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Complete Solutions to VERY SHORT ANS. QUESTIONS of chapter GRAVIATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions55
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Identify the portion of sun in the Fig. if the linear speed of the planet is greater at `C` compared to that at `D`.

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  2. The linear speed of a planet around the sun is not constant in its orbit. Comment.

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  3. If Earth be at one half its present distance from the sun, how many days will there be in a year?

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  4. A planet is revolving around the sun in an elliptical orbit. Which out of the following remains constant.
    (a) Linear speed (b) angular momentum
    ( c) kinetic energy (d) potential energy (e) total energy throughout its orbit.

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  5. A geo-stationary stellite orbits around the earth in a circular orbit of radius 36,000km. Then, the time period of a spy stellite orbitting a few hundred km above the earth's surface `(R_(earth) = 6400km)` will approximately be

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  6. Why is Newton's law of gravitational called a universal law?

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  7. On Earth value of `G = 6.67 xx 10^(-11) Nm^(2) kg^(-2)`.
    What is its value on Moon, where `g` is nearly one-sixth than that of Earth?

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  8. When a stone of mass `m` is falling on the Earth of mass `M`, find the acceleration of Earth if any?

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  9. When a body falls towards Earth, Earth moves towards the body. Why is earth's motion not noticed?

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  10. Does the graviatational force of attraction of the Earth on a body become zero at some height above the earth? Explain.

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  11. Is it possible to shield a body from gravitational effects?

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  12. Why does a tunnis ball bounce heigher on a hill than on plains?

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  13. What are the two factors which determine why some bodies in solar system have atmosphere and others do not?

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  14. The value of `g` on the Moon is `1//6`th of that of Earth. If a body is taken from the Earth to the Moon, then what will be the change in its (i) weight, (ii) intertial mass and (iii) gravitational mass?

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  15. Moon travellers tie heavy weight at their back before landing on the Moon. Why ?

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  16. If a man goes from the surface of Earth to a height equal to the radius of the Earth, then what will be his weight relative to that on the Earth? What if he goes equally below the surface of Earth?

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  17. Mass of a body cannot be changed without changing weight can be changed without changing mass. Explain.

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  18. Where will the true weight of the body be zero?

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  19. Gravitational force acts on all objects in properties to their masses. Why then, a heavy object does not fall faster than a light object?

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  20. Assuming that the Earth is a sphere of radius `R`. At what altiude will the value of acceleration due to gravity be half its value at the surface of the Earth?

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  21. Why does a body lose weight at the centre of the earth?

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  22. If the Earth stops rotating about its polar axis, what will be the effect on the value of acceleration due to gravity 'g' ? Will this effect be same at all places?

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  23. Why we are not thrown off the surface of Earth by centrifugal force?

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  24. Why is gravitational potential energy negative?

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  25. What is the maximum value of gravitational potential energy and where?

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  26. What is the relation between gravitational intensity and gravitational potential at a point?

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  27. Where is the gravitational field zero and where is the gravitational potential zero, in case of Earth?

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  28. The gravitational potential energy of a body at a distance `r` from the centre of the Earth is `U` where `r gt R` (radius of Earth). What is the weight of body at the point ?

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  29. What is the workdone in bringins a body of mass `m` from infinity to the surface of Earth of radius `R` and mass `m`?

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  30. What are the `SI` units of gravitational intansity and gravitational potential?

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  31. What is the value of gravitational intensity at the surface of Earth and at the Earth's centre?

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  32. A point mass `m` is a distance `x` from the centre of mass `M` and radius `R` on its axis. Find the gravitational force between the two. What will this force be if `x gt gt R` and `x lt lt R`? For what value of `x` is the force maximum?

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  33. Choose the correct alternative :
    (a) If the gravitational potential energy of two mass points infinite distance away is taken to be zero, the gravitational potential energy of a galaxy is (positive /negative/zero).
    (b) The universe on the large is shaped by (gravitational/electromagentic) forces, on the atomic scale by (gravitational/electromagnetic) forces, on the nuclear scale by (gravitational/electromagnetic/strongnuclear) forces.

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  34. From where does a satellite revolving around a planet get the required centrepetal force?

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  35. The Earth is acted upon by the gravitational force of attraction due to the sun. They why does the Earth not fall towards sun?

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  36. An artifical satellite revolves in the orbit around the Earth without using any fuel. But an aeroplane requires fuel to fly at a centain height. Why ?

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  37. Can we determine the gravitational mass of a body inside an artificial satellite?

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  38. An artificial satellite is revolving around the Earth at a height `400 km` from the Earth's surface . If a packet is released from the satellite, what will happen ti it? Will it reach the Earth?

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  39. A satellite revolving around Earth loses height. How will its time period be changed?

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  40. Two artificial satellites one close to the surface and the other away, are revolving around the earth. Which one has larger speed?

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  41. Should the speed of two artificial satellites of the earth having the different masses but the same orbital radius be the same?

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  42. Which has longer period of revolution, a satellite revolving close or away from the surface of earth?

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  43. The astronauts in a satellite orbiting the Earth feel weightlessness. Does the weightlessness depend upon the distance of the satellite from the Earth ? If so how ? Explain your answer.

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  44. What is the sense of roatation of stationary satellite around the Earth ?

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  45. Assertion: The time period of geostationary satellite is `24` hrs.
    Reason: Geostationary satellite must have the same time period as the time taken by the earth to complete on revolution about its axis.

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  46. If a satellites is revolving close to a planet of density `rho` with period `T`, show that the quantity `rho T^(2)` is a universal constant.

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  47. Two satellites A and B are orbiting around the earth in ciruclar orbits of the same radius. The mass of A is 16 times that of B. Then the raito of the period of revolution of B to that of A is

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  48. If the Earth's satellite is put into an orbit at a height where resistance due to atmosphere, can not be neglected, how will motion of satellite be affected?

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  49. Does a rocket really need the escape speed of `11.2 km//s` initially to escape from the Earth?

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  50. For a satellite, escape speed is `11 km s^(-1)`. If the satellite is launched at an angle of `60^(@)` with the vertical, what will be the escape speed?

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  51. What is the escape velocity of the object, if.the magnitude of the potential energy per unit mass of the object at the surface of earth is `E`?

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  52. Show that Moon would depart for even if its speed were incresed by `42%`.

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  53. A satellite of small mass burns during its descent and not during ascent. Why ?

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  54. Assertion: A person sitting in an artificial satellite revolving around the earth feels weightless.
    Reason: There is no gravitational force on the satellite.

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  55. Lighter gases like `H_2`, He, etc. are rare in the atmosphere of the earth. Why?

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VERY SHORT ANS. QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVIATION of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11

All Exercises from PRADEEP Class 11 PHYSICS GRAVIATION