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Complete Solutions to VALUE BASED QUESTIONS of chapter GRAVIATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions5
Academic Year2023-24
  1. According to Newton's law of gravitational, everybody in this universe attracts every other body with a force, which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres, i.e.,
    `F prop (m_(1)m_(2))/(r^(2))` or `F = (Gm_(1)m_(2))/(r^(2))`
    where `G` is universal gravitational constant `= 6.67 xx 10^(-11) Nm^(2) kg^(-2)`.
    (i) What is the value of `G` on the surface of moon?
    (ii) How is the gravitational force between two bodies affected when distance between them is halved?
    (iii) What values of like do you learn from this law?

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  2. Everybody, when free, falls towards the centre of earth with an acceleration `= g`, which is called acceleration due to gravity. The value of `g` on the surface of earth is, `g = (GM)/(R^(2)) = 9.8 m//s^(2)`. It is a vector, directed always the centre of earth. The value of `g` does not depend upon shape, size or mass of the body. Rether, it depends on mass and size of earth (or planet due to which there is a gravity pull).
    Read the above passesge and answer the following questions :
    (i) A piece of stone and a feather are dropped together in space from the same height. which one will strike the ground first ? (ii) The mass of a planet is `(1)/(8)th` the mass of earth and its diameter is `(5)/(6)` the diameter of earth. What is the value of 'g' on the surface of this planet.
    (iii) What does the concept of free fall imply in day to day life?

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  3. Whenever a body is thrown vertically upwards with a certain velocity, the upwards motion is opposed by gravitational pull of earth and resisatnce of air. The velocity of the body goes on decreasing at a constant rate `(= - g)`.As soon as upward velocity of body becomes zero, it cannot rise any more. The height it has attained is the maximum height. The body then begins to fall downwards with an acceleration `= g`.
    Read the above passege and answer the following questions :
    (i) A body is thrown upwards with a velocity of `19.6 m//s`. What is the maximum height attained?
    (ii) With what velocity will the body hit the ground?
    (iii) What are the implications of this study in day to day life ?

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  4. The escape velocity of a body from the surface of earth is the minimum velocity of projection of the body from the surface, which would take the body just beyound the gravitational field of earth. Once the body crosses the gravitational field of earth, it will never return to earth on its own. The body is said to have esacped. If `M` is mass of earth and `R` is radius of earth, then esacpe velocity,
    `V_(e) = sqrt((2GM)/(R )) = sqrt(2gR)`. The value of `V_(e)` does not depend upon mass of the body.
    Read the above passega and answer the following questions :
    (i) What is the escape velocity from the surface of earth for a body of mass `2 kg` and for another body of mass `20 kg`? Is the energy required in the two cases same ?
    (ii) What value of life do you learn from this study ?

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  5. While studying the theory of planetary motion, kepler established three laws. According to kepler's second law, the line joining a planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time, i.e., the areal velocity of the planet around the sun is constant. This led him to conlude from the sun.
    Read the above passege and answer the following questions :
    (i) What is the basis of kepler's second law?
    (ii) Mercury is closer to the sun than the earth. Will time period of mercury be less or more than one year ? Why ?
    (iii) What value of life do you learn from kepler's second law?

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VALUE BASED QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVIATION of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11

All Exercises from PRADEEP Class 11 PHYSICS GRAVIATION