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Complete Solutions to All Questions of chapter CONGRUENCE of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Class 7MATHS
MathematicsAll Questions
Number Of Questions54
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Explain the concept of congruence of figures with the help of certain examples.

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  2. Fill in the blanks: Two line segments are congruent if.. Two angles are congruent if

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  3. Fill in the blanks: Two square are congruent if
    Two rectangles are congruent if
    Two circles are congruent if

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  4. In Fig.6, `anglePOQ ~= angleROS,` can we say that `anglePOR ~= angle QOS`

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  5. In Fig.7, `a=b=c ,` name the angle which is congruent to`/_A O C`

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  6. Is it correct to say that any two right angles are congruent? Give reasons to justify your answer.

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  7. In Fig,8, `/_A O C~=/_P Y R\ a n d\ /_B O C~=/_Q Y Rdot` Name the angle which is congruent to`/_A O Bdot`

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  8. Which of the following statements are true and which are false; All squares are congruent. If two squares have equal areas, they are congruent. If two rectangles have equal areas, they are congruent. If two triangles have equal areas, they are congruent.

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  9. Without drawing the triangles, state the correspondence between the sides and the angles of the following pairs of congruent triangles: ` A B C~= P Q R` (b) ` A B C~=Q R P`

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  10. In the following pairs of triangle (Fig.10), by applying SSS condition, state which are congruent. State the result in symbolic form:

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  11. Which of the following pairs of triangles are congruent? If they are congruent, write out the pairs of equal angles. ` A B C : A B=3c m ,\ B C=4c m ,\ C A=2\ c m` ` D E F : D E=2\ c m ,\ E F=3\ c m\ a n d\ F D=4\ c m` ` P Q R : P Q=17\ c m ,\ Q R=15\ c m ,\ P R=18\ c m` ` D E F : D E=18\ c m ,\ E F=17\ c m ,\ D F=15\ c m` .

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  12. In Fig.11, it is given that `A B=C D\ a n d\ A D=B Cdot` Prove that ` A D C~= C B Adot`

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  13. In the following pairs of triangle (Fig. 12 to 15), the lengths of the sides are indicated along sides. By applying SSS condition, determine which are congruent. State the result in symbolic form.

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  14. In Fig,16, `A D\ =\ D C\ a n d\ A B\ =\ B C` Is`DeltaA B D~=DeltaC B D ?` State the three parts of matching pairs you have used to answer (i).

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  15. In Fig.17, `A B=D C\ a n d\ B C=A D` . Is`DeltaA B C~=DeltaC D A ?` What congruence condition have you used? You have used some fact, not given in the question, what is that?

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  16. In`DeltaP Q R~=DeltaE F D ,` Which side of`DeltaP Q R` equals `E D ?` Which angle of`DeltaP Q R` equals `/_E ?`

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  17. Triangles `A B C` and `P Q R` are both isosceles with `A B=A C` and `P O=P R` respectively. If also, `A B=P Q\ a n d\ B C=Q R ,` are the two triangles congruent? Which condition do you use? If`/_\ B=\ 50^0,` what is the measure of`/_R ?`

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  18. `A B C\ a n d\ D B C` are both isosceles triangles on a common base `B C` such that `A\ a n d\ D` lie on the same side of `B Cdot` Are triangles `A D B` and `A D C` congruent? Which condition do you use? If `/_B A C=40^0\ a n d\ /_B D C\ =100^0;\ ` then find`\ /_A D B`

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  19. `Delta\ A B C\ a n d\ Delta\ A B D` are on a common base `A B ,\ a n d\ A C\ =\ B D\ a n d\ B C\ =\ A D` as shown in Fig. 18. Which of the following statements is true? `DeltaA B C~=DeltaA B D` `DeltaA B C~=DeltaA D B` `DeltaA B C~=DeltaB A D`

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  20. In Fig.19,`Delta\ A B C` is isosceles with `A B=A C ,\ D` is the mid-point of base `B Cdot` Is`DeltaA D B~=DeltaA D C ?` State the three pairs of matching parts you use to arrive at your answer.

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  21. In figure.20,`DeltaA B C` is isosceles with `A B=A Cdot` State if`DeltaA B C~=DeltaA C Bdot` If yes, state three relations that you use to arrive at your answer.

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  22. Triangles `A B C\ a n d\ D B C\ ` have side `B C` common, `A B=B D\ a n d\ A C=C Ddot` Are the two triangles congruent? State in symbolic form. Which congruence condition do you use? Does`\ /_\ A B D\ e q u a l\ /_\ A C D ?` Why or why not?

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  23. In each of the following pairs of triangles the measure of some parts are indicated along. Side. By the application of SAS congruence condition, state which are congruent. State the result in symbolic form.

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  24. Which of the following pairs of triangles are congruent? ` A B C : A B=2\ c m ,\ A C=4\ c m ,\ /_A=40^0; X Y Z : X Z=Y Z=4,/_Z=40^0` ` P Q R : P Q=5\ c m ,\ P R=6\ c m ,\ /_P=55^0;\ D E F : D E=6\ c m ,\ E F=5\ c m ,\ /_D=55^0`

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  25. Show that in an isosceles triangle, angles opposite to equal sides are equal.

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  26. Show that the bisector of vertical angle of an isosceles triangle bisects the base at right angles.

