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Complete Solutions to PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE of chapter SYSTEMS OF PARTICLES AND ROTATIONAL MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions69
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The centre of mass of three particles of masses `1 kg, 2kg and 3 kg` lies at the point `(3m, 3m, 3m)` where should a fourth particles of mass `4 kg` be positioned so that centre of mass of the four particle system at `(1m, 1m, 1m)`?

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  2. Three point masses of `1 kg, 2kg and 3 kg` lie at `(1,2), (0,-1) and (2, -3)` respectively. Calculate the co-ordinates of the centre of mass of the system.

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  3. Two particle of mass `2 kg and 1 kg` are moving along the same straight line with speeds `2m//s and 5m//s` respectively. What is the speed of the centre of mass of the system if both the particles are moving (a) in same direction (b) in opposite direction ?

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  4. Four particles `A, B, C and D` of masses `m, 2m, 3m and 4m` respectively are placed at corners of a square of side `x` as shown in Fig.

    Locate the centre of mass.

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  5. If a man of mass `M` jumps to the ground from a height `h` and centre of mass moves a distance `x` in time taken by him to hit the ground, show that the average force acting on him is `Mgh//x`.

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  6. Four particles of masses `m_(1) = 1 kg, m_(2) = 2 kg, m_(3) = 3 kg and m_(4) = 4 kg` are located at the corners of a rectangle as shown in Fig. Locate the position of centre of mass.

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  7. Two bodies of masses `10 kg and 2 kg` are moving with velocities `(2 hati - 7 hatj + 3hat k) and (-10 hati + 35 hatj - 3hatk) m//s` respectively. Calculate the velocity of their centre of mass.

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  8. A square of side `4 m` having uniform thickness is divided into four equal squares as shown in Fig. If one of the squares is cut off, find

    the position of centre of mass of the remaining portion from the centre `O`.

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  9. From a uniform circular disc of diameter `d,a` circular disc of diameter `d//6` and having centre at a distance `d//4` from the centre of the disc is scooped out. Determine the centre of mass of remaining portion.

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  10. A rectangular plate of dimensions `l xx b` is in `x -y` plane as shown in Fig. If the portion of this plate lying in quadrant `I` is removed, find the position of centre of mass of remaining part of plate.

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  11. Fig. shown a three particle system with masses `m_(1) = 3.0 kg, m_(2) = 4.0kg` and `m_(3) = 8.0 kg`. The scales on the axes are set by `x_(s) = 2.0 m` and `y_(s) = 2.0m`. What are the co-ordinates of centre if mass ? If `m_(3)` is gradually increased, does the centre of mass of the system shift towards or away from that particle or does it remain stationary ?

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  12. A flywheel of mass `25 kg` has a radius of `0.2 m`. It is making 240 rpm. What is the torque necessary to bring it to rest in `20 s` ? If the torque is due to a force applies tangentially on the rim of the wheel, what is the magnitude of the force ? Assume that mass of flywheel is concentrated at its rim.

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  13. A rope is wound round a hollow cylinder of mass `3 kg and radius 40 cm`. If the rope is pulled with a force of `30 N`, what is the angualr acceleration of the cylinder ?

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  14. A particle of mass `m` is released from rest from point `P` at `x = x_(0)` on X-axis from origin `O` and falls vertically along y-axis as shown in Fig. What is the magnitude of the torque acting on the particle at time `t`, when it is at the point `Q w.r.t.O` ?

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  15. A unifrom circular disc of mass `200g` and radius `4 cm` is rotated about one of its diameters at an angular speed of `10 rad//s`. Find its abgular momentum about the axis of rotation ?

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  16. Determine the angular momentum of a car of mass `200 kg` moving in a circular track of diameter `100 m` with a speed of `40 m//s`.

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  17. An electron revolves around the nucleus of an atom in a circular orbit of radius `4 Å` with a speed of `6.0 xx 10^(6) m//s`. If mass of electron is `9.0 xx 10^(-31) kg`, what is its angular momentum ?

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  18. Suppose earth is a point mass of `6 xx 10^(24) kg` revolving around the sun in a circular orbit of diameter `3xx10^(8) km` in time `3.14 xx 10^(7) s`. What is the angular momentum of the eart around the sun ?

