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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter OSCILLATIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

SL ARORAExercise
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Draw displacement-time, velocity-time and acceleration-time graphs for a particle executing simple harmonic motion. Discuss their phase relationship.

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  2. A simple harmonic oscillation is represented by the equation. `y=0.40sin(440t+0.61)`
    Here y and t are in m are s respectively. What are the values of (i) amplitude (ii) angular frequency (iii) frequency of oscillations (iv) time period of oscillations and (v) initial phase?

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  3. A simple harmonic oscillation is represented by the equation. `y=0.40sin(440t+0.61)`
    Here y and t are in m are s respectively. What are the values of (i) amplitude (ii) angular frequency (iii) frequency of oscillations (iv) time period of oscillations and (v) initial phase?

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  4. A simple harmonic oscillation is represented by the equation, y = 0.40 sin ( 440 t + 0.61) Here y and t are in m and s respectively. What are the values of frequency of oscillations?

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  5. A simple harmonic oscillation is represented by the equation, y = 0.40 sin ( 440 t + 0.61) Here y and t are in m and s respectively. What are the values of time period of oscillations?

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  6. A simple harmonic oscillation is represented by the equation, y = 0.40 sin ( 440 t + 0.61) Here y and t are in m and s respectively. What are the values of initial phase ?

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  7. The periodic time of a body executing SHM is 2s. After how much time interval from t=0, will its displacement be half of its amplitude?

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  8. A particle executes SHM represented by the equation `10y=01sin50pit,` where the displacement y is in metre and time t in second. Find the amplitude and frequency of the particle.

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  9. The displacement of a particle excuting periodic motion is given by `y=4cos^(2)(t//2)sin(1000t)`. Find the independent constituent SHM's.

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  10. A particle executing SHM completes 1200 oscillations per minute and passes through the mean position with a velocity of `31.4ms^(-1)`. Determine the maximum displacement of the particle from the mean position also obtain the displacement equation of the aprticle if its displacemet be zero at the instant t=0.

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  11. The acceleration of a particle performing SHM is`12 cm //s^(2)` at a distance of 3 cm from the mean position . Calculate its time - period .
    Hint `: a = omega^(2) x`
    `a = 12 cm//s^(2) , x=3cm`
    Find `omega`
    `T= (pi)/(omega)`

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  12. In a pendulum, the amplitude is 0.05 m and a period of 2 s. Compute the maximum Velocity.

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  13. In what time after its motion begins, will a particle oscillating according to the equation, `y=7 sin 0.5 pi ` t move from the mean position to maximum displacement ?

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  14. A partical executes SHM on a straigh line path. The amplitude of oscillation is 2cm. When the displacement of the particle from the mean position is 1cm, the magnitude of its acceleration is equal to that of its velocity. Find the time period of SHM, also the ms. velocity and ms. acceleration of SHM.

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  15. The velocity of a particle describing SHM is `16 cm s^(-1)` at a distance of 8 cm from mean position and `8 cm s^(-1)` at a distance of 12 cm from mean postion. Calculate the amplitude of the motion.

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  16. A particle is executing SHM if `u_(1) and u_(2)` are the speeds of the particle at distances `x_(1) and x_(2)` from the equilibrium position, shown that the frequency of oscillation

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  17. If a particle executes SHM of time period 4 s and amplitude 2 cm, find its maximum velocity and that at half its full displacement also find the acceleration at the turning points and when the displacement is 0.75 cm

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  18. Show that if a particle is moving in SHM, its velocity at a distance `sqrt(3)//2` of its amplitude from the central position is half its velocity in central position.

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  19. A particle executes SHM of period 12s. Two sec after it passes through the centre of oscillation, the velocity is found to be 3.142 cm `s^(-1)` fin dht amplitude and the length of the path.

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  20. A block lying on a horizontal table executes SHM of period 1 second, horizontally. What is the maximum amplitude for which the block does not slide if coeff. Of friction between block and surface is `0.4, pi^(2)=10. `

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  21. A horizontal platform moves up and down simple harmonically, the total vertical movement being 10 cm what is the shortest period permissible, if object resting on the platform are to remain in contact with it throughout the motion.? Take `g=980cms^(-2)`

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  22. In a gasoline engine, the motion of the piston is simple harmonic. The piston has a mass of 2 kg and stroke (twice the amplitude) of 10 cm. find maximum acceleration and the maximum unbalanced force on the piston, if it is making 50 complete vibrations each minute.

