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Complete Solutions to Level 1 C.W of chapter CURRENT ELECTRICITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions64
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the electron in a Hydrogen atom makes `6.25xx10^(15)` revolutions in one second, the current is

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  2. The current through a wire connected to a condenser varies with time as `i=(2t+1)A` the charge transport to the condenser from `t=0` to `t=5s` is

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  3. A copper wire of cross sectional area 2.0 `mm^(2)`, resistivity `=1.7xx10^(-8)Omegam`, carries a current of 1 A. The electric field in the copper wire is

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  4. Using three wires of resistances 1 ohm, 2ohm and 3 ohm then no. of different values of resistances that possible are

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  5. Six resistances of each 12 ohm are connected as shown in the fig. The effective resistance between the terminals A and B is

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  6. Current `i` coming from the battery and ammeter reading are

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  7. In the circuit shown, the reading of the voltmeter and the ammeter are

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  8. The resistance of a wire of 100 cmlength is `10Omega`. Now, it is cut into 10 equal parts and all of them are twisted to form a single bundle. Its resistances is

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  9. A metallic wire of resistance 20 ohm stretched until its length is doubled. Its resistances is

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  10. Resistance of each `10Omega` are connected as shown in the fig. The effective resistance between A and G is

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  11. Which arrangement of four identical resistances should be sued to draw maximum energy from cell of voltage V

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  12. If four resistances are connected as shown in the fig. between A and B the effective resistance is

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  13. A letter `A` is constructed as a uniform wire of resistance 1 ohm/cm. The sides of the letter are 20 cm long and the cross piece in the middle is 10 cm long while the vertex angle is `60^(@)` the resistance of the letter between the two ends of the legs is

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  14. Find the value of colour coded resistance shoen in fig.

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  15. The resistance of a wire is `2Omega` if it is drawn in such a way that it experiences a longitudinal strain `200%` its new resistance is

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  16. `n` conducting wires of same dimensions but having resistivities 1,2,3,….n are connected is series. The equivalent resistivity of the combination is

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  17. An Aluminium `(alpha=4xx10^(-3)K^(-1))` resistance `R_(1)` and a carbon `(alpha=-0.5xx10^(-3)K^(-1))` resistance `R_(2)` are connected in series to have a resultant resistance of `36Omega` at all temperatures. The values of `R_(1)` and `R_(2)` in `Omega` respectively are:

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  18. The temperature coefficient of resistance of a wire is 0.00125 per `.^oC`. At 300K, its resistance is 1 `Omega`. The resistance of the wire will be 2 `Omega` at

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  19. The electrical resistance of a mercury column in a cylindrical container is `R` the mercury is poured into another cylindrical container with half the radius of cross-section. The resistance of the mercury column is

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  20. Four conductors of same resistance connected to form a square. If the resistance between diagonally opposite corners is 8 ohm, the resistance between any two adjacent corners is

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  21. Four wires made of same material have different lengths and radii, the wire having more resistance in the following case is

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  22. Two different wires have specific resistivities, lengths,a re of cross-sections are in the ratio `3:4, 2:9` and `8:27` then the ratio of resistance of two wires is

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  23. Two wires made of same material have their lengths are in the ratio `1:2` and their masses in the ratio `3:16` the ratio of resisstance of law wires is

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  24. A wire of resistance 18 ohm is drawn until its radius reduce `(1)/(2)`th of its original radius then resistance of the wire is

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  25. A piece of wire of resistance `4Omega` is bent through `180^(@)` at its midpoint and the two halves are twisted together.Then the resistance is

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  26. Given three equal resistors, how many different combination of all the three resistor can be made

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  27. The effective resistance between A and B in the given circuit is

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  28. How many cells each marked `(6V-12A)` should be connected in mixed grouping so that it may be marked `(24V-24VA)`

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  29. The resistance of the series combination of two resistances is S. When they are joined in parallel the total resistance is P. If S= nP then the minimum possible value of n is

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  30. A 25 watt, 220 volt bulb and a 100 watt, 220 volt bulb are connected in series across 440 volt line

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  31. There are 5 tube-lights each of 40 W in a house. These are used on an average for 5 hours per day. In addition, there is an immersion heater of 1500 W used on an average for 1 hour per day. The nmber of units of electricity are consumed in a month is

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  32. Three equal resistor connected in series across a source of enf together dissipate `10 Watt`. If the same resistors aer connected in parallel across the same emf, then the power dissipated will be

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  33. Time taken by a 836 W heater to heat one litre of water from `10^@C to 40^@C` is

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  34. A lamp of 600W-240V is connected to 220 V mains. Its resistance is

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  35. A 200 W- 200 V lamp is connected to 250 V power consuption is

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  36. If the current in a heater increases by `10%` the percentage change in the power consuption

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  37. The power of a heating coil is P. it is cut into two equal parts. The power of one of them across same mains is

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  38. In a house there are four bulbs each of `50W` and 5 fans each of 60W. If they are used at the rate of 6 hours a day, the electrical energy consumed in a month of 30 days is

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  39. An electric kettle has two coils of same power . When one coil is switched on , it takes `15 min` to boil water , and when the second coil is switched on , it takes `30 min`. How long will it take to boil water when both the coils are used in `i`. Series and `ii`. parallel?

