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Complete Solutions to Level 2 H.W of chapter CURRENT ELECTRICITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An electron of mass `9xx10^(-31)kg` moves around a nucleus in a circular orbit of radius `2A^(@)` under the action of centripetal force 3.2N. Then the equivalent electric current is

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  2. The current in a conductor varies with time `t` as `I=2-0.02t` ampers. The electric charge that passes from `t=0` to `t=100` sec is

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  3. Four resistances `10 Omega, 5 Omega, 7 Omega` and `3 Omega` are connected so that they form the sides of a rectangle `AB, BC, CD` and `DA` respectively. Another resistance of `10 Omega` is connected across the diagonal `AC`. The equivalent resistance between `A` and `B` is

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  4. A `3Omega` resistor and a `6Omega` resistor are connected in parallel and the combination is connected in series to a battery of 5 V and a `3Omega` resistor. The potential difference across the `6Omega` resistor

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  5. You are given a wire of length 100 cm and linear resistance of 1 ohm/cm. if it is cut into two parts, so that when they are in parallel, the effective resistance is 24 ohm. The lengths of the two parts are

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  6. The resistance of a platinum wire of a platinum resistance thermometer at the ice point is `5Omega` and at steam point is `5.4Omega`. When the thermometer is inserted in a hot bath, the resistance of the platinum wire is `6.2Omega`. Find the temperature of the hot bath.

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  7. Three unequal resistor in parallel are equivalent to a resistance `1` ohm If two of them are in the ratio `1:2` and if no resistance value is fractional the largest of three resistance in ohm is

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  8. A carbon filament has resistance of `120Omega` at `0^(@)C` what must be te resistance of a copper filament connected in series with resistance at all temperature

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  9. The equivalent resistance across XY in fig.

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  10. If the resistance of a circuit having 12 V source is increased by `4Omega` the current drops by 0.5 A. What is the original resistance of circuit

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  11. An electric current is passed through a circuit containing two wires of the same material connected in parallel. If the lengths and radii of the wire are in the ratio `(4)/(3)` and `(2)/(3)`, then the ratio of the currents passing through the wires will be

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  12. When `n` wires which are identical are connected in series, the effective resistance exceeds that when they are in parallel by `(X)/(Y)Omega`. Then the resistance of each wire is

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  13. The equivalent resistance across A and B is

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  14. An ammeter A is connected as shown in the diagram. Ammeter reading is

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  15. A current of 7 A flows through the circuit as shown in the figure the potential difference across points B and D is

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  16. If a copper wire is stretched to make it `0.1%` longer wha is the percentage change in its resistance?

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  17. Two resistance `R_(1)` and `R_(2)` when connected in series and parallel with `120 V` line, power consumed will be `25 W` and `100 W` respectively. . Then the ratio of power consumed by `R_(1)` to that consmed by `R_(2)` will be

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  18. Two identical electric lamps marked `500 W`, `220 V` are connected in series and then joined to a `110 V` line. The power consumed by each lamp is

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  19. A conductor of resistance 3 ohm is stretched uniformly till its length is doubled. The wire now is bent in the form of an equilateral Delta. The effective resistance between the ends of any side of the Delta in ohms is

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  20. Ten `50W` bulbs are operated for 10 hours per day. The energy consumed in `kWh` in a 30 day month is

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  21. Two electic bulbs marked `25 W -220 V` and `100 W - 220 V` are connected in series to a 440 V supply. Which of the bulbs will fuse?

