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Complete Solutions to Level-II (H.W) of chapter ELECTRO MAGNETIC INDUCTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A coil of `30` turns of wire each of `10 cm^(2)` area is placed with its plance perpendicular to a magnetic field of `0.1 T`. When the coil is suddenly withdraw from the field, a galvanometer connected in series with the coil indicated that a `10 mu C` charge passes around the circuit. The combined resistance of the coil and galvanometer is

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  2. A square coil of side `0.5 m` has movable sides. It si placed such that its plance is perpendiuclar to uniform magnetic field of induction `0.2T`. If all the sides are allowed to move with a speed of `0.1 m//s` for `4` sec outwards, average induced `emf` is

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  3. A uniform magnetic field existsin region given by `vec(B) = 3 hat(i) + 4 hat(j)+5hat(k)`. A rod of length `5 m` is placed along `y`-axis is moved along `x`- axis with constant speed `1 m//sec`. Then the magnitude of induced `e.m.f` in the rod is :

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  4. Two identical conducting rings `A` and `B` of radius `R` are rolling over a horizontal conducting plane with same speed `v` but in opposite direction. A constant magnetic field `B` is present pointing into the plane of paper. Then the potential difference between the highest points of the two rings is

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  5. A flexible wire loop in the shape of a circle has a radius that grows linearly with time. There is a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the loop that has a magnitude inversely proportional to the distance from the centre of the loop, `B(r ) prop (1)/(r )` How does the `emf` `E` vary with time?

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  6. A square loop `PQRS` of side `'a'` and resistance `'r'` is placed near an infinitely long wire carrying a constant current `I`. The sides `PQ` and `RS` are parallel to the wire. The wire and the loop are in the same plane. The loop is rotated by `180^(@)` about an axis parallel to the long wire and passing through the mid points of the side `QR` and `PS`. The total amont of charge which passes through any point of the loop during rotation is:

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  7. A rectangular loop with a sliding connector of length `l = 1.0 m` is situated in a uniform magnetic field `B = 2T` perpendicular to the plane of loop. Resistance of connector is `r = 2 Omega`. Two resistances of `6Omega` and `3Omega` are connected as shown in . The external force required to keep the connetor moving with a constant velocity `v = 2 m s^(-1)` is

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  8. A straight rod of length `l` si rotating about axis passing through `O` is shown. A uniform magnetic field `B` exists parallel to the axis of rotation. `E.m.f` induced between `P` and `Q` is:

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  9. A rod of length `10 cm` made up of conducting and non-conducting material (shaded part is non-conducting). The rod is rotated with constant angular velocity `10 rad//s` about point `O`, in constant magnetic field of `2 T` as shown in the figure. The induced `emf` between the point `A` and `B` of rod will be:

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  10. A triangular wire frame (each side =2m) is placed in a region of time variant magnetic field `dB//dt = (sqrt3) T//s`. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the triangle and its centre coincides with the centre of triangle. The base of the triangle AB has a resistance `1(Omega)` while the other two sides have resistance `2(Omega)` each. The magnitude of potential difference between the points A and B will be

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  11. A uniform magnetic field of induction `B` is confined to a cyclindrical region of radius `R`. The magnetic field is increasing at a constant rate of `dB//dt` (tesla`//` second). A charge `q` of mass `m`, placed at the point `P` on the periphery of the fixed experiences an acceleration :

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  12. The e.m.f. induced in a secondary coil is `20000 V` when the current breaks in the primary coil. The mutual inductance is `5H` and the current reaches to zero in `10^(-4) sec` in the primary. The maximu current in the primary before it breaks is

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  13. A small square loop of wire of side l is placed inside a large square loop of wire of side `L(Lgtgtl)`. The loops are co-planer and their centres coincide. The mutual inductance of the system is proportional to

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  14. A straight solenoid of length `1 m` has `5000` turns in the primary and `200` turns in the secondary coil. If the area of cross section is `4 cm^(2)`, the mutual inductance will be

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  15. Two coaxial circular loops of radius `0.5 m` and `5 xx 10^(-2)m` are separated by a distance `0.5 m` and carry currents `2 A` and `1 A` respectively. The force between the loops due to mutual induction is

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  16. The mutual inductance between the rectangular loop and the long straight wire as shown in figure is `M`.

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  17. An infinite long straight conducting cylinderical shell of radius a is surrounded by a thin coaxial infinite conducing cylinderical shell of radius `b`. Assuming current flows uniformly through the cylinderical shell returns through the outer shell, the inductance per unit length for this arrangement is

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  18. A `mu F` capacitor is charged by a `400 V` supply through `0.1 M Omega` resistance. The time taken by the capacitor to develop a potential difference of `300 V` is : (Given `log_(10) 4 = 0.602`)

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  19. A resistance with an inductor of `8 H` has the same time constant as it has with a condenser of capacitor `2 mu F`. The value of the resistance expressed in ohms is

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  20. The cell in the circuit shows in Fig is ideal. The coil has an inductance of `4 mH` and a resistance of `2 mOmega`. The switch is closed at `t = 0`. The amount of energy stored in the inductor at `t = 2 s` is (take `e = 3)`

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  21. In the Fig., the final current through `30 Omega` resistance when circuit is completed is

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  22. In the circuit shown in figure switch `S` is closed at time `t=0`. The charge which passes through the battery in one time constant is

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  23. A coil of wire having inductance and resistance has a conducting ring placed coaxially within it. The coil is connected to a battery at time t=0, so that a time-dependent current `1_(1)(t)` starts following through the coil. If `I_(2)(t)` is the current induced in the ring, and B (t) is the magnetic field at the axis of the coil due to `I_(1)(t)` then as a function of time `(tgt0)`, the product `I_(2)(t)B(t)`

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Level-II (H.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRO MAGNETIC INDUCTION of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12