Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 2
An electron is projectd horizontally with a kinetic energy of 10 keV. A magnetic feld of strength 1.0X10−7 T exists in the vertically upward direction. (a)will the electron deflect towards right or towards left of its motion? (b) calculate the sideways deflection of the electrion in travelling through 1m. make appropriate approximations.View SolutionQuestion 6
when a proton is released from rest in a room, it starts with an initial acceleration a0 towards west . When it is projected towards north with a speed v0, it moves with an initial acceleration 3a0 towards west. Find the elecrtic field and the minimum possible magnetic field in the room.View SolutionQuestion 8
A current of 2 A enters at the corner d of a square frame abcd of side 20 cm and leaves at the opposite corner b. A magnetic field B= 0.1 T exists in the space in a direction perpenducular to the plane of the frame as shown in Find the magnitude and direction of the magnetic forces on the four sides of the frame.Question 9
A magnetic field of strength 1.0 T is produced by a strong electromagnet in a cylindrical region of radius 4.0 cm as shown in . A wire, carrying a current of 2.0 A, is placed perpendiuclar to and intersecting the axis of the cylindreical region. Find the magnitude of the force acting on the wire.Question 13
A hypthetical magnetic field existing in a region is given by →B=B0→er, where →–––r denotes the uit vector along the redial direction. A circular loop of radus a, carrying a current I, is placed with its plane parallel to the x-y plane and the centre at (0,0, d) .Find the magnitude of the magnetic force acting on the loop.View SolutionQuestion 14
A rectangular wire-loop of width a is suspended from the insulated pan of a spring blance as shown in A current I exists in the anticlockwise direction in the loop. A magnetic field B exists in the lower region.Find the change in the tension of the spring if the current in the loop is reversed.Question 21
Two metal strips, each of length, each of length l, are clamped parallel to each other on a horizontal floor with a separation b between them. A wire of mass m line on them perpendicularly as shown in figure. A vertically upward magnetic field of strenght B exists in the space. The matal strips are smooth but the cofficient of freiction between the wire and the floor is μ. A current i is established when the switch S is closed at the instant t=0. Discuss the motion of the wire after the switch is closed. How far away from the strips will the wire reach?Question 22
A matel wire PQ of mass 10g lies at rest on two horizontal metal rails separated by 4.90 cm . A vertically downward magnetic field of magnitude 0.800 T exists in the space. The resistance of the circuit is slowly decreased and it is found that when the resistance goes below20.0Ω, the wire PQ starts sliding on the rails. Find the coefficient of friction.Question 23
A straight wire of length l can slide on two parallel plastic rails kept in a horizontal plane with a separation d. The coefficient of friction between the wire and the rails is μ. If the wire carries a current I, what minimum magnetic field should exist in the space in order to slide the wire on the rails.View SolutionQuestion 25
A ring of radius 0.1m is made out of thin metallic wire of area of cross section 10−6m2. The ring has a uniform charge of π coulombs. Find the change in the radius of the rig when a charge of 10−8C is placed at the center of the ring. Young's modulus of the metal is 2×1011Nm−2. View SolutionQuestion 27
A conducting wire of length l, lying normal to a magnetic field B, moves with a velocity v as shown in (a) Find the average magnetic fore on a free electron of the wire. Due to this magnetic force, electrons concentrate at one end resulting in an electric field inside the wire. The redistribution stops when the electric force on the free electrons balances themagnetic force. Find the electric field developed inside the wire when the redistribution field developed inside the wire when the redistribution stops. (c) what potential difference is developed between the ends of the wire?Question 28
A currrent I is passed through a silver strip of width d and area of cross section A. The number of free electrons per unit volume is n. (a) Find the drift velocity v of the electrons. (b) If a magnetic field B exists in the region as shown in what is the average magnetic force on the free electrons? (c) Due to the magnetic force, the free electrons get accumulated on one side of the conductor along its length. This produces a transverse electric field in the conductor which opposes the magnetic force on the electrons. Find the magnitude of the electric field which will be the potential diference developed across the width of the conductor due to the electron- accumulation? The appearance of a transverse emf, when a current-carrying wire is placed in a magnetic field, is called hall effect.Question 29