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  23. A man stands on a weighing machine placed on a horizontal platform the machine reads 50kg. By mean of a suitable mechanism, the platform is made to execute harmonic vibrations up and down with a frequency of 2 vibration per second. What will be the effect on the reading of the weighing machine? The amplitude of vibration of platform is 5cm. Take `g=10ms^(-2)`

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  24. A bob of simple pendulum of mass 1g is oscillating with a frequency 5 vibrations per second and its amplitude is 3cm. Find the kinetic energy of bob at lowest position.

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  25. A body weighing 10g has a velocity of `6cms^(-1)` after one second of its starting from mean position. If the time period is 6 seconds. Find the kinetic energy, potential energy and the total energy.

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  26. A particle executes SHM of period 8 seconds. After what time of its passing through the mean position will the energy be half kinetic and half potential ?

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  27. The total energy of a partical executing simple harmonic motion of period `2pi` seconds is 10,240erg. The displacement of the particle at `pi//4` second is `8sqrt(2)cm`. Calculate the amplitutde of motion and mass of the particle

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  28. A particle which is attached to a spring oscillates horizontally with simple harmonic motion with a frequency of `1//pi` Hz and total energy of 10J. If the maximum speed of the particle is `0.4ms^(-1)`, what is the force constant of the spring? What will be the maximum potential energy of the spring during the motion?

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  29. A spring compressed by `0.1`m develops a restoring force 10N. A body of mass 4kg is placed on it. Deduce `(i)` the force constant of the spring `(ii)` the depression of the spring under the weight of the body `(` take `g=10N//kg)` and `(iii)` the period of oscillation, if the body is left free.

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  30. A spring compressed by `0.1`m develops a restoring force 10N. A body of mass 4kg is placed on it. Deduce `(i)` the force constant of the spring `(ii)` the depression of the spring under the weight of the body `(` take `g=10N//kg)` and `(iii)` the period of oscillation, if the body is left free.

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  31. The period of oscillation of a mass m suspended by an ideal spring is 2s. If an additional mass of 2 kg be suspended, the time period is increased by 1s. Find the value of m.

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  32. The frequency of oscillations of a mass m suspended by a spring is `v_(1)`. If the length of the spring is cut to one-half the same mass oscillates with frequency `v_(2)`. Determine the value of `v_(2)//v_(1)`

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  33. The periodic time of a mass suspended by a spring (force constant k) is T. if the spring is cut in three equal pieces, what will be the force constant of each part? If the same mass be suspended from one piece, what will be the periodic time?

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  34. The time period of a body suspended by a spring be T. what will be the new period, if the spring is cut into two equal parts and when (i) the body is suspended from one part (ii) the body is suspended from both the parts connected in parallel.

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  35. The time period of a body suspended by a spring be T. what will be the new period, if the spring is cut into two equal parts and when (i) the body is suspended from one part (ii) the body is suspended from both the parts connected in parallel.

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  36. The time taken by a simple pendulum to perform 100 vibration is 8 minutes 9 sec in bombay and 8 minutes 20 sec. in pune. Calcualte the ratio of acceleration due to gravity in bombay and pune.

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  37. If the length of a second's pendulum is increased by `1%` , how many seconds will it loss or gain in a day ?

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  38. If the length of a simple pendulum is increased by 45% what is the percentage increase in its time period?

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  39. What will be the time period of second's pendulumm if its length is doubled?

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  40. If the acceleration due to gravity on moon is one-sixth of that on the earth, what will be the length of a second pendulum there ? Take `g = 9.8 ms^-2`

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  41. If the earth were a homegeneous sphere and a straight hole was bored in it through its centre, so when a body is dropped in the hole, it will excutes SHM. Determine the time period of its oscillation . Radius of the earth is `6.4 xx 10^(5)` m and `g=9.8 ms^(-2)`

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  42. A weighted glass tube is floating in a liquid with 20cm of its length immresed. It is pushed down through a certain distance and then released. Show that up and down motion executed by the glass tube is SHM and find the time period of vibration. Given `g=980cm s^(-2)`.

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  43. A sphere hung with a wire `60^(@)` rotation of the sphere about the wire produces a restoring torqueof 4.1Nm. If the moment of inertis of the sphere is 0.082 kg `m^(2)`. Find the frequencyof angular oscillations.

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  44. A lactometer whose mass is 0.2kg is floating vertically in a liquid of relative density 0.9. Area of cross-section of the mariked portion of lactometer in `0.5xx10^(-4)m^(2)`. If it is dipped down in the liquid slightly and released, what type of motion will it execute? what will be its time-period?

