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Complete Solutions to (B) Chapter Exercises of chapter GRAVITATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEET(B) Chapter Exercises
Number Of Questions31
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Assertion : The force between two finite rigid bodies is not necessarily along the line joining their centre of mass .
    Reason : Gravitational force between two particles is central .

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  2. Assertion : Angular momentum of a planet is constant about any point
    Reason : For acting on the planet is a central force.

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  3. Assertion : Kepler's law for planetary motion are consequence of Newton's laws
    Reason : Kepler's laws can be derived by using Newton's laws.

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  4. Assertion : The field strength at the centre of a ring is zero
    Reason : At the centre of the ring, slope of V-r graph is zero.\

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  5. Assertion : The binding energy of a satellite does not depend upon the mass of the satellite.
    Reason : Binding energy is the negative value of total energy of satellite.

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  6. Assertion : Plane of a satellite always passes through the centre of earth
    Reason : Gravitational force on satellite is always towards centre of earth.

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  7. Assertion : Gravitational potential and gravitational potentail energy, both are related to the work done by gravitational force in the gravitational field
    Reason : Gravitational field strength is related to the gravitaional force in gravitational field.

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  8. Assertion : One two sides of a point mass, gravitational field strength is same at same distance,
    Reason : As we move away from a point mass, value of gravitational potential decreases.

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  9. Assertion : If gravitational potential at some point is zero, then gravitational field strength at that point will also be zero.
    Reason : Except at infinity gravitational potential due to a system of point masses at some finite distance can't be zero.

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  10. Assertion : If radius of earth suddenly shrinks to half its present without changing its mass value, then the period of an earth's satellite will not change
    Reason : Time period of a satellite does not upon the mass of earth.

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  11. Assertion : The centres of two cubes of masses `m_(1) and m_(2)` are separated by a distance r. The gravitational force between these two cubes will be `(Gm_(1)m_(2))/(r^(2))`
    Reason : According to Newton's law of gravitation, gravitational force between two point masses `m_(1) and m_(2)` separated by a distance r is `(Gm_(1)m_(2))/(r^(2))`.

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  12. Assertion : If a particle is projected from the surface of earth with velocity equal to escape velocity, then total mechanical energy is zero
    Reason : Total mechanical energy of any closed system is always negative.

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  13. Assertion : On earth's satellite, we feel weightlessness. Moon is also satellite of earth. But on the surface on moon, we do not feel weightlessness
    Reason : Gravitational force by earth on us on the surface of moon is zero. But gravitational force by moon on us on its surface is non-zero.

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  14. Assertion : The centre of semicircular ring of mass `m` and radius R is the origin O. The potential at origin is `-(Gm)/(R)`

    Reason : The gravitational field strength is towards Y-axis.

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  15. Assertion : If the projuct of surface area and density is same for both planets, escape velocity will be same for both.
    Reason : Product of surface area and density is proportional to the mass of the planet per unit radius of the planet.

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  16. Assertion : Areal velocity of a planet around of surface area and density is same for two planets, escape velocities will be same for both
    Reason : Areal velocity `= (L)/(2m)`, Where L is angular momentum of planet about centre of sun.

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  17. Assertion : Mass of the rod AB is `m_(1)` and of particle P is `m_(2)`. Distance between centre of rod and particle is r. Then the gravitational force between the rod and the particle is

    Reason : The relation `F=(Gm_(1)m_(2))/(r^(2))` can be applied directly only to find force between two particles.

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  18. Assertion : Four point masses each of mass `m` are placed at points 1, 2, 3 and 6 of a regular hexagon of side a. Then the gravitational field at the centre of hexagon is `(Gm)/(a^(2))`

    Reason : The field strength due to masses at 3 and 6 are cancelled out.

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  19. Assertion : Let `W_(1)` be the work done in taking away a satellite from the surface of earth to its orbit and then `W_(2)` the work done in rotating the satellite in circular orbit there. Then, `W_(1)=W_(2)`
    Reason : `W_(2)=(GMm)/(4R)`

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  20. Assertion : Two spherical shells have masses `m_(1) and m_(2)`. Their radii are `r_(1) and r_(2)`. Let `r` be the distance of a point from centre. Then gravitational field strength and gravitational potential both are equal to zero for `O lt r lt r_(1)`

    Reason : In the region `r_(1) lt r lt r_(2)`, gravitational field strength due to `m_(2)` is zero. But gravitational potential due to `m_(2)` is constant (but non-zero).

