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Complete Solutions to All Questions of chapter LINES AND ANGLES of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Class 7MATHS
MathematicsAll Questions
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the measure of an angle which is complement of itself.

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  2. Find the angle which is equal to its supplement.

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  3. Two supplementary angles differ by `34^0dot` Find the angles.

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  4. An angle is equal to five times its complement. Determine its measure.

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  5. In Fig. 7, `O A\ a n d\ O B` are opposite rays: (i) If x=75 find the value of y (ii) if y= 110 find the bvalue of x

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  6. In Fig. `8,\ /_A O C\ a n d\ /_B O C` form a linear pair. Determine the value of `xdot`

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  7. In Fig.9, if ray `O C` stands on line `A B` such that `/_A O C=/_C O B ,` then show that `/_A O C=90^0dot`

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  8. In Fig.10, lines `l_1\ a n d\ l_2` interest at `O ,` forming angles as shown in the figure. If `a=35 ,\ ` find the value of `b , c\ a n d\ ddot`

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  9. In Fig. 11, determine the value of `ydot`

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  10. In Fig. 12, two straight lines `P Q\ a n d\ R S\ ` intersect each other at `Odot` If `/_P O T=75^0,` find the values of `a , b\ a n d\ cdot`

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  11. Write down each pair of adjacent angles shown in Fig. 13.

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  12. In Fig.14, name all the pairs of adjacent angles.

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  13. In Fig. 15, write down: (i) each linear pair (ii) each pair of vertically opposite angles.

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  14. Are the angles 1 and 2 given in Fig. 16 adjacent angles?

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  15. Find the complement of each of the following angles: (i) ` 35^0` (ii) ` 72^0`

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  16. Find the complement of each of the following angles: (i) ` 45^0` (ii) `85^0`

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  17. Find the supplement of each of the following angles: (i) `70^0` (ii) ` 120^0` .

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  18. Find the supplement of each of the following angles: (i) `135^0` (ii) `90^0`

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  19. Identify the complementary and supplementary pairs of angles from the following pairs: (i) `25^0, 65^0` (ii) ` 120^0, 60^0` .

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  20. Identify the complementary and supplementary pairs of angles from the following pairs: (i) `63^0,27^0` (ii) ` 100^0, 80^0` .

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  21. Can two angles be supplementary, if both of them be (i)             Obtuse?               (ii) Right? (iii)          Acute?

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  22. Name the four pairs of supplementary angles shown in Fig.17.

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  23. In Fig.18 `A , B , C` are collinear point and `/_D B A=\ /_E B Adot` (i) Name two linear pairs (ii) Name two pairs of supplementary angles.

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  24. If two supplementary angles have equal measure, what is the measure of each angles?

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  25. If the complement of an angle is `28^0` , then find the supplement of the angle.

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  26. In Fig.19, name each linear pair and each pair of vertically opposite angles:

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  27. In Fig.20, `O E` is the bisector of `/_B O Ddot` if `/_1=70^0,` find the magnitudes of `/_2,\ /_3\ a n d\ /_4.`

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  28. One of the angles forming a linear pair is a right angle. What can you say about its other angle?

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  29. One of the angles forming a linear pair is an obtuse angle. What kind of angle is the other?

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  30. One of the angles forming a linear pair is an acute angle. What kind of angle is the other?

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  31. Can two acute angles from a linear pair?

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  32. If the supplement of an angle is `65^0;` then find its complement.

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  33. Find the value of `x` in each of the following figures.

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  34. In Fig.22, it being that `/_1=65^0,` find all other angles.

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  35. In Fig.23, `O A\ a n d\ O B` are opposite rays: (i) If `( i i ) (iii) x=( i v ) (v) 25^(( v i )0( v i i ))( v i i i ) , (ix)` (x) what is the value of `( x i ) (xii) y ? (xiii)` (xiv) (xv) If `( x v i ) (xvii) y=( x v i i i ) (xix) 35^(( x x )0( x x i ))( x x i i ) , (xxiii)` (xxiv) what is the value of `( x x v ) (xxvi) x ? (xxvii)` (xxviii)

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  36. In Fig.24, write all pairs of adjacent angles and all the linear pairs.

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  37. In Fig.25, find `/_xdot` Further find `/_B O C ,\ /_C O D\ a n d\ /_A O Ddot`

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  38. How many pairs of adjacent angles are formed when two lines intersect in a point?

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  39. How many pairs of adjacent angles, in all, can you name in Fig.26?