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  27. In ` A B C ,\ /_A=100^0\ a n d\ A B=A Cdot` Find `/_B\ a n d\ /_Cdot`

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  28. In Fig.26, `A B=A C\ a n d\ /_A C D=120^0dot` Find `/_Adot`

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  29. Prove that measure of each of an equilateral triangle is `60^0`

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  30. By applying SAS congruence condition, state which of the following pairs of triangle are congruent. State the result in symbolic form

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  31. State the condition by which the following pairs of triangles are congruent.

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  32. In figure, line segments AB and CD bisect each other at O. Which of the following statements is true? `DeltaA O C~=DeltaD O B` `DeltaA O C~=DeltaB O D` `DeltaA O C~=DeltaO D B`

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  33. Line-segments `A B\ a n d\ C D` bisect each other at `Odot\ A C\ a n d\ B D` are joined forming triangles `A O C\ a n d\ B O Ddot` State the three equality relations between the parts of the two triangles that are given or otherwise known. Are the two triangles congruent? State in symbolic form, which congruence condition do you use?

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  34. `Delta\ A B C` is isosceles with `A B=A Cdot` Line segment `A D` bisects`/_A` and meets the base `B C\ in\ Ddot` Is`DeltaA D B~=DeltaA D C ?` State the three pairs of matching parts used to answer (i). Is it true to say that `B D=D C ?`

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  35. In Fig.31, `A B=A D\ a n d\ /_B A C=/_D A C` State in symbolic form the congruence of two triangles ABC and ADC that is true. Complete each of the following, so as to make it true: `/_\ A B C` `/_\ A C D` Line segment bisects ____ and _____

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  36. In figure, `A B\ \ D C\ a n d\ A B=D Cdot` Is`DeltaA C D~=DeltaC A B ?` State the three pairs of matching parts used to answer (i). Which angle is equal to`/_C A D\ ?` Does it follow from (iii) that `A D B C ?`

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  37. In each of the following pairs of triangle given in Fig.33, the measure of some parts are indicated along side. By applying ASA congruence condition, state which are congruent. State the answer in symbolic form.

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  38. Which of the following pairs of triangle are congruent? ` A B C : A B=10\ c m ,\ /_A=40^0,\ /_B=55^0; X Y Z : X Y=10,/_Y=40^0,\ /_Z=85^0` ` P Q R : P R=5\ c m ,\ /_P=37^0,\ /_R=64^0;\ D E F : D E=5\ c m ,\ /_D=37^0,\ /_F=64^0`

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  39. Which of the following pairs of triangle are congruent by ASA condition?

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  40. In Fig.37, `A D` bisects `/_A` and `A D_|_\ B Cdot` Is`DeltaA D B~=DeltaA D C ?` State the three pairs of matching parts you have used in (i) Is it true to say that `B D=D C ?`

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  41. Draw any triangle `A B Cdot` Use `A S A\ ` condition to construct another triangle congruent to it.

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  42. In`DeltaA B C ,` it is known that`/_B=/_Cdot` Imagine you have another copy of`DeltaA B C` Is`DeltaA B C~=DeltaA C B` State the three pairs of matching parts you have used to answer (i). Is it true to say that `A B=A C ?`

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  43. In Fig.38, `A X` bisects`/_B A C` as well as`/_B D Cdot` State the three facts needed to ensure that`DeltaA B D~=DeltaA C D`

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  44. In Fig.39, `A O=O B` and`/_A=/_Bdot` Is`DeltaA O C~=DeltaB O D ?` State the matching pair you have used, which is not given in the question. Is it true to say that`/_A C O=/_B D O ?`

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  45. In each of the following pairs of right triangles, the measure of some parts are indicated along side. State by the application of RHS congruence condition which are congruent. State each result in symbolic form.

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  46. In Fig.42, `P L_|_O B` and `P M_|_O A` such that `P L=P M` . Is `DeltaP M O ?` Give reason in support of your answer.

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  47. If `DeltaA B C` is an isosceles triangle such that `A B=A C ,\ ` then altitude `A D` from `A` on `B C` bisects `B C` (Fig.43).

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  48. In Fig.44, it is given that `L M=M N ,\ Q M=M R ,\ M L_|_P Q\ ` and`\ ` `M N_|_P Rdot` Prove that `P Q=P Rdot`

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  49. `A D ,\ B E\ a n d\ C F ,` the altitudes of ` A B C` are equal. Prove that ` A B C` is an equilateral triangle.

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  50. In each of the following pairs of right triangles, the measures of some parts are indicated along side. State by the application of RHS congruence conditions which are congruent, State each result in symbolic form. (Fig.46)

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  51. `DeltaA B C` is isosceles with `A B=A Cdot\ A D` is the altitude from `A\ on\ B Cdot` Is `DeltaA B D~=DeltaA C D ?` State the pairs of matching parts you have used to answer (i). Is it true to say that `B D=\ D C ?`

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  52. `DeltaA B C` is isosceles with `A B=A Cdot` Also. `A D_|_B C` meeting `B C` in `Ddot` Are the two triangles `A B D\ a n d\ A C D` congruent? State in symbolic form. Which congruence condition do you use? Which side of ` A D C` equals `B D ?` Which angle of`DeltaA D C` equals`/_B ?`

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  53. Draw a right triangle `A B C` . Use RHS condition to construct another triangle congruent to it.

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  54. In Fig.47, `B D\ a n d\ C E` are altitudes of`DeltaA B C` and `B D=C Edot` Is`DeltaB C D~=DeltaC B E ?` State the three pairs or matching parts you have used to answer (i)

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All Exercises from Mathematics Class 7 MATHS CONGRUENCE