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  21. Match the following
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),("(A)","Kepler's first law","(p)",T^(2)propr^(3)),("(B)","Kepler's second law","(q)","Areal velocity is constant"),("(C)","Kepler's third law","(r)","Orbit of planet is elliptical"):}`

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  22. Density of a planet is two times the density of earth. Radius of this planet is half. Match the following (as compared to earth)
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),("(A)","Accleration due to gravity on this planet's surface","(p)","Half"),("(B)","Gravitational potential on the surface","(q)","Same"),("(C)","Gravitational potential at centre","(r)","Two times"),("(D)","Gravitational field strength at centre","(s)","Four times"):}`

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  23. On the surface of earth acceleration due gravity is `g` and gravitational potential is V. Match of following columns
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),("(A)","At height h=R, value of g","(p)","Decreases by a factor" (1)/(4)),("(B)","At depth " h =(R)/(2)"," "value of g","(q)","Decrease by a factor" (1)/(2)),("(C)","At height "h=R",""value of V","(r)","Increase by a factor" (11)/(8)),("(D)","At height "h=(R)/(2)"," "value of V","(s)","Increase by a factor 2"),(,,"(t)","None"):}`

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  24. Let V and E denote the gravitational potential and gravitational field at a point. Then, match the following columns
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),("(A)",E = 0","V = 0,"(p)","At centre of spherical shell"),("(B)",E ne0","V=0,"(q)","At centre of solid sphere"),("(C)",V ne0","E=0,"(r)","At centre of circular ring"),("(D)",V ne0","E ne0,"(s)","At cetre of two point masses of equal magnitude"),(,,"(t)","None"):}`

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  25. Two concentric spherical shells are as shown in figure. Match the following columns

    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),("(A)","Potential at A","(p)","greater than B"),("(B)","Gravitational field at A","(q)","less than B"),("(C)","As one moves from C to D","(r)","Potential remains constant"),("(D)","As one moves from D to A","(s)","Gravitational field decreases"),(,,"(t)","None"):}`

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  26. Match of following columns
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),("(A)",underset(underset("field is increasing")("particle in gravitational"))("Kinetic enery of a"),"(p)",underset(underset("be positive")("gravitational force should"))("Work done by")),("(B)",underset(underset("field is increasing")("particle in gravitational"))("Potential energy of a"),"(q)",underset("force should be non-zero")("Work done by external")),("(C)",underset(underset("field is increasing")("particle in gravitational"))("Mechanical energy of a"),"(r)",underset(underset("be negative")("gravitational force should"))("Work done by")),(,,"(s)","Cannot say anything"):}`

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  27. A particle is projected from the surface of earth with speed v. Suppose it travel a distance x when its speed become v to `(v)/(2)` and y when speed changes form `(v)/(2)` to 0. Similarly, the corresponding times are suppose `t_(1) " and "t_(2)`. Then

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  28. In elliptical orbit of a planet, as the planet moves from apogee position to perigee position to perigee position, match the following columns
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),("(A)","Speed of planet","(p)","Remains same"),("(B)","Distance of planet from centre of sun","(q)","Decreases"),("(C)","Potential energy","(r)","Increase"),("(D)","Angular momentum about centre of sun","(s)","Cannot say"):}`

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  29. Match the following columns
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),("(A)",underset("satellite in circular orbit")("Time period of an earth"),"(p)","Independent of mass of satellite"),("(B)","Orbital velocity of satellite","(q)","Independent of radius of orbit"),("(C)","Mechanical energy of satellite","(r)","Independent of mass of earth"),(,,"(s)","None"):}`

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  30. If earth decreases its rotational speed. Match the following columns
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),("(A)","Value of g at pole","(p)","Will remain same"),("(B)","Value of g at equator","(q)","Will increase"),("(C)","Distance of geostationary","(r)","Will decrease"),("(D)","Energy of geostationary satellite","(s)","Cannot say"):}`

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  31. Match the following columns. (for a satellite in circular orbit)
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),("(A)","Kinetic energy","(p)",-(GMm)/(2r)),("(B)","Potential energy","(q)",sqrt((GM)/(r))),("(C)","Total energy","(r)",-(GMm)/(r)),("(D)","Orbital speed","(s)",(GMm)/(2r)):}`

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(B) Chapter Exercises questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVITATION of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11