11

All Exercises from PRADEEP Class 11 PHYSICS GRAVIATION