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  19. The body shown in Fig. is pivoted at point `O`. Three forces act on it `F_(a) = 10N` at point `A, 8.0 m` from `O, F_(b) = 16 N` at` B, 4.0m` from O, and `F_(c) = 19 N` at `C, 3.0 m` from `O`. What is the net torque about `O`.

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  20. The speed of a wheel increases from `600 `rpm to 1200 rpm in `20 s`. What is its angular acceleration ? How many revolutions will it make during this time ?

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  21. A flywheel rotating at `420` rpm slows sown at a constant rate `2 rad s^(-2)`. What time is required to stop the flywheel ?

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  22. The spin drier of a washing machine revolving at`15 rps` slows down to `5 rps`, while making `50` revolutions. Find (a) angular acceleration and (b) time taken.

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  23. On applying a consatnt torque, a wheel at rest, turns through `400` radian in `10 s`. Find angular acceleration. If same torque continues to act, what will be angular veclocity of the wheel after `20 s` from stars ?

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  24. A cord is wound around the circumference of a bicycle wheel (without tyre) of diameter `1 m`. A mass of `2 kg` is tied at the end of the cord and it is allowed to fall from rest. The weight falls `2 m` in `4 s`. The axle of the wheel is horizontal and the wheel rotates which its plane vertical. if `g = 10 ms^(-2)`, what is the angular acceleration of the wheel ?

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  25. A car is moving at a speed of `72 km//h`. The diamter of its whells is `0.5 m`. If the wheels are stopped in `20` rotations by applying brakes, calcualte the angular retardation produced by the brakes.

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  26. An autmobile travelling at `80 km//h` has tyres of `75.0 cm` diameter. What is the angualr speed of the tyres about their axles ? If the car is brought to stop uniformly in `30` complete turns of the tyres without skidding, what is the magnitude of angular acceleration of the wheels ? How far does the car move during the braking ?

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  27. A wheel rotating at an angular speed of 20 rad/s ils brought to rest by a constant trouque in 4.0 secons. If the moiment of inertia of the wheel about the axis of rotation is 0.20 `kg-m^2` find the work done by the torque in the first two seconds.

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  28. The centre of gravity of a loaded texi is `1.5 m` above the ground, and the distance between the wheels is `2m`. What is the maximum speed with which it can go round an unbanked curve of radius `100 m` without being turned upside down. What minimum value of coefficient of friction is needed at this speed ?

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  29. Calculate rotational `K.E.` of earth about its own axis, taking it to be a sphere of mass `6 xx 10^(24) kg` and radius `6400 km`.

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  30. A wheel of mass `5 kg` and radius `0.40 m` is rolling on a road without sliding with angular velocity `10 rad s^-1`. The moment of ineria of the wheel about the axis of rotation is `0.65 kg m^2`. The percentage of kinetic energy of rotate in the total kinetic energy of the wheel is.

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  31. A thin metal hoop of radius `0.25 m` and mass `2 kg` stars from rest and rolls down an inclined plane. If its linear velocity on reaching the foot of the plane is `2 m//s`, what is its rotational `KE` at that instant ?

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  32. A circular disc of mass `M` and radius `r` is set rolling on a table. If `omega` be its angular velocity, show that its total `K.E.` is given by `(3//4)M v^(2), where v` is its linear velocity `M.I.` of circular disc `= (1//2) mass xx (radius)^(2)`.

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  33. A spherical ball rolls on a table without slipping. Determine the percentage of its `K.E.` which is rotational. Moment of inertia of sphere `= (2//5) xx mass xx ("radius")^(2)`.

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  34. A solid cylinder rolls down an inclined plane. Its mass is `2 kg and radius 0.1 m`. It the height of the inclined plane is `4m`, what is its rotational `K.E.` when it reaches foot of the plane ? Assume that the surfaces are smooth. Take `M.I.` of solid cylinder about its axis = `mr^(2)//2`.

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  35. The earth has a mass of `6 xx 10^(24) kg` and a radius of `6.4 xx 10^(6)m`. Calculate the amount of work that must be done to slow down its rotation so that duration of day becomes `30` hrs instead of 24 hours.
    Moment of inertia of earth `= (2)/(5)MR^(2)`.

