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Complete Solutions to Integer Type Questions of chapter GRAVIATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPInteger Type Questions
Number Of Questions7
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Graviational acceleration on the surface of plane fo `(sqrt6)/(11)g.` where g is the gracitational acceleration on the surface of the earth. The average mass density of the planet is `(2)/(3)` times that of the earth. If the escape speed on the surface of the earht is taken to be `11 kms^(-1)` the escape speed on teh surface of the planet in `kms^(-1)` will be

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  2. The earth takes `24` hours to rotate once about its axis. How much time (in min) does the sun take to shift by `1^(@)` when viewed from the earth?

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  3. A man can jump `1.5m` high on earth. He can jump on a planet to a height of `3 xx x` metre. The density of planet is one quarter that of the earth and whose radius is one third of the earth. What is the value of `x`?

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  4. A body of mass `100kg` falls on the earth from infinity. Its total energy on reaching the earth is `6.27 xx 10^(n)J`. What is the value of `n`? Given, radius of earth is `6400 km` and `g = 9.8 m//s^(2)`. Air friction is neglected.

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  5. Two saetllites `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` revolve around a planet in coplaner circular orbit in the same sense. Their periods of revolutions are `1` hour and `8` hours respectively. The radius of orbit of `S_(1)` is `10^(4) km`. When `S_(2)` is closed to `S_(1)`, the speed of `S_(2)` relative to `S_(1)` is `pi xx 10^(n) km//h`. what is the value of `n`?

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  6. The ratio of the radius of the earth to that of moon is `10`. The ratio of acceleration due to gravity on the earth and on the moon is `6`. What is the ratio (in intergral value) of the escape velocity from the earth's surface to that from the moon?

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  7. A particle is projected vertivally upwards from the surface of earth `(radius R_e)` with a kinetic energy equal to half of the minimum value needed for it to escape. The height to which it rises above the surface of earth is ……

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Integer Type Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVIATION of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11

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