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  40. In Fig.27, determine the value of `xdot`

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  41. In Fig.28, `A O C` is a line, find `xdot`

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  42. In Fig.29, `P O S` is a line, find `xdot`

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  43. In Fig. 30, lines `l_1\ a n d\ l_2` intersect at `O ,` forming angles as shown in the figure. If `x=45^0,` find the values of `y , z\ a n d\ udot`

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  44. In Fig.31, three coplanar lines intersect at a point `O ,` forming angles as shown in the figure. Find the value of `x , y , z\ a n d\ udot`

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  45. In Fig.32, find the values of `x , y\ a n d\ zdot`

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  46. In Fig. 48, line `l\ ||` line `m ,\ n` is transversal and `/_1=40^0dot` Find all the other angles marked in the figure.

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  47. In Fig. 49, `m||n\ a n d\ /_1=65^0dot` Find `/_5\ a n d\ /_8.`

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  48. In Fig. 50 `m||n` and angles 1 and 2 are in the ratio `3: 2.` Determine all the angles from 1 to 8.

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  49. In Fig. 51, `l ,\ m\ a n d\ n\ ` are parallel lines intersected by a transversal `p\ a t\ X , Y\ a n d\ Z` respectively. Find `/_1,\ /_2` and `/_3.` Give reasons.

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  50. In Fig. 52. `A B||C Ddot` Determine `/_adot`

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  51. In Fig. 53, `A B||C Ddot\ ` Determine `xdot`

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  52. In Fig. 54, if `/_2=120^0\ a n d\ /_5=60^0,` show that `m||ndot`

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  53. In Fig.55, if `/_3=61^0` and `/_7=118^0dot` Is `m||n ?`

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  54. In Fig.56, give reasons why `l_1|(|l_2dotI s\ m_1\ |\ )|m_2?`

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  55. In Fig.57, show that `A B||E Fdot`

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  56. In Figure, line n is a transversal to line l and m. Identify the following: i) Alternate and corresponding angles in Fig. 58 (i)

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  57. In Fig.59, `A B` and `C D` are parallel lines intersected by a transversal `P Q` at `L` and `M` respectively, If `/_C M Q=60^0` find all other angles in the figure.

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  58. In Fig. 60, `A B\ a n d\ C D` are parallel lines intersected by a transversal `P Q` at `L` and `M` respectively. If `/_L M D=35^0` find `/_P L Adot`

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  59. The line `n` is transversal to line `l\ a n d\ m` in Fig.61. Identity the angle alternate to `/_13 ,` angle corresponding to `/_15 ,` and angle alternate to `/_15.`

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  60. In Fig. 62, line `l||m\ a n d\ n` is a transversal. If `/_1=40^0,` find all the angles and check that all corresponding angles and alternate angles are equal.

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  61. In Fig. 63, line `l\ ||\ m` and a transversal `n` cuts them at P and Q respectively. If `/_1=75^0,` find all other angles.

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  62. In Fig. 64, `A B||C D\ ` and a transversal `P Q` cuts them at `L\ a n d\ M` respectively. If `/_Q M D=100^0,` find all other angles.

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  63. In Fig.65, `l m\ a n d\ p qdot` Find the value of `x , y , z , tdot`

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  64. In Fig 66, `l in e\ l m ,\ /_1=120^0\ ` and `/_2=100^0,` find out `/_3\ a n d\ /_4.`

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  65. In fig. 67, `l in e\ l mdot\ ` Find the value of `a , b , c , ddot` Give reasons.

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  66. In Fig. `68 ,` `A B C D\ a n d\ /_1\ a n d\ /_2` are in the ratio `3: 2.` Determine all angles from `1\ to8.`

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  67. In Fig. `l ,\ m\ a n d\ n` are parallel lines intersected by transversal `p` at `X ,\ Y\ a n d\ Z` respectively. Find `/_1,\ /_2\ a n d\ /_3`

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  68. In Fig.70. `if\ l m n\ a n d\ /_1=60^0,` find `/_2.`

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  69. In Fig. 71, if `A B C D\ a n d\ C D E F ,\ ` find`\ /_A C E`

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  70. In Fig.72, If `l m ,\ n p\ a n d\ /_1=85^0,` find `/_2.`

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  71. In Fig. 73, a transversal n cuts two lines `l\ a n d\ mdotif\ /_1=70^0\ a n d\ /_7=80^0,` is `l m ?`

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  72. In Fig. 74, a transversal `n` cuts two lines `l\ a n d\ m\ ` such that `/_2=65^0` and `/_8=65^0dot` Are the lines parallel?