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  45. A simple harmonic motion is represented by `F(t)=10sin(20t+0.5)`. The amplitude of the S.H.M. is

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  46. A particle has displacement y given by `y =3 sin (5 pi t + pi)`, where y is in meter and t is in second. What are frequency and period of motion ?

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  47. The motion of a particle executing SHM in one dimension is described by `x = -0.5 sin(2 t + pi//4)` where x is in meters and t in seconds. The frequency of oscillation in Hz is

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  48. A particle executing simple harmonic motion has a time period of 4 s. If the particle starts moving from the mean position at t = 0, then after how much interval of time from t = 0, will its displacement be half of its amplitude ?

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  49. A particle executes simple harmonic motion of amplitude `A` along the x - axis. At `t = 0`, the position of the particle is `x = (A)/(2)` and it moves along the positive x - direction. Find the phase contant `delta` of the equation if it is written as `x = Asin (omega t + delta)`.

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  50. The displacement of a particle from its mean position (in metre) is given by
    `y=0.2 "sin" (10 pi t+ 1.5 pi) "cos" (10 pi t+1.5 pi)`
    The motion of the particle is

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  51. Two simple harmonic motions are represented by `y_(1)=5 [sin 2 pi t + sqrt(3)cos 2 pi t] and y_(2) = 5 sin (2pit+(pi)/(4))`
    The ratio of their amplitudes is

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  52. Two pendulums have time period T and 5T/4. They starts SHM at the same time from the mean position. What will be the phase difference between them after the bigger pendulum completed one oscillation ?

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  53. A particle executes SHM of amplitude A. If `T_1` and `T_2` are the times taken by the particle to traverse from 0 to `A/2` and from `A/2` to A respectively, then `T_1/T_2` will be equal to

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  54. Velocity of a body moving in simple harmonic motion is

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  55. A body is executing the S.H.M. with an angular frequency of 2 rad/sec. Velocity of the body at 20 m displacement, when amplitude of motion is 60 m, is

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  56. A particle is executing SHM of amplitude 10 cm. Its time period of oscillation is `pi` seconds. The velocity of the particle when it is 2 cm from extreme position is

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  57. A particles is SHM is described by the displacement function `x(t)= a cos (omegat+theta).` If the initinal `(t=0)` position of the particle is 1 cm and its initinal velcotiy is `pi cm//s.` The angular frequncy of the particle is `pi rad//s`. Then is amplitude is

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  58. A particle executes SHM, its time period is 16 s. If it passes through the centre of oscillation, then its velocity is 2 `ms^(-1)` at times 2 s. The amplitude will be

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  59. The magnitude of acceleration of particle executing SHM at the position of maximum displacement is

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  60. The maximum velocity and the maximum acceleration of a body moving in a simple harmonic oscillator are 2 m/s and` 4 m//s^(2)`. Then angular velocity will be

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  61. A particle executing S.H.M. having amplitude 0.01 m and frequency 60 Hz. Determine maximum acceleration of particle.

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  62. A particle executing simple harmonic motion has an amplitude of 6 cm . Its acceleration at a distance of 2 cm from the mean position is `8 cm/s^(2)` The maximum speed of the particle is

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  63. If `x = R sin omega t + R omega t` and `y = R cos(omega t) + R` (where `omega` and R are constants), what are x and y components of acceleration when y is minimum ?

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  64. A simple harmonic oscillator has amplitude A, angular velocity `omega`, and mass m . Then, average energy in one time period will be

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  65. Average value of KE and PE over entire time period is

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  66. when the maximum k.E of a simple pendulum is k, then what is its displacement in terms of amplitude a when its K.E. is `k//2`

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  67. The displacement of an SHM doing oscillation when KE. = P.E. (amplitude = 4 cm) is

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  68. A particle is executing SHM at mid point of mean position & extremity . What is the potential energy in terms of total energy (E)

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  69. For any S.H.M., amplitude is 6 cm . If instantaneous potential energy is half the total energy then distance of particle from its mean position is

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  70. A particle is having potential energy 1/3 of the maximum value at a distance of 4 cm from mean position. Amplitude of motion is

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  71. The potential energy of a particle executing S.H.M. is 2.5 J, when its displacement is half of amplitude. The total energy of the particle will be

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  72. If the frequency of oscillations of a particle doing SHM is n, the frequency of kinetic energy is

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  73. A point particle of mass `0.1kg` is executing `SHM` with amplitude of `0.1m`. When the particle passes through the mean position. Its `K.E.` is `8xx10^(-3)J`. Obtain the equation of motion of this particle if the initial phase of oscillation is `45^(@)`.

