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Complete Solutions to ADVANCED PROBLEMS FOR COMPETITIONS of chapter GRAVIATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. There are three identical point mass bodies each of mass `m` locted at the vertices of an equilateral triangle with side `r`. They are exerting gravitational force of attraction on each other, which can be given by Newton's law of gravitaiton. Each mass body produces its gravitational field in the surrounding region. the magnitude of gravitational field at a point due to a point mass body is the measure of gravitaitonal intensity at that point. The gravitational potential at a point in a gravitational field is the amount of workdone in bringing a unit mass body infinity to the given point without acceleration.

    Answer the following questions :
    At what speed must they move if they all revolve under the influence of one another's gravitation in a circular orbit circumsribing the triangle still preserving the equilateral triangle

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  2. Show that the object lying at the equator will fly off the surface of earth, if the speed of rotation of the earth increase seventeen times its present speed.

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  3. A spherical cavity is made inside a sphere of density, `d`. Its centre lies at a distance `l`, from the centre of sphere, show that the gravitational strength, `I`, of the field inside the cavity is `= (4//3) xx pi Gld`.

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  4. If the radius of the earth decreases by 1% without changing its mass, will the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth increase or decrease? If so, by what percent?

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  5. On a planet whose size is the same and mass four times as that of our earth, find the amount of work done to lift `3 kg` mass vertically upwards through `3 m` distance on the planet. The value of `g` on the surface of earth is `10 ms^(-2)`

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  6. An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit around the earth with a speed equal to half the magnitude of escape velocity from the earth.
    (i) Determine the height of the satellite above the earth's surface.
    (ii) If the satellite is stopped suddenly in its orbit and allowed to fall freely onto the earth, find the speed with which it hits the surface of the earth.

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  7. Mass `M`, of a planet earth is uniformly distributed over a spherical volume of radius `R`. Calculate the energy needed to deassemble the planet against the gravitational pull ammongst its consituent particles. Given
    `mR = 2.5 xx 10^(31) kg m` and `g = 10 ks^(-2)`.

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  8. Determine the speed with which the earth would have to rotate on its axis , so that a person on the equator would weigh `(3)/(5)` th as much as the person. Take `R = 6400 km`.

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  9. The escape speed of a body on the earth's surface is `11.2kms^(-1)`. A body is projected with thrice of this speed. The speed of the body when it escape the gravitational pull of earth is

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  10. Two equal masses of `6.40 kg` are separted by a distance of `0.16 m`. A small body is released from a point `P`, equidistant from the two masses and at a distance of `0.06 m` from the line joining them. Fig.
    (a) Calculate the velocity of this body when it passes through `Q`.
    (b) Calculate the acceleration of this body at `P` and `Q` if its mass is `0.1 kg`.
    Use `G = 6.67 xx 10^(-11) N m^(2) kg^(-2)`

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  11. Distance between the centres of two stars is `10alpha.` The masses of these stars are M and 16M and their radii a and 2a, respectively. A body of mass m is fired straight form the surface of the larger star towards the smaller star. What should be its minimum inital speed to reach the surface of the smaller star? Obtain the expression in terms of G,M and a.

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  12. The masses and radii of the Earth and the Moon are `M_1, R_1 and M_2,R_2` respectively. Their centres are at a distance d apart. The minimum speed with which a particel of mass m should be projected from a point midway between the two centres so as to escape to infinity is ........

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  13. A satellite of mass `10 kg` is placed initially in a temporary orbit `800 km` above the surface of earth. The satellite is to be placed now in a permanent orbit at `2000 km` above the surface of earth. Find the amount of workdone to move the satellite from temporary to permanent orbit. The radius of the earth is `6400 km` and `g = 10 ms^(-2)`.

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  14. A non-homogenous sphere of radius `R` has the following density variation.
    `rho = rho_(0), r le r//3 `,
    ` rho = rho_(0)//2, (R )/(3) lt r le 3 (R )/(4)`,
    `rho = (rho_(0))/(8), (3R)//(4) lt r le R`,
    What is the gravitational field due to sphere at distance `2R` from center?

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  15. Three equal masses of `m kg` each are fixed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle `ABC`.
    a. What is the force acting on a mass `2m` placed at the centroid `G` of the triangle?
    b. What is the force if the mass at the vertex `A` is doubled? Take `AG=BG=CG=1m`

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ADVANCED PROBLEMS FOR COMPETITIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVIATION of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11

All Exercises from PRADEEP Class 11 PHYSICS GRAVIATION