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Complete Solutions to Check Point 10.5 of chapter GRAVITATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETCheck Point 10.5
Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In a gravitational field, if a body is bound with earth, then total mechanical energy is

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  2. Find the binding energy of a satellite of mass `m` in orbit of radius `r`, (R = radius of earth, g = acceleration due to gravity)

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  3. Escape velocity on earth is `11.2 "kms"^(-1)`what would be the escape velocity on a planet whose mass is 1000 times and radius is 10 times that of earth ?

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  4. The escape velocity of a particle from the surface of the earth is given by

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  5. The escape velocity for a body of mass 1 kg from the earth surface is `11.2 "kms"^(-1)`. The escape velocity for a body of mass 100 kg would be

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  6. The escape velocity of a body projected vertically upward from the earth's surface is `11.2 " kms"^(-1)` . If the body is projected in a direction making `30^(@)` angle to the vertical, its escape velocity in this case will be

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  7. The escape velocity of a particle of mass `m` varies as

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  8. The ratio of the radius of the earth to that of the motion is 10. the ratio of the acceleration due to gravity on the earth to that on the moon is 6. The ratio of the escape velocity from the earth's surface to that from the moon is

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  9. At what angle with the horizontal should a projectile be fired with the escape velocity to enable it escape from gravitational pull of the earth ?

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  10. The velocity with which a projectile must be fired to escape from the earth does not depend upon

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  11. What will be the escape speed from a planet having mass 16 times that of earth and diameter 8 times that of the earth ? `(v_(e)=11.2 "kms"^(-1))`

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  12. There are two planets and the ratio of radius of the two planets is k but ratio of acceleration due to gravity of both planets is g. What will be the ratio of their escape velocities ?

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  13. Escape velocity from a planet is `v_(e)`. If its mass is increased to 16 times and its radius is increased to 4 times, then the new escape velocity would be

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  14. Gas escaps from the surface of a planet because it acquires an escape velocity. The escape velocity will depend on which of the following factors :
    I. Mass of the planet
    II. Mass pf the particle escaping
    III. Temperature of the planet
    IV. Radius of the planet
    Select the correct answer from the codes given below.

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  15. The kinetic energy needed to project a body of mass `m` from the earth surface (radius R) to infinity is

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  16. Escape velocity for a projectile at earth's surface is `V_(e)`. A body is projected form earth's surface with velocity `2 V_(e)`. The velocity of the when it is at infinite distance from the centre of the earth is :-

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  17. A particle is projected vertically upwards from the surface of earth (radius R) with a kinetic energy equal to half of the minimum value needed for it to escape. The height to which it rises above the surface of earth is

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  18. A body is projected upwards with a velocity of `4 xx 11.2 "km s"^(-1)` from the surface of earth.What will be the velocity of the body when it escapes from the gravitational pull of earth ?

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  19. With what velocity should a particle be projected so that its maximum height attained becomes equal to radius of earth ?

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  20. A body is projected vertically upwards from the surface of a planet of radius R with a velocity equal to 1/3rd the escape velocity for the planet. The maximum height attained by the body is

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Check Point 10.5 questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVITATION of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11