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  36. A bucket of mass `8 kg` is supported by a light rope wound around a solid wooden cylinder of mass `12 kg and radius 20 cm`, free to rotate about its axis. A man holding the free end of the rope with the bucket and the cylinder at rest initially, lets go the bucket freely downward in a well `50 m` deep. Neglecting friction, obtain the speed of bucket and angualr speed of the cylinder just before the bucket enters water. Take `g = 10 m//s^(2)`.

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  37. A hoop of radius `2 m` weight `100 kg`.It rolls along a horizontal floor so that its centre of mass has a speed of `20 cm s^-1`. How much work has to be done to stop it ?

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  38. If a constant torque of `500 N-m` turns a wheel of moment of inertia `100 kg m^(2)` about an axis passing through its centre, find the gain in angular velocity in `2 s`.

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  39. A ring of diameter `0.4 m` and of mass `10 kg` is rotating about its axis at the rate of 2100 rpm. Calculate moment of inertia, angular momentum and rotational `KE` of the ring.

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  40. A cylinder of length `20 cm` and radius `10 cm` is rotating about its central axis at an angular speed of `100 rad//s`. What tangential force will stop the cylinder at a unifrom rate is `10 s` ? Given moment of inertia of the cylinder about its axis of rotation is `8.0 kg m^(2)`.

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  41. A `40 kg` flywheel in the from of a unifrom circular disc `200 cm`. in diameter is making `120` revolutions/minute. Calculate angular momentum. Moment of inertia of disc `= (1//2) mass xx ("radius")^(2)`.

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  42. A circular ring of diameter `40 cm` and mass `1 kg` is rotating about an axis normal to its plane and passing through the centre with a frequency of `10 rps`. Calculate the angular momentum about the axis of rotation.

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  43. A wheel of radius 10 cm can rotate freely about its centre as shown in figure. A stirng is wrapped over its rim and is ulle dby a force of 5.0 N. It is found that the torque roduces an angular acceleration 2.0 `rad/s^2` in the wheel. Calculate the moment of inertia of the wheel.

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  44. A force of `36N` is applied to a particle located at `0.15 m` from the axis of rotation. What is the magnitude of the torque about this axis, if the angle between the direction of the applied force and radius vector is (a)`120^(@) (b) 45^(@)`?

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  45. A circular ring of diameter `40 cm` and mass `1 kg` is rotating about an axis normal to its plane and passing through the centre with a frequency of `10 rps`. Calculate the angular momentum about the axis of rotation.

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  46. A torque of `10^(8)` dyne - cm is applied to a fly wheel of mass `10 kg` and radius of gyration `50 cm`. What is the resultant angular acceleration ?

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  47. A sphere of mass `2 kg` and radius `5 cm` is rotating at the rate of `300` revolutions per minute. Calculate the torque required to stop it in `6.28` revolutions. [Moment of inertia of sphere about diameter `= 2//5 mass xx ("radius")^(2)]`.

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  48. A flywheel of moment of inertia 5.0 `kg-m^2` is rotated at a speed of 60 rad/s. Because of the friction at the axle, it comes to rest in 5.0 minutes. Find a. The average torque of the friction. B. the total work done by the friction and c. the angular momentum of the wheel 1 minute before it stops rotating.

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  49. How much tangential force will be needed to stop the earth in one year, if it is rotating with an angular velocity of `7.3 xx 10^(-5) rad//s` ? Given moment of inertia of earth `= 9.3 xx 10^(37) kg m^(2)` and radius of earth `= 6.4 xx 10^(6) m`.

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  50. A boy is seated in a revolving chair revolving at an angular speed of 120 rpm. By some arrangement, the boy decrease the moment of inertia of the system from `6 kg m^(2)` to `2 kg m^(2)`. What will be the new angular speed ?

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  51. If the earth expands suddenly to twice its diamteter, what would be the length of the day ?

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  52. Prove that for an earth satellite, the ratio of its velocity at apogee (when farthest from earth) to its velocity at perigee (when closer to earth) is in the inverse ratio of its distance at apogee and perigee.

