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Complete Solutions to Exercises of chapter PROPERTIES AND SOLUTIONS OF TRIANGLE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions80
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In `Delta ABC, (sin A (a - b cos C))/(sin C (c -b cos A))=`

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  2. If in a triangle ABC, `(1 + cos A)/(a) + (1 + cos B)/(b) + (1+ cos C)/(c) = (k^(2) (1 + cos A) (1 + cos B) (1 + cos C))/(abc)`, then k is equal to

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  3. In triangle `A B C ,2a csin(1/2(A-B+C))` is equal to `a^2+b^2-c^2` (b) `c^2+a^2-b^2` `b^2-c^2-a^2` (d) `c^2-a^2-b^2`

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  4. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio `4:1:1,` then the ratio of the longest side to the perimeter is

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  5. Which of the following pieces of data does NOT uniquely determine an acute-angled triangle `A B C(R` being the radius of the circumcircle)? (a) `a ,sinA ,sinB` (b) `a , b , c (c) `a ,sinB ,R` (d) `a ,sinA ,R`

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  6. The sides of a triangle are in the ratio `1: sqrt3:2.` Then the angles are in the ratio

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  7. In ` A B C ,a=5,b=12 ,c=90^0a n dD` is a point on `A B` so that `/_B C D=45^0dot` Then which of the following is not true? (a) `C D=(60sqrt(2))/(17)` (b) `B D=(65)/(17)` (c) `A D=(60sqrt(2))/(17)` (d) none of these

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  8. In `Delta ABC, (a + b+ c) (b + c -a) = kbc` if

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  9. Let `D` be the middle point of the side `B C` of a triangle `A B Cdot` If the triangle `A D C` is equilateral, then `a^2: b^2: c^2` is equal to `1:4:3` (b) `4:1:3` (c) `4:3:1` (d) `3:4:1`

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  10. In a triangle `A B C ,` the altitude from `A` is not less than `B C` andthe altitude from `B` is not less than `A C` . (a)The triangle is right angled (b) isosceles obtuse angled (d) equilateral

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  11. In `DeltaABC`, if `(sin A)/(c sin B) + (sin B)/(c) + (sin C)/(b) = (c)/(ab) + (b)/(ac) + (a)/(bc)`, then the value of angle A is

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  12. If in `Delta ABC`, sides a, b, c are in A.P. then

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  13. In a `DeltaABC`, AD is the altitude from A. Given `b gt c, angleC=23^(@)" and "AD=(abc)/((b^(2)-c^(2))`, find `angleB`.

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  14. If the sides `a , b , c` of a triangle `A B C` form successive terms of G.P. with common ratio `r(>1)` then which of the following is correct? (a) `A >pi/3 ' (b) `B≥π/3` '(c) `C<π/3` '(d) `A < B < π/3`

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  15. In triangle ABC, `b^(2) sin 2C + c^(2) sin 2B = 2bc` where `b = 20, c = 21`, then inradius =

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  16. In a ` A B C ,ifA B=x , B C=x+1,/_C=pi/3` , then the least integer value of `x` is 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) none of these

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  17. If one side of a triangle is double the other, and the angles on opposite sides differ by `60^0,` then the triangle is equilateral (b) obtuse angled (c) right angled (d) acute angled

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  18. If the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is four times the length of the perpendicular drawn from the opposite vertex to it, then the difference of the two acute angles will be `60^0` (b) `15^0` (c) `75^0` (d) `30^0`

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  19. If `P` is a point on the altitude AD of the triangle ABC such the `/_C B P=B/3,` then AP is equal to `2asinC/3` (b) `2bsinC/3` (c) `2csinB/3` (d) `2csinC/3`

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  20. With usual notations, in triangle `A B C ,acos(B-C)+bcos(C-A)+c"cos"(A-B)` is equal to `a b c//R^2` (b) `(a b c)/(4R^2)` `(4a b c)/(R^2)` (d) `(a b c)/(2R^2)`

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  21. If in `Delta ABC, 8R^(2) = a^(2) + b^(2) + c^(2)`, then the triangle ABC is