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  40. A resistance coil of `60 omega` is immersed in 42 kg of water. A current of 7 A is passed through it. The rise in temperature of water per minutes is :

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  41. What is the required resistance of the heater coil of an immersion heater that will increase the temperature of 1.50 kg of water from `10^(@)C` to `50^(@)C` in 10 minutes while operating at `240V`?

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  42. A `5^(@)C` rise in the temperature is observed in a conductor by passing some current. When the current is doubled, then rise in temperature will be equal to

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  43. In the following diagram the pd across `6V` cell is

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  44. While connecting 6 cells in a battery in series, in a tape recorder, by mistake one cell is connected with reverse polarity. If the effective resistance of load is 24 ohm and internal resistance of each cell is one ohm and emf 1.5 V the current delivered by the battery is

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  45. A 10 m long wire of resistance 15 ohm is connectd in series with a battery of emf 2V (no internal resistance) and a resistance of 5 ohm. The potential gradient along the wire is

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  46. When a resistance of 2 ohm is placed across a battery the current is 1 A and when the resistance across the terminals is 17 ohm, the current is 0.25A. The emf of the battery is

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  47. A battery has six cells in series. Each has an emf 1.5 V and internal resistance 1 ohm. If an external load of `24Omega` is connected to it. The potential drop across the load is

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  48. 12 cells of each emf 2 V are connected in series among them, if 3 cells are connected wrongly.Then the effective emf. Of the combination is

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  49. When a battery connected across a resistor of `16Omega` the voltage across the resistor is 12 V. When the same battery is connected across a resistor of `10Omega` voltage.
    Across it is 11 V. The internal resistance of the battery in ohms is

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  50. Six resistors of each 2 ohm are connected as shown in the figure. The resultant resistance between A and B is.

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  51. in the given circuit current through the galvanometer is

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  52. The potential difference between A & B in the given branch of a circuit is

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  53. The resistance between A and B is

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  54. The resistance between A and B is

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  55. In the figure given the value of X resistance will be, when the p.d. between `B` and `D` is zero

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  56. When an unknown resistance and a resistance of `4Omega` are connected in the left and right gaps of a meterbridge, the balance point is obtained at 50 cm. the shift in the balance point if a `4Omega` resistance is now connected in parallel to the resistance in the right gap is

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  57. In a meter bridge, the gaps are closed by resistances 2 and 3 ohm. The value of shunt to be added to 3 ohm resistor to shift the balancing point by 22.5 cm is

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  58. Two equal resistance are connected in the gaps of a metre bridge. If the resistance in the left gap is increased by `10%` the balancing point shift

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  59. A potentiometer having a wire of 4 m lengths is connected to the terminals of a battery with steady voltage. A leclanche cell has a null point at 1m. If the length of the potentiometer wire is increased by 1 m, the position of the null points is

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  60. The emf of a battery A is balanced by a length 80 cm on a potentio meter wire. The emf of a standard cell 1 v is balanced by 50 cm. the emf of A is

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  61. When 6 identical cells of no internal resistance are connected in series in the secondary cicuit of a potentio meter, the balancing length is `l` balancing length becomes `(l)/(3)` when some cells are connected wrongly, the number of cell connected wrongly are

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  62. In a potentiometer experiment the balancing length with a cell is 560 cm. When an external resistance of `10Omega` is connected in parallel to the cell, the balancing length changes by 60 cm. Find the internal resistance of the cell.

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  63. The resitivity of a potentio meter wire is, if the area of cross section of the wire is `4cm^(2)`, the current flowing in the circuit is 1A, the poetntial gradient is `7.5(v)/(m)`

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  64. A potentiometer wire of 10 m length and 20 ohm resistance is connected in series with a resistance R ohms and a battery of emf 2V, negligible internal resistance, potential gradient on the wire is 0.16 millivolt/centimetre then R is ohm….

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Level 1 C.W questions and complete solutions for chapter CURRENT ELECTRICITY of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12