A particle having a charge of 2.0X10−8C and a mass of 2.0X10−10g is projected with a speed of 2.0X103ms−1 in a region having a uniform magnetic field of 0.10 T. The velocity is perpendicular to the field. Find the radius of the circle formed by the particle and also the time period.View SolutionQuestion 34
Doubly ionized helium ions are projected with a speed of 10kms−1 in a direction perpendicular to a uniformmagnetic field of magnitude 1.0 T. Find (a) the force acting on an ion, (b) the radius of the circle in which it ciruclates and ( c) the time taken by an ion to complete the circle.View SolutionQuestion 37
A particle of mass m and positive charge q, moving with a uniform velocity v, enters a magnetic field B as shown in (a) Find The radius of the circular arc it describes in the magnetic field. (b) find the angle subtended by the arc at the center. (c ) How long does the particle stay inside the magnetic field? (d) Solve the three parts of the above problem if the charge q on the particle is negative.Question 39
A narrow beam of singley charged carbon ions, moving at a constant velocity of 6.0X104ms−1, is sent perpendicularly in a rectangular region having uniform magnetic field B=0.5 T . It is found that two beams emerge from the field in the backward derection, the separations from the incident beam being 3.0 cm and 3.5cm. Identify the isotopes persent in the ion beam. Take the mass of an ion = A(1.6X10−27 kg, where A is the mass number.Question 40
Fe^+ ions are accelerated through a potential difference of 500 V and are injected normally into a homogeneous magnetic field B of strength 20.0 m T. Find the radius of the circular paths followed by the isotopes with mass numbers 57 and 58. Take the mass of an ion=A(1.6X10−27 kg where A is the mass number.View SolutionQuestion 41
Two particles, each having a mass m are placed at a separation d in a uniform magnetic field B as shown in they have opposite charges of equal magnitude q. at time t =0, the particles are projectd towards each other,each with a speed v. suppose the coulomb force between the charges is switched off. (a) Find the maximum value vm of the projection speed so that the two particles do not collide. (b) What would be the minimum and maximum separation between the particles if v=vm2? (c) At what instant will a collision occur between the particles if v=2vm ? (d) Suppose v=2vm and the collision between the particles is completely inelastic. Describe the motion after the collision.Question 44
A proton goes undflected in a crossed and magnetic field (the fields are perpendicular to each other) at a speed of 2.0X105ms−1. The velocity is perpendicular to both the fields. When the electric field is switched off, the proton moves along a circle of radius 4.0 cm. Find the magnitudes of the electric and the magnetic fields. take the mass of the proton =1.6X10−27 kg.View SolutionQuestion 45
A particle having a charge of 5.0μC and a mass of 5.0X10−12kg is projected with a speed of 1.0kms−1 in a magnetic field of a magnetic field of magnitude 5.0 m T. The angle between the magnetic field and the velocity is sin−1(0.90). show that the path of the particle will be a helix. Find the diameter of the helix and its pitch.View SolutionQuestion 48
An electron is emitted with negligible speed from th nagative plate of a parallel plate capacitor charged ot a potential difference V. The separtion between the plates is d and a magnetic field B exists in the space as shown in . Show that the electron will fail to strike the upper plate if ltdgt (2meVeB20)12.Question 50
A 50 turn circular coil of radius 2.0 cm carrying a current of 5.0 A is rotated in a magnetic field of strength 0.20 T. (a) What is the maximum torque that acts on the coil? (b) in a particular position of the coil, the torque acting on it is half of this maximum. What is the angle between the magnetic field and the plane of the coil?View SolutionQuestion 53
A circular loop carrting a current a current I has wire of total length L. A uniform umagnetic field B exists parallel to the plane of the loop. (a ) find the trouque on the loop.(b) If the sme length of the wire is used to form a squar loop, what would be the torque? Which is larger?View SolutionQuestion 54
A square coil of edge I having n turns carries a curent i. it is kept on a smooth horizontal plate. A uniform magnetic field B exists in a direction parallel to an edge the total mass of the coil is M. What should be the minimum value of B for which the coil will start tipping over?View SolutionQuestion 55
consider a nonconducting ring of radius r and mass m which has a total charge q distributed uniformly on it the ring is rotated about its axis with an angular speed ω. (a) Find the equivalent electric current in the ring (b) find the magnetic moment μ of the . (c) show thatμ=q2m where l is the angular momentum of the ring about its axis of rotation. View Solution