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  22. Let ABC be a triangle with `/_A=45^0dot` Let P be a point on side BC with PB=3 and PC=5. If O is circumcenter of triangle ABC, then length OP is `sqrt(18)` (b) `sqrt(17)` (c) `sqrt(19)` (d) `sqrt(15)`

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  23. In any triangle `A B C ,(a^2+b^2+c^2)/(R^2)` has the maximum value of 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) none of these

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  24. In triangle ABC, `R (b + c) = a sqrt(bc)`, where R is the circumradius of the triangle. Then the triangle is

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  25. In ` A B C ,` if `b^2+c^2=2a^2,` then value of `(cotA)/(cotB+cotC)` is `1/2` (b) `3/2` (c) `5/2` (d) `5/2`

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  26. If `sin theta and -cos theta` are the roots of the equation `ax^(2) - bx - c = 0`, where a, b, and c are the sides of a triangle ABC, then `cos B` is equal to

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  27. If `D` is the mid-point of the side `B C` of triangle `A B C` and `A D` is perpendicular to `A C` , then `3b^2=a^2-c` (b) `3a^2=b^2 3c^2` `b^2=a^2-c^2` (d) `a^2+b^2=5c^2`

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  28. In a triangle `ABC, if cotA :cotB :cotC = 30: 19 : 6` then the sides `a, b, c` are

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  29. In `Delta ABC`, P is an interior point such that `angle PAB = 10^(@), anglePBA = 20^(@), anglePCA = 30^(@), anglePAC = 40^(@) " then " DeltaABC` is

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  30. In `DeltaABC`, if AB = c is fixed, and `cos A + cosB + 2 cos C = 2` then the locus of vertex C is

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  31. If in ` A B C ,A=pi/7,B=(2pi)/7,C=(4pi)/7` then `a^2+b^2+c^2` must be `R^2` (b) `3R^2` (c) `4R^2` (d) `7R^2`

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  32. In `Delta ABC, "cot"(A)/(2) + "cot" (B)/(2) + "cot" (C)/(2)` is equal to

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  33. In ` A B C ,(cot (A/2)+cot(B/2))(asin^2(B/2)+bsin^2(A/2))=` (a) `cotC` (b) c`cotC` (c) `cot(C/2)` (d) c`cot(C/2)`

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  34. In a right-angled isosceles triangle, the ratio of the circumradius and inradius is

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  35. In a ΔABC, a semicircle is inscribed, whose diameter lies on the side c. Then the radius of the semicircle is (Where Δ is the area of the triangle ABC)

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  36. In `DeltaABC, A = (2pi)/(3), b -c = 3 sqrt3 cm and " area of " Delta ABC = (9sqrt3)/(2) cm^(2)`, then BC =

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  37. In triangle ABC, let `angle C = pi//2`. If r is the inradius and R is circumradius of the triangle, then `2(r + R)` is equal to

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  38. In the given figure, AB is the diameter of the circle, centered at O. If `angle COA =60^(@), AB=2r, Ac=d and CD=l,` then l is equal to

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  39. In triangle `A B C ,ifPdotQ ,R` divides sides`B C ,A C ,` and `A B ,` respectively, in the ratio `k :1(inor d e r)dot` If the ratio `((a r E A P Q R)/(a r e a A B C))` IS `1/3,t h e nk` is equal to `1/3` (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) none of these

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  40. If the angles of a triangle are `30^(@) and 45^(@)`, and the included side is `(sqrt3 + 1)` cm, then

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  41. In triangle `A B C` , base `B C` and area of triangle are fixed. The locus of the centroid of triangle `A B C` is a straight line that is parallel to side `B C` right bisector of side BC perpendicular to BC inclined at an angle `sin^(-1)((sqrt())/(B C))` to side BC

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  42. let the area of triangle `A B C` be `((sqrt(3)-1))/2,b=2` , and `c=(sqrt(3)-1)` , and `/_A` be acute. The measure of the angle `C` is `15^0` (b) `30^0` (c) `60^0` (d) `75^0`

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  43. In `DeltaABC, Delta = 6, abc = 60, r=1`. Then the value of `(1)/(a) + (1)/(b) + (1)/(c)` is nearly