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  73. In Fig. 75, Show that `A B E Fdot`

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  74. In Fig.76, `A B C Ddot\ ` Find the value of `x , y , zdot`

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  75. In Fig.77, find out `/_P X R ,` if `P Q R Sdot`

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  76. In Fig.78, we have (i) `( i i ) (iii)/_M L Y=2/_L M Q , (iv)` (v) find `( v i ) (vii)/_L M Q (viii)` (ix) (x) `( x i ) (xii)/_X L M=( x i i i ) (xiv)(( x v ) (xvi)2x-10 (xvii))^(( x v i i i )0( x i x ))( x x ) (xxi)` (xxii) and `( x x i i i ) (xxiv)/_L M Q=x+( x x v ) (xxvi) 30^(( x x v i i )0( x x v i i i ))( x x i x ) , (xxx)` (xxxi) find `( x x x i i ) (xxxiii) xdot( x x x i v )` (xxxv) (xxxvi) `( x x x v i i ) (xxxviii)/_X L M=/_P M L ,\ ( x x x i x )` (xl) find `( x l i ) (xlii)/_A L Y (xliii)` (xliv) (xlv) `( x l v i ) (xlvii)/_A L Y=( x l v i i i ) (xlix)(( l ) (li)2x-15 (lii))^(( l i i i )0( l i v ))( l v ) ,\ /_L M Q=( l v i ) (lvii)(( l v i i i ) (lix) x+40 (lx))^(( l x i )0( l x i i ))( l x i i i ) , (lxiv)` (lxv) find `( l x v i ) (lxvii) xdot( l x v i i i )` (lxix)

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  77. In Fig.79, `D E B Cdot` Find the value of `x\ a n d\ ydot`

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  78. In Fig.80, line `A C l in e\ D E\ a n d\ /_A B D=32^0dot` Find out the angles `x\ a n d\ y\ ` if `/_E=122^0dot`

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  79. In Fig.81, side `B C` of ` A B C` has been produced to D and `C E B Adot` If `/_A B C=65^0,\ /_B A C=55^0,` find `/_A C E ,\ /_E C D\ a n d\ /_A C Ddot`

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  80. In Fig.82, line `C A_|_A B ` line `C R` and line `P R ` line `B Ddot\ ` Find `/_x ,/_y\ a n d\ /_zdot`

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  81. In Fig.83, `P Q R Sdot` Find the value of `xdot`

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  82. In Fig.84, `A B C D\ a n d\ A E C F ;\ /_F C G=90^0\ a n d\ /_B A C=120^0dot` Find the values of `x , y\ a n d\ zdot`

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  83. In Fig.85, `A B C D\ a n d\ A C B Ddot` Find the value of `x , y , zdot`

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  84. In Fig.86, state which lines are parallel and why?

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  85. In Fig.87, the corresponding arms of `/_A B C\ a n d\ /_D E F` are parallel. If `/_A B C=75^0,` find the `/_D E Fdot`

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  86. The sum of an angle and one third of its supplementary angle is `90^0dot` The measure of the angle is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) (e) 135^(( f )0( g ))( h ) (i)` (j) (b) `( k ) (l) (m) (n) 120^(( o )0( p ))( q ) (r)` (s) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) (g) 60^(( h )0( i ))( j ) (k)` (l) (d) `( m ) (n) (o) (p) 45^(( q )0( r ))( s ) (t)` (u)

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  87. If angles of a linear pair are equal, then the measure of each angle is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) (e) 30^(( f )0( g ))( h ) (i)` (j) (b) `( k ) (l) (m) (n) 45^(( o )0( p ))( q ) (r)` (s) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) (g) 60^(( h )0( i ))( j ) (k)` (l) (d) `( m ) (n) (o) (p) 90^(( q )0( r ))( s ) (t)` (u)

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  88. Two complementary angles are in the ratio `2: 3.` The measure of the larger angle is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) (e) 60^(( f )0( g ))( h ) (i)` (j) (b) `( k ) (l) (m) (n) 54^(( o )0( p ))( q ) (r)` (s) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) (g) 66^(( h )0( i ))( j ) (k)` (l) (d) `( m ) (n) (o) (p) 48^(( q )0( r ))( s ) (t)` (u)