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  53. A uniform disc rotating freely about a vertical axis makes `90` rpm. A small piece of wax of mass `m` gram falls vertically on the disc and sticks to it at a distance `r cm` from the axis. If number of rotations per minute reduces to `60`, find the moment of inertia of the disc.

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  54. A circular disc of moment of inertia `I_(t)` is rotating in a horizontal plane about its symmetry axis with a constant angular velocity `omega_(i)`. Another disc of moment of inertia `I_(b)` is dropped co-axially onto the rotating disc. Initially, the second disc has zero angular speed. Eventually, both the discs rotate with a constant angular speed `omega_(f)`. Calculate the energy lost by the initially rotating disc due to friction.

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  55. A disc of mass `M` and radius `r` is rotating with an angular velocity `omega`. If gently, two masses `m` each are placed at a distance `r//2` on either side of the axis of rotation, what will be the new angular velocity ?

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  56. Calculate moment of inertia of a uniform circular disc of mass `700 g` and diameter `20 cm` about
    (i) an axis through the centre of disc and perpendicular to its plane, (ii) a diameter of disc, (iii) a tangent in the plane of the disc, (iv) a tangent perpendicular to the plane of the disc.

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  57. What is the moment of inertia of a ring of mass `2 kg` and diameter `1 m` about a transverse axis passing through its centre. How is moment of inertia affected if axis passes through edge of the ring parallel to given axis ?

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  58. Three particles, each of mass m are situated at the vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC of side L figure. Find thee moment of inertia of the system about the line AX perpendicular to AB in the plane of ABC

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  59. Find the radius of gyrational and moment of inertia of a rod of mass `100g` and length `1 m` about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its length.

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  60. Four particles of masses `4 kg, 2 kg, 3kg and 5 kg` are respectively located at the four corners `A, B, C, D` of a square of side `1 m`. Calculate the moment of inertia of the system about
    (i) the axis passing through point of intersection of the diagonals and perpendicualr to the plane of the square. (ii) side `AB` (ii) diagonal `BD`.

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  61. Calculate the moment of inertia of a circular disc of radius `10 cm`, thickness `5 mm` and uniform density `8 g cm^(-3)`, about a transverse axis through the centre of the disc.

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  62. The earth has a mass of `6 xx 10^(24) kg` and a radius of `6.4 xx 10^(6)m`. Calcualte the amount of work that must be done to slow down its rotation so that duration of day becomes `30` hrs instead of 24 hours.
    Moment of inertia of earth `= (2)/(5)MR^(2)`.

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  63. A uniform rod of length 1 metre has a mass of `500 gram`. What is moment of inertia of the rod about an axis passing through the centre of the rod perpendicular to its length. How is moment of inertia changed when the same axis passes through one end of the rod ?

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  64. The wheel of a motor, accelerated uniformly from rest, rotates through 2.5 radian during the first second. Find the angle rotated during the next second.

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  65. A rod of length `l` whose lower end is fixed along the horizontal plane starts from the vertical position. The velocity of the upper end of the rod when it hits the ground is

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  66. A uniform rod of length `1m` having mass `1 kg` rests against a smooth wall at an angle of `30^(@)` with the ground. Calculate the force exerted by the ground on the rod. Take `g = 10 ms^(-2)`.

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  67. Two small balls A and B each of mass m, are attched erighdly to the ends of a light rod of length d. The structure rotates about the perpendicular bisector of the rod at an angular speed `omega`. Calculate the angular momentum of the individual balls and of the system about the axis of rotation.

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  68. A cylinder of mass `5 kg` and radius `30 cm` is rolling down an inclined plane at an angle of `45^(@)` with the horizontal. Calculate (i) force of friction (ii) acceleration of cylinder (iii) minimum value of coeff. of static friction so that cylinder does not slip while rolling down the plane.

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  69. A wheel of radius `6 cm` is mounted so as to rotate about a horizontal axis through its centre. A string of negligibe mass wrapped round its circumference carries a mass of `0.2 kg` attrached to its free end. When let fall, the mass descends through `1 m` in `5 s`. Calculate the angular acceleration of the wheel, its moment of inertia and tension in the cord.

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