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  44. Triangle `ABC` is isosceles with `AB=AC and BC=65cm.` P is a point on `BC` such that the perpendiculardistances from P to `AB and AC` are `24cm and 36cm,` respectively. The area of triangle `ABC` (in sq cm is)

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  45. In an equilateral triangle, the inradius, circumradius, and one of the exradii are in the ratio

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  46. In triangle ABC, if `cos A + cos B + cos C = (7)/(4), " then " (R)/(r)` is equal to

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  47. If two sides of a triangle are roots of the equation `x^(2) -7x + 8 = 0` and the angle between these sides is `60^(@)` then the product of inradius and circumradius of the triangle is

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  48. Given `b = 2, c = sqrt3, angle A = 30^(@)`, then inradius of `DeltaABC` is

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  49. In triangle ABC, if `A - B = 120^(2) and R = 8r`, where R and r have their usual meaning, then cos C equals

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  50. `A B C` is an equilateral triangle of side `4c mdot` If `R ,r and h` are the circumradius, inradius, and altitude, respectively, then `(R+r)/h` is equal to

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  51. A circle is inscribed in a triangle `A B C` touching the side `A B` at `D` such that `A D=5,B D=3,if/_A=60^0` then length `B C` equals. 9 (b)`(120)/(13)`(c) `13`(d) `12`

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  52. The rational number which equals the number `2. 357 ` with recurring decimal is `(2355)/(1001)` b. `(2379)/(997)` c. `(2355)/(999)` d. none of these

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  53. Let AD be a median of the `Delta ABC`. If AE and AF are medians of the triangle ABD and ADC, respectively, and BD=a/2 AD = `m_(1), AE = m_(2), AF = m_(3), " then " a^(2)//8` is equal to

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  54. For a triangle `ABC, R = (5)/(2) and r = 1`. Let D, E and F be the feet of the perpendiculars from incentre I to BC, CA and AB, respectively. Then the value of `((IA) (IB)(IC))/((ID)(IE)(IF))` is equal to _____

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  55. In triangle `A B C ,/_A=60^0,/_B=40^0,a n d/_C=80^0dot` If `P` is the center of the circumcircle of triangle `A B C` with radius unity, then the radius of the circumcircle of triangle `B P C` is (a)`1` (b) `sqrt(3)` (c) 2 (d) `sqrt(3)` `2`

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  56. If `H` is the othrocenter of an acute angled triangle ABC whose circumcircle is `x^2+y^2=16 ,` then circumdiameter of the triangle HBC is 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 8

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  57. In triangle ABC, the line joining the circumcenter and incenter is parallel to side AC, then `cos A + cos C` is equal to

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  58. In triangle ABC, line joining the circumcenter and orthocenter is parallel to side AC, then the value of tan A tan C is equal to

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  59. In triangle `A B C ,/_C=(2pi)/3` and `C D` is the internal angle bisector of `/_C ,` meeting the side `A Ba tD` . If Length `C D` is `1,` the H.M. of `aa n db` is equal to: 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

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  60. In the given figure `DeltaABC` is equilateral on side AB produced. We choose a point such that A lies between P and B. We now denote 'a' as the length of sides of `DeltaABC`, `r_1` as the radius of incircle `DeltaPAC` and `r_2` as the ex-radius of `DeltaPBC` with respect to side BC. Then `r_1 + r_2` is equal to

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  61. A variable triangle `A B C` is circumscribed about a fixed circle of unit radius. Side `B C` always touches the circle at D and has fixed direction. If B and C vary in such a way that (BD) (CD)=2, then locus of vertex A will be a straight line. parallel to side BC perpendicular to side BC making an angle `(pi/6)` with BC making an angle `sin^(-1)(2/3)` with `B C`

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  62. In `Delta ABC`, if a = 10 and `b cot B + c cot C = 2(r + R)` then the maximum area of `DeltaABC` will be

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  63. Let C be incircle of `DeltaABC`. If the tangents of lengths `t_(1),t_(2) and t_(3)` are drawn inside the given triangle parallel to side a,b, and c, respectively, then `(t_(1))/(a) + (t_(2))/(b) + (t_(3))/(c)` is equal to