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  89. An angle is thrice its supplement. The measure of the angle is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) (e) 120^(( f )0( g ))( h ) (i)` (j) (b) `( k ) (l) (m) (n) 105^(( o )0( p ))( q ) (r)` (s) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) (g) 135^(( h )0( i ))( j ) (k)` (l) (d) `( m ) (n) (o) (p) 150^(( q )0( r ))( s ) (t)` (u)

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  90. In Fig.88 `P R` is a straight line and `/_P Q S :/_S Q R=7: 5.` The measure of `/_S Q R` is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) (e) 60^(( f )0( g ))( h ) (i)` (j) (b) `( k ) (l) 62 (m) (n) (o)1/( p )2( q ) (r)^(( s )0( t ))( u ) (v)` (w) (c) `( d ) (e) 67 (f) (g) (h)1/( i )2( j ) (k)^(( l )0( m ))( n ) (o)` (p) (d) `( q ) (r) (s) (t) 75^(( u )0( v ))( w ) (x)` (y)

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  91. The sum of an angle and half of its complementary angle is `75^0dot` The measure of the angle is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) (e) 40^(( f )0( g ))( h ) (i)` (j) (b) `( k ) (l) (m) (n) 50^(( o )0( p ))( q ) (r)` (s) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) (g) 60^(( h )0( i ))( j ) (k)` (l) (d) `( m ) (n) (o) (p) 80^(( q )0( r ))( s ) (t)` (u)

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  92. `/_A` is an obtuse angle. The measure of `/_A` and twice its supplementary differ by `30^0dot` Then, `/_A` can be (a) `( b ) (c) (d) (e) 150^(( f )0( g ))( h ) (i)` (j) (b) `( k ) (l) (m) (n) 110^(( o )0( p ))( q ) (r)` (s) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) (g) 140^(( h )0( i ))( j ) (k)` (l) (d) `( m ) (n) (o) (p) 120^(( q )0( r ))( s ) (t)` (u)

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  93. An angle is double of its supplement. The measure of the angle is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) (e) 60^(( f )0( g ))( h )\ ( i )` (j) (b) `( k ) (l) (m) (n) 120^(( o )0( p ))( q ) (r)` (s) (t) `( u ) (v) (w) (x) 40^(( y )0( z ))( a a ) (bb)` (cc) (d) `( d d ) (ee) (ff) (gg) 80^(( h h )0( i i ))( j j ) (kk)` (ll)

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  94. The measure of an angle which is its own complement is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) (e) 30^(( f )0( g ))( h ) (i)` (j) (b) `( k ) (l) (m) (n) 60^(( o )0( p ))( q ) (r)` (s) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) (g) 90^(( h )0( i ))( j ) (k)` (l) (d) `( m ) (n) (o) (p) 45^(( q )0( r ))( s ) (t)` (u)

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  95. Two supplementary angles are in the ratio `3: 2.` The smaller angle measures (a) `( b ) (c) (d) (e) 108^(( f )0( g ))( h ) (i)` (j) (b) `( k ) (l) (m) (n) 81^(( o )0( p ))( q ) (r)` (s) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) (g) 72^(( h )0( i ))( j ) (k)` (l) (d) `( m ) (n) (o) (p) 68^(( q )0( r ))( s ) (t)` (u)

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  96. In Fig.89, the value of `x` is (a) 75 (b) 65 (c) 45 (d) 55

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  97. In Fig.90, `A O B` is a straight line and the ray `O C` stands on it. The value of `x` is (a) 16 (b) 26 (c) 36 (d) 46

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  98. In Fig. 91, `A O B\ ` is a straight line and `4x=5ydot` The value of `x` is (a) 100 (b) 105 (c) 110 (d) 115

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  99. In Fig.92, `A O B` is a straight line such that `/_A O C=(3x+10)^0,\ /_C O D=50^0` and `/_B O D=(x-8)^0dot` The value of `x` is (a) 32 (b) 36 (c) 42 (d) 52

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  100. In Fig.93, if `A O C` is a straight line, then `x=` (a) `( b ) (c) (d) (e) 42^(( f )0( g ))( h ) (i)` (j) (b) `( k ) (l) (m) (n) 52^(( o )0( p ))( q ) (r)` (s) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) (g) 142^(( h )0( i ))( j ) (k)` (l) (d) `( m ) (n) (o) (p) 38^(( q )0( r ))( s ) (t)` (u)

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All Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter LINES AND ANGLES of RD SHARMA MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 7

All Exercises from Mathematics Class 7 MATHS LINES AND ANGLES