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Complete Solutions to Exercises Assertion -reasoning of chapter MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC FORCES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE PHYSICSExercises Assertion -reasoning
Number Of Questions8
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Statement 1: Cyclotron is a device which is used to accelerate the positive ions.
    Statement 2: Cyclotorn frequency depends upon the evelocity.

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  2. Statement 1: The net force on a closed circular current carrying loop placed in a uniform magnetic field is zero.
    Statement 2: The torque produced in a conducting circular ring is zero when it is placed in a uniform magnetic field such that the magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of loop.

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  3. Statement 1: A rectangular current loop is in an arbitray oreintation in an external uniform magnetic field. No work is required to rotate the loop abour an axis perpendicular to its plane.
    Statement 2: All positions represents the same level of energy.

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  4. Statement 1: If a proton and an `alpha`-particle enter a uniform magnetic field perpendicularly with the same speed, the time period of revolution of `alpha`-particle is double than that of proton.
    Statement 2: In a magnetic field, the period of revolution of a charged particle is directly proportional to the mass of the particle and inversely proprotional to the charge of particle.

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  5. Statement 1: A charged particle is moving in a circular path under the action of a uniform magnetic field as shown in Fig. During motion kinetic energy of charged particle is costant.
    Statement 2: During the motion, magnetic force acting on the particle is perpendicular to instantaneous velocity.

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  6. Statement 1: When radius of a circular loop carrying current is doubled, its magnetic moment becomes four times.
    Statement 2: Magnetic moment depends on the area of the loop.

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  7. Statement 1: A magnetic field independent of time can change the velocity of a charged particle.
    Statement 2: It is not possible to change the velocity of a particle in a magnetic field as magnetic field does no work on the charged particle.

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  8. Statement 1: The magnetic field as magnetic field does no work on the charged particle.
    Statement 2: force (magnetic) on the wire is `int dF=int idveclxxvecB`

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Exercises Assertion -reasoning questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC FORCES of CENGAGE PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 12