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  64. A park is in the form of a rectangle `120 mx100 mdot` At the centre of the park there is a circular lawn. The area of park excluding lawn is `8700 m^2` . Find the radius of the circular lawn. `(U s epi(22)/7)`

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  65. In triangle ABC, if `r_(1) = 2r_(2) = 3r_(3)`, then `a : b` is equal to

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  66. If in a triangle, `(1-(r_(1))/(r_(2))) (1 - (r_(1))/(r_(3))) = 2`, then the triangle is

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  67. If in a triangle `(r)/(r_(1)) = (r_(2))/(r_(3))`, then

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  68. In `Delta ABC`, I is the incentre, Area of `DeltaIBC, DeltaIAC and DeltaIAB` are, respectively, `Delta_(1), Delta_(2) and Delta_(3)`. If the values of `Delta_(1), Delta_(2) and Delta_(3)` are in A.P., then the altitudes of the `DeltaABC` are in

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  69. In an acute angled triangle ABC, `r + r_(1) = r_(2) + r_(3) and angleB gt (pi)/(3)`, then

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  70. If in triangle `A B C ,sumsinA/2=6/5a n dsumI I_1=9` (where `I_1,I_2a n dI_3` are excenters and `I` is incenter, then circumradius `R` is equal to `(15)/8` (b) `(15)/4` (c) `(15)/2` (d) `4/(12)`

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  71. The radii `r_(1), r_(2), r_(3)` of the escribed circles of the triangle ABC are in H.P. If the area of the triangle is `24 cm^(2)` and its perimeter is 24 cm, then the length of its largest side is

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  72. In `ABC` with usual notations, if `r=1,r_1=7 and R=3,` the `(a) ABC` is equilateral (b) acute angled which is not equilateral (c) obtuse angled (d) right angled

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  73. Which of the following expresses the circumference of a circle inscribed in a sector `O A B` with radius `Ra n dA B=2a ?` `2pi(R a)/(R+a)` (b) `(2piR^2)/a` `2pi(r-a)^2` (d) `2piR/(R-a)`

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  74. In ` A B C ,` the median `A D` divides `/_B A C` such that `/_B A D :/_C A D=2:1` . Then `cos(A/3)` is equal to `(sinB)/(2sinC)` (b) `(sinC)/(2sinB)` `(2sinB)/(sinC)` (d) `non eoft h e s e`

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  75. The area of the circle and the area of a regular polygon of `n` sides and the perimeter of polygon equal to that of the circle are in the ratio of `tan(pi/n):pi/n` (b) `cos(pi/n):pi/n` `sinpi/n :pi/n` (d) `cot(pi/n):pi/n`

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  76. The ratio of the area of a regular polygon of `n` sides inscribed in a circle to that of the polygon of same number of sides circumscribing the same is 3:4. Then the value of `n` is 6 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 12

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  77. In any triangle, the minimum value of `r_(1) r_(2) r_(3) //r^(3)` is equal to

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  78. If `R_(1)` is the circumradius of the pedal triangle of a given triangle ABC, and `R_(2)` is the circumradius of the pedal triangle of the pedal triangle formed, and so on `R_(3), R_(4)`..., then the value of `sum_( i=1)^(oo) R_(i)`, where R (circumradius) of `DeltaABC` is 5 is

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  79. A sector `O A B O` of central angle `theta` is constructed in a circle with centre `O` and of radius `6.` The radius of the circle that is circumscribed about the triangle `O A B ,` is `6costheta/2` (b) `6sectheta/2` `3sectheta/2` (d) `3(costheta/2+2)`

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  80. There is a point P inside an equilateral `DeltaABC` of side a whose distances from vertices A, B and C are 3, 4 and 5, respectively. Rotate the triangle and P through `60^(@)` about C. Let A go to A' and P to P'. Then the area of `DeltaPAP'` (in sq. units) is

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Exercises questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES AND SOLUTIONS OF TRIANGLE of CENGAGE MATHS (ENGLISH) of Class 12