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  22. Two batteries of different emf and internal resistances connected in series with each other and with an external load resistor. The current reversed, the current becomes 1.0 A. the ratio of the emf of the two batteries is

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  23. The pd across terminals of a cell is found to be 29 volt and 28 volt respectively when it delivers a current of 1 ampere and 2 ampere respectively. The emf and internal resistance of a cell are respectively

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  24. The current in a circuit containing a battery connected to `2Omega` resistance is 0.9A. When a resistance of `7Omega` connected to the same battery, the current observed in the circuit is 0.3 A. Then the internal resistance of te battery is

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  25. The potential difference across te terminals of a battery is 10 V when there is a current of 3 A in the battery from the negative to the positive terminal. When the current is 2A in the reverse direction, the potential difference becomes 15 V. The internal resistance of the battery is

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  26. Two cells of emf 3V and 5V and internal resistance `r_(1)` and `r_(2)` respectively are in series with an external resistance R. if the p.d. across 1 st cell is zero, then R is

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  27. A battery when connected by resistance of `16Omega` gives a terminal voltage of 12 V. and when connected by a resistance of `10Omega` gives a terminal voltage of 11V. Then the emf of the battery ad its internal resistance

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  28. When a resistor of `11 Omega` is connected in series with an electric cell, the current following in it is `0.5 A`. Instead, when a resistor of `5 Omega` is connected to the same electric cell in series, the current increases by `0.4 A` The internal resistance of the cell is

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  29. Two cells of emf 4 V and 8 V are connected to two resistor `4Omega` and `6Omega` as shown. If 8 V cell is short circuited. Then current through resistance `4Omega` and `6Omega`

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  30. If in the circuit shown below, the internal resistance of the battery is `1Omega` and `V_(P)` and `V_(Q)` are the potentials at P and Q respectively, the potential difference between te point P and Q is

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  31. Voltmeter reading in the given circuit is (voltmeter is ideal)

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  32. For a cell the graph between the p.d. (v) across the terminals of the cells and the current (I) drawn from the cell as shown. The emf and internal resistance is

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  33. The minimum number of cells in mixed grouping required to produced a maximum curret of 1A through external resistance of `20Omega` given the emf of each cell is 2 V and internal resistance `1Omega` is

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  34. A battery of emf `E` and internal resistance `r` is connected to a resistor of restance `r_(1)` and Q Joules of heat is produced in a certain time `t`. When te same battery is connected to another resistor of resistance `r_(2)` the same quantity of heat is produced in the same time `t`. Then the value of `r` is

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  35. The emf of a cell E is 15 V as shown in the figure with an internal resistance of `0.5Omega`. Then the value of the current drawn from the cell is

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  36. The current I drawn from the 5 volt source will be

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  37. In the given circuit which is a part of closed circuit the current `i_(1),i_(2)` are respectively.

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  38. A 5V battery with internal resistance `2Omega` and a 2V battery with internal resistance`1Omega` are connected to a `10Omega` resistor as shown in the figure.

    The current in the `10Omega` resistor is

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  39. When a conductor is connected in the left gap and known resistance in the right gap the balancing length is 50 cm. if the wire is stretched so that its length increased by `20%` new balancing length is

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  40. In a meter bridge experiment when a resistance wire is connected in the left gap, the balance point is found at the `30^(th)` cm. When the wire is replaced by another wire,t he balance point is found at the `60^(th)` cm. Find the balance point when the two wires connected in parallel in the left gap successively

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  41. Shown in the figure below is a meter- bridge set up will null deflection in the galvanometer.

    The value of the unknown resistor R is

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  42. A potentiometer wire 10m long has a resistance of `40Omega`. It is connected in series with a resistances box and a 2 v storage cell. If the potential gradient along the wire is `0.01(V)/(m)` the resistance unplugged in the box is

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  43. the ratio of potential gradients is `1:2`, the resistance of two potentiometer wires of same length are `2Omega&4Omega` respectively. The current flowing through them are in the ratio

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  44. The length of a wire of a potentiometer is 100 cm, and the e.m.f. of its standard cell is E volt. It is employed to measure the e.m.f. of a battery whose internal resistance is `0.5 Omega`. If the balance point is obtained at I = 30 cm from the positive end, the e.m.f. of the battery is .
    where i is the current in the potentiometer wire.

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  45. 1 ohm resistance is in series with a Ammeter which is balanced by 75 cm of potentiometer wire. A standard cell of 1.02 V is balanced by 50 cm.t he ammeter shows a reading of 1.5 A. The error in the ammeter reading is

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Level 2 H.W questions and complete solutions for chapter CURRENT ELECTRICITY of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12