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  74. Natural length of a spring is 60 cm and its spring constant is 4000 N/m. A mass of 20 kg is hung from it. The extension produced in the spring is (Take, `g = 9.8 m//s^(2)`)

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  75. A spring (spring constant=k) is cuttend into 4 equal parts and two parts are connected in parallel. What is the effective spring constant?

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  76. A mass m is suspended from a spring. Its frequency of oscillation is f. The spring is cut into two halves and the same mass is suspended from one of the pieces of the spring. The frequency of oscillation of the mass will be

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  77. Two bodies (M) and (N) of equal masses are suspended from two separate massless springs of spring constants (k_1) and (k_2) respectively. If the two bodies oscillate vertically such that their maximum velocities are equal, the ratio of the amplitude of vibration of (M) to the of (N) is.

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  78. When two springs of spring force constant k and 2 k are connected in series then force constant becomes `k_s`, if they are connected in parallel, then force constant becomes `k_p`. Ratio `k_s//k_p` is

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  79. The scale of a spring balance reading from 0 to 10 kg is 0.25 m long. A body suspended from the balance oscillates vertically with a period of `pi//10` second. The mass suspended is (neglect the mass of the spring)

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  80. A massless spring of natural length of 0.5 m and spring constant 50 N/m has one end fixed and the other end attached to a mass of 250 g. The spring mass system is on a smooth floor. The mass is pulled until the length of the spring is 0.6 m and then released from rest. The kinetic energy of the mass when the length of the spring is 0.5 m is

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  81. To show that a simple pendulum executes simple harmonic motion, it is necessary to assume that

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  82. Time period of a simple pendulum will be double, if we

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  83. The time period of a simple pendulum is 2s. It its length is increased by 4 times, then its period becomes

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  84. The graph of time period (T) of a simple pendulum versus its length (I) is

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  85. If the frequency of oscillation of a pendulum in simple harmonic motion is n, then frequency of pendulum whose length becomes four times is

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  86. The ratio of frequencies of two pendulums are 2 : 3, then their length are in ratio

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  87. What is time period of a pendulum hanged in a satellite ? (T is time period on earth)

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  88. A simple pendulum is attached to the roof of a lift. If time period of oscillation, when the lift is stationary is T . Then frequency of oscillation, when the lift falls freely, will be

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  89. The length of a second’s pendulum at the surface of earth is 1 m. The length of second’s pendulum at the surface of moon where g is 1/6th that at earth’s surface is

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  90. A simple pendulum has a time period of 1 s. In order to increase the time period to 2 s.

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  91. There is a simple pendulum hanging from the ceiling of a lift. When the lift is stand still, the time period of the pendulum is T . If the resultant acceleration becomes `g//4` ,then the new time period of the pendulum is

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  92. The mass and diameter of a planet are twice those of earth. What will be the period of oscillation of a pendulum on this plenet. If it is a 2 second's pendulum on earth?

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  93. On a planet a freely falling body takes 2 sec when it is dropped from a height of 8 m , the time period of simple pendulum of length 1 m on that planet is

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  94. Simple pendulum is executing simple harmonic motion with time period `T`. If the length of the pendulum is increased by `21%`, then the increase in the time period of the pendulum of the increased length is:

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  95. The time period of a simple pendulum measured inside a stationary lift is found to be T . If the lift starts accelerating upwards with an acceleration `g //3`, the time period is

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  96. A simple pendulum oscillates in a vertical plane. When it passes through the mean position, the tension in the string is `3` times the weight of the pendulum bob.what is the maximum displacement of the pendulum with respect to the vertical

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  97. The length of the second's pendulum is decreased by 0.3 cm, when it is shifted to Chennai from London. If the acceleration due to gravity at London is `981" cm"//"s"^(2)`, the acceleration due to gravity at Chennai is (Assume `pi^(2)=10`)

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  98. A pendulum suspended from the roof of an elevator at rest has a time period `T_(1)`, when the elevator moves up with an acceleration `a` its time period becomes `T_(2)`, when the elevator moves down with an acceleration `a`, its time period becomes `T_(3)`, then

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  99. If a simple pendulum of length 'L' has maximum angular displacement alpha'. Then the maximum kinetic energy of bob mass m is

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  100. A hollow spherical pendulum filled with mercury has time period T. If mercury is thrown out completely, then the new time period

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter OSCILLATIONS of DHANPAT RAI & CO PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11