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Complete Solutions to Level-II (C.W) of chapter ELECTRO MAGNETIC INDUCTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A circular coil of `'n'` turns is kept in a uniform magnetic fielf such that the plane of the coil is perpendicualr to the field. The magnetic flux associated with the coil is now `phi`. Now the coil is opened and made inot another circular coil od twice radius of the pervious coil and kept in the same field such that the plane of the coil is perpendicular to the field. The magnetic flux associated with this coil now is

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  2. a physicist works in a laboratory where the magnetic field is `2T`. She wears a necklace enclosing of an area `100 cm^(2)` of field and having a resistance of `0.1 Omega`. Because of power failure, the field decays to `1 T` in millisecond. The electric charge circulated in the necklace assuming that the magnetic field is perpendicular to area covered by the necklace is

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  3. Two parallel rails of a railway track insulated from each other and with the ground are connected to a millivoltmeter. The distance between the rails is one metre. A train is traveling with a velocity of `72 km ph` along the track. The reading of the millivoltmetre (in `m V`) is : (Vertical component of the earth's magnetic induction is `2 xx 10^(-5) T`)

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  4. A rod `PQ` is connected to the capacitor plates. The rod is placed in a magnetic field `(B)` directed downwards perpendicular to the plane of the paper. If the rod is pulled out of magnetic field with velocity `vec(v)` as shown in Figure.

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  5. A wire is sliding as shown in Figure. The angle between the acceleration and the velocity of the wire is

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  6. A conducting wire `xy` of lentgh `l` and mass `m` is sliding without friction on vertical conduction rails `ab` and `cd` as shown in figure. A uniform magnetic field `B` exists perpendicular to the plane of the rails, `x` moves with a constant velocity of

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  7. A conducitng rod `AB` of length `l = 1 m` moving at a velcity `v = 4 m//s` making an angle `30^(@)` with its length. A uniform magnetic field `B = 2T` exists in a direction perpendicular to the plane of motion. Then :

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  8. A wire `KMN` moves along the bisector of the angle `theta` with a constant velocity `v` in a uniform magnetic field `B` perpendicular to the plane of the paper and directed inward. Which of the following is correct?

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  9. A uniform magnetic field existsin region given by `vec(B) = 3 hat(i) + 4 hat(j)+5hat(k)`. A rod of length `5 m` is placed along `y`-axis is moved along `x`- axis with constant speed `1 m//sec`. Then the magnitude of induced `e.m.f` in the rod is :

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  10. A conducting rod `PQ` of length `1 m` is moving with uniform velocity of `2 m//s` in a uniform magnetic field of `2T` directed inot the plane of paper. A capacitor of capacity `c = 10 mu F` is connected as shown. Then :

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  11. A time varying magnetic field is present in a cyclindrical region `R` as shown in the figure. A positive charge `q` is taken slowly from `P` to `Q` through `POQ`, the magnetic field varies with time as `B = B_(0) t` (where `B_(0)` is a constant) are directed into the plane of the paper. If `W` is the workdone then `W =`

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  12. A metallic square loop ABCD is moving in its own plane with velocity v in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to its plane as shown in the figure. An electric field is induced

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  13. The flux linked with a coil is `0.8 Wb` when a `2` A current is flowing through it. If this current begins to increases at the rate of `400 A//s`, the induced `emf` in the coil will be

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  14. A solenoid of self inductance `1.2 H` is in series with a tangent galvanonmeter of reduction factor `0.9 A`.They are connected to a battery and the tangent galvanometer shows a deflection of `53^(@)`. The energy stored in the magnetic field of the solenoid is `(tan 53^(@) = 4//3)`

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  15. There are two batteries `'A'` and `'B'` having same emf. A has no internal resistance and `B` has some internal restance. An inductance is connected first to `'A'` and the energy in the uniform magnetic field setup inside is `'U'`. It is now disconnected from `'A'` and reconnected to `'B'`. The energy stored in the uniform magnetic field will be

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  16. An emf induced in a secondary coil is `10000 V` when the current breaks in the primary. The mutual inductance is `5 H` and the current reaches to zero in `10^(-4) s` in primary. The maximum current in the primary before the breaks is

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  17. A mutual inductor consists of two coils `X` and `Y` as shown in Fig. in which one-quarter of the magnetic flux produced by `X` links with `Y`, giving a mutual inductance `M`. What will be the mutual inductance when `Y` is used as the primary?

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  18. A long solenoid of length `L`, cross section `A` having `N_(1)` turns has about its center a small coil of `N_(2)` turns as shows in Fig The mutual inductance of two circuits is

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  19. A small coil of radius `r` is placed at the centre of a large coil of radius `R`, where `R gtgt r`. The two coils are coplanar. The mutual inductance between the coils is proportional to

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  20. The coefficient of mutual inductance of two circuits `A` and `B` is `3 mH` and their respective resistances are `10 Omega` and `4 Omega`. How much current should change in `0.02 s` in circuit `A`, so that the induced current in `B` should be `0.0060 A`?

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  21. The key `'K'` is switched on at `t = 0`. Then the currents through battery at `t = 0` and `t = oo` are

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  22. The current in an `L-R` circuit builds upto `3//4th` of its steady state value in `4sec`. Then the time constant of this circuit is

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  23. For the circuit shown, initially `'S'` is closed for a long time so that steady has been reached. Then at `t = 0`, `'S'` is opened, due to which the current decays to zero. The heat generated in inductor is.

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  24. A coil of inductance `1 H` and resistance `10Omega` is connected to a resistanceless battery of emf `50 V` at time `t=0`. Calculate the ratio of rthe rate which magnetic energy is stored in the coil to the rate at which energy is supplied by the battery at `t=0.1s`.

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  25. Current growth in two `LR` circuits `(A)` and `(B)` is as shown in figure `(C )`. It follows that

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  26. In an `LR` circuit, current at `t = 0` is `20 A`. After `2 s` it reduces to `18 A`. The time constant of the circuit is :

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  27. A chock coil has an inductance of `4H` and a resistance of `2 Omega`. It is connected to a battery of `12 V` and negaligible internal resistance. The time taken for the current to become `3.78 A` is nearly

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  28. A coil of `40 H` inductance is connected in series with a resistance of `8` ohm and the combination is joined to the terminals of a `2 V` battery. The time constant of the circuit

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Level-II (C.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRO MAGNETIC INDUCTION of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12