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Complete Solutions to Advanced problems for competitions of chapter PROPERTIES OF BULK MATTER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPAdvanced problems for competitions
Number Of Questions21
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A steel wire of length 20 cm and uniform cross section `1 mm^(2)` is tied rigidly at both the ends. If temperature of the wire is altered from `40^(@)C` to `20^(@)C`, calcutlate the change in tension. Given coefficient of linear expansion of steel is `1.1 xx 10^(-5) ^(@)C^(-1)` and Young's modulus for steel is `2.0 xx 10^(11) Nm^(-2)`.

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  2. Calculate the force F needed to punch at `1.46` cm diameter hole in a steel plate `1.27 cm` thick fig. The ultimates shear stress of steel is `3.45 xx 10^(8)Nm^(-2)`.

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  3. A bob of 1 kg wt is suspended by a rubber cord 2m long and of cross section `0.5 cm^2` it is made to descrbie a horizontal circle of radius 50cm, 4 times a second. Find the extension of the cord, Young's modulus of rubber is `5xx10^8 N//m^2`

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  4. A load of 981 N is suspended from a steel wire of radius 1 mm. what is the maximum angle through which the wire with the load can be deflected so that it does not break when the load passes through the equilibrium poision? Breaking stress is `7.85 xx 10^(8)Nm^(-2)`.

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  5. Compare the densities of water at the surface and bottom of a lake 100 metre deep , given that the compressibility is `10^(-3)//22` per atmosphere and 1 atmosphere = `1.015 xx 10^(5)Pa`.

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  6. When equal volumes of two metals are mixed together the specific gravity of alloy is 4. When equal masses of the same two metals are mixed together the specific gravity of the alloy becomes 3. find specific gravity of each metal?
    (specific gravity `=("density of substance")/("density of water"))`

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  7. Find the net downward thrust on the inclined surface of a bucket full of water of height `h` and radii `a` and `b`.

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  8. A balloon filled with hydrogen has a volume of 1000 litres and has mass of 1kg. What would be the volume of the block of very light material which it can just lift? One litre of the material has a mass 91.3g and density of air is `1.3 g" ""litre"^(-1).`

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  9. A large block of ice `5 m` thick has a vertical hole drilled through it and is floating in the middle of a lake. What is the minimum length of a rope required to scoop up a bucket full of water through the hole? Relative density of ice `=0.9`.

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  10. A barometer contains two uniform capillaries of radii `1.4xx10^(-3)m` and `7.2xx10^(-4)m`. If the height of liquid in narrow tube is `0.2m` more than that in wide tube, calculate the true pressure difference. Density of liquid `=10^(3)kg//m^(3)`, surface tension `=72xx10^(-3)N//m` and `g=9.8ms^(-12)`.

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  11. A capillary tube sealed at the top has an internal radius of 0.05 cm. the tube is placed vertically in water, open end first . What should be the length of such a tube for the water column to rise in it to a length of 1 cm?
    Atmospheric pressure, `P_(0)=1` atmosphere =`1.01 xx 10^(5) Nm^(-2)`, and surface tension of water `=70 xx 10^(-3)Nm^(-1)`.

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  12. There is a soap bubble of radius `2.4 xx 10^(-4)m` in air cylinder at a pressure of `10^(5) N//m^(2)`. The air in the cylinder is compressed isothermal until the radius of the bubble is halved. Calculate the new pressure of air in the cylinder. Surface tension of soap solution is `0.08 Nm^(-1)`.

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  13. A uniform solid cylinder of density `0.8g//cm^3` floats in equilibrium in a combination of two non-mixing liquids A and B with its axis vertical.
    The densities of the liquids A and B are `0.7g//cm^3` and `1.2g//cm^3`, respectively. The height of liquid A is `h_A=1.2cm.` The length of the part of the cylinder immersed in liquid B is `h_B=0.8cm`.

    (a) Find the total force exerted by liquid A on the cylinder.
    (b) Find h, the length of the part of the cylinder in air.
    (c) The cylinder is depressed in such a way that its top surface is just below the upper surface of liquid A and is then released. Find the acceleration of the cylinder immediately after it is released.

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  14. A liquid is kept in a cylindrical vessel which is rotated along its axis. The liquid rises at the sides, if the radius of vessel is ` 0.05 m` and the speed of rotation is `2 rev//s`, find difference in the height of the liquid at the centre of the vessel and its sides.

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  15. A cylinderical tank 1 m in radius rests on a plaform 5 m high. Initially the tank is filled with upto a height of 5m a plug whose area is `10^(-4)cm^(2)` is removed from an orifice on the side of the tank at the bottom.
    Calculate (a). Initial speed with which the water flows from the orifice
    (b). Initial speed with which the water strikes the ground.

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  16. A light cylindrical vessel is kept on a horizontal surface. Its base area is A. a hole of cross sectional area a is made just at its bottom side (where a less than A). Find minimum coefficeint of friction necessary for sliding of the vesssel due to the impact force of the emerging liquid.

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  17. A cylinder containing water up to a height of `25cm` has a hole of cross-section `1/4 cm^(2)` in its bottom. It is counterpoised in a balance. What is the initial change in the balancing weight when water begin to flow out?

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  18. Spherical particles of pollen are shaken up in water and allowed to settle. The depth of water is `2xx10^(-2)m`. What is the diameter of the largest particles remaining in suspension one hour later?
    Density of pollen `=1.8xx10^(3)kgm^(-3)` viscosity of water `=1xx10^(-2)` poise and density of water `=1xx10^(3)kgm^(-3)`

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  19. A cylinderical tank of height 0.4 m is open at the top and has a diameter 0.16m. Water is filled in it up to height of 0.16 m. Find the time taken to empty the tank through a hole of radius `5 xx 10^(-3)m` in its bottom.

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  20. A piece of copper of mass 7.5 g at `27^(@)C` is dropped in boling liquid oxygen (boling point `-183^(@)C`). The released oxygen oc cupies 1.89 letres at `20^(@)C` and a pressure of 750 mm. Find the latent heat of vaporisation of oxygen. Given that specific heat of copper=`0.08 cal g^(-1) .^(@)C^(-1)` and density of oxygen at NTP is `1.429 g//litre`.

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  21. Fig, shows a system of two concentric spheres of radii `r_(1)` and` r_(2)` and kept at temperature `T_(1)` and `T_(2) (T_(1) gt T_(2))` respectively. Find the expression for radial rate of flow of heat through the substance.

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Advanced problems for competitions questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF BULK MATTER of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11