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Complete Solutions to Exercises Multiple Correct of chapter MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC FORCES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE PHYSICSExercises Multiple Correct
Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following statements is correct?

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  2. A charged particle P leaves the origin with speed `v = v_(0)`, at some inclination with the X-axis. There is a uniform magnetic field B along the X-axis. P strikes a fixed target T on the X-axis for a minimum value of `B = B_(0)`. P will also strike T, if

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  3. If a charged particle is moving in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field with a time period T Then

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  4. In the previous question, if the pitch of the helical path is equal to the maximum distance of the particle from the x-axis

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  5. A particle having a mass of 0.5g carries a charge of `2.5xx10^-8C`. The particle is given an initial horizontal velocity of `6xx10^4ms^-1`. To keep the particle moving in a horizontal direction

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  6. The force `vecF` experienced by a particle of charge q moving with a velocity `vecv` in a magnetic field `vecB` is given by `vecF=q(vecvxxvecB)`. Which pairs of vectors are at right angles to each other?

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  7. A charged particle moves in a uniform magnetic field. The velocity of the particle at some instant makes an acute angle with the magnetic field. The path of the particle will be

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  8. An electron is moving along the positive x-axis. You want to apply a magnetic field for a short time so that the electron may reverse its direction and move parallel to the nagative x-axis. This can be done by applying the magnetic field along

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  9. If a charged particle goes unaccelerated in a region containing electric and magnetic fields,

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  10. A proton is fired from origin with velocity `V=v_(0)hatJ+v_(0)hatK` in a uniform magnetic field B=B_(0)hatJ, in the susbsequent motion of the proton

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  11. Velocity and acceleration vector of a charged particle moving in a magnetic field at some instant are `V=3hati+4hatj` and `a=2hati+xhatj.` Select the correct alternative(s).

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  12. A charged particle goes undeflected in a region containing electric and magnetic field. It is possible that

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  13. A charge partilce with velocity `V=xhati+yhatj` moves in a magnetic field `B=yhati+xhatj.` The magnitude of magnetic force acting on the particle is F. Which one of the following statement(s) is/are correct ?

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  14. A conductor ABCDE, shaped as shown, carries current I. It is placed in the x-y plane with the end A and E on the x-axis. A uniform magnetic field of magnitude B exists in the region. The force acting on it will be

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  15. A regular polygon of n sides is formed by bending a wire of total length `2 pi r` which carries a current i. (a) Find the magnetic field B at the centre of the polygon. (b) By letting `n rarr oo` , deduce the expression for the magnetic field at the centre of a circular current.

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  16. A wooden cubical block ABCDEFG of mass m and side a is wrapped by a square wire loop of perimeter 4a, carying current I. The whole system is placed at frictionless horizontal surface in a uniform magnetic field `vecB=B_0hatj` as shown in fig. In this situation, normal force between horizontal surface and block passes through a point at a distance x from centre. Choose correct statement (s).

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  17. A particle of charge -q and mass m enters a uniform magnetic field B ( perpendicular to paper inwards) P with a velocity `v_(0)` at an angle `alpha` and leaves the free at Q with velocity v at angle `beta` as shown in figure. The

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  18. Let `vecE and vecB` denote the electric and magnetic field in a certain region of space. A proton moving with a velocity along a straight line enters the region and is found to pass through it undeflected. Indicate which of the following statement are consistent with the observation.

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  19. A charged particle of unit mass and unit charge moves with velocity of `v=(8hati+6hatj)m//s` in a magnetis field of `B=2hatKT. Then

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  20. A particle moves in a gravity free space where an electric field of strength E and a magnetic field of induction B exit. Which of the following statement is are correct?

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  21. A charged particle of specific charge `alpha` moves with velocity `v=v_(0)hati` in a magnetic field `B=B_(0)/(sqrt2)(hatJ+1)` Then (specific charge=charge per unit mass)

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  22. When a current carrying coil is placed in a uniform magnetic field with its magnetic moment anti-parallel to the field.

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  23. A charge particle of charge q and mass m is moving with velocity v as shown in fig In a uniform magnetic field B along -ve z-direction.Select the correct alternative (s).

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  24. A particle of charge q and mass m enters normally (at point P) in a region of magnetic field with speed v. It comes out noramally from Q after time T as shown in Fig. The magnetic field B is present only in the region of radius R and is uniform. Initial and final velocities are along radial direction and they are perpendicular to each other. For this to happen, which of the following expression (s) is are correct?

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  25. A wire of mass m and length l is placed on a smooth incline making an angle `theta` with the horizontal, whose fornt view is shown in Fig. When a finite amount of charge is passed through it in an infinitesimal time, the wire immediately acquires some velocity and then ascends the incline by a distance s. For this small duration, we can neglect the gravitational force because the current can be considered very large due to small time duration. The amount of charge passed through the wire is

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Exercises Multiple Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETIC FORCES of CENGAGE PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 12