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Complete Solutions to Short Answer Questions of chapter PROPERTIES OF BULK MATTER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPShort Answer Questions
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Distinguish between elasticity and plasticity of materials.

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  2. The length of a steel wire is `l_(1)` when the stretching force is `T_(1)` and `l_(2)` when the stretching force is `T_(2)`. The natural length of the wire is

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  3. When a weight `W` is hung from one end of a wire of length `L` (other end being fixed), the length of the wire increases by `l`. If the same wire is passed over a pulley and two weights `W` each are hung at the two ends,what will be the total elongation in the wire?

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  4. One end of a uniform rod of mass M and cross-sectional area A is suspended from a rigid support and an equal mass M is suspended from the other end, what is the stress at the mid point of the rod.

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  5. A thick rope of density `rho` and length `L` is hung from a rigid support. The increase in length of the rope due to its own weight is (`Y` is the Young's modulus)

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  6. Two wires made of same material are subjected to forces in the ratio 1:4 their lengths are in the ratio 2:1 and diameters in the ratio 1:3, what is the ratio of their extensions?

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  7. A cable is replaced by another cable of the same length and material but of duouble the diameter.
    (i) Under a given load which cable wil show greater extension?
    (ii) How many times the second cable can support the maxium load without exceeding the elastic limit?

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  8. A copper wire of negligible mass, length l and corss-section A is kept on a smooth horizontal tabel with one end fiexed. A ball of mass m is attached to the other end. The wire and the ball are rotating with an angular velocity `omega`. If elongation in the wire is `Deltal`, obtain the expression for the Young's modulus.

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  9. A hollow shaft is found to be stronger than a solid shaft made of same equal material.

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  10. A metal bar of length L and area of cross-section A is rigidly champed between two walls. The Young's modulus of its material is Y and the coefficient of linear expansion is `alpha`. The bar is heated so that its temperature is increased by `theta^(@)C`. Find the force exerted at the ends of the bar.

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  11. Two rod A and B of the same material and dame length have radii `r_(1) and r_(2)` respectively. When they are rigidly fixed at one end and twisted by the same couple applied at the other end, find the ratio of the angles of twist at the ends of A and B.

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  12. A metallic wire of length L, area of cross-section A is suspended by attaching some wieght to it. If `alpha` is the longitudinal strain and Y is Young's modulus, find the ratio between elastic potential energy and the elastic energy density.

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  13. The longer side of cross-section of the girder is used as depth. Why?

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  14. Explain elastic behaviour of solids.

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  15. Explain the terms (i) stress, (ii) strain.

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  16. State and prove Hooke's law.

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  17. Discuss experimental determination of Young's modulus of a metallic wire.

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  18. Explain (i) ducitile materials (ii) brittle materials and (iii) elastromers.

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  19. Explain (i) Elastic after effect and (ii) Elastic fatique with illustrations.

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  20. What do you understand by potential energy in a stretched wire? Find a relation for it and hence determine the elastic potential energy per unit volume of the wire.

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  21. Explain Poisson's ratio. What are theoretical value and practical value of Poisson's ratio for all substance?

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  22. Railway tracks are laid on large sized wooden, iron or cement sleepers. Why?

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  23. A barometer kept in an elevator accelerating upward reads 76 cm. The air pressure in the elevator is

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  24. A barometer kept in an elevator accelerating upward reads 76 cm. The air pressure in the elevator is

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  25. What is the height of mercury level in a barometer which is set up in a sealed cabin on the moon containing air at our usual atmospheric pressure.

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  26. A uniformly tapering vessel of height h whose lower and upper radii are r and R is completely filled with a liquid of density `rho` The force that acts on the base of the vessel due of the liquid is

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  27. Explain why an air bubble in water rises frim bottom to top and grows in size.

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  28. The food is cooked faster in the pressure cooker? Why? It becomes difficult to cook food at the mountains . Why?

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  29. The passengers flying in aeroplane are advised to remove the ink from their pens while going up in the aeroplane , why?

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  30. A cylindrical vessel closed at bottom is of radius 'R' and height 'H'. it is filled with a liquid of density `rho` upto its top. What is the thrust of liquid at the curved surface of vessel

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  31. The area of cross-section of the wider tube shown in fig., is `800cm^(2)` . If a mass of 12 kg is placed on the massless piston, what is the difference in the level of water in two tubes.

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  32. A bucket of water is suspended from a spring balance. What happens to reading of balance
    (a) when a piece of stone suspended from a string is immersed in the water without touching the bucket
    (b) when a piece of lead or cork is put in the water in the bucket.

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  33. A `20 N` metal block is suspended by a spring balance. A beaker containing some water is placed on a weighing machine which reads `40 N`. The spring balance is now lowered so that the block gets immersed in the water. The spring balance now reads `16 N`. The reading of the weighing machine will be.

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  34. A block of wood, specific gravity 0.6 and mass 90.0 g is floting in water. A hole is drilled in it removing 8.0 g of wood. The hole is filled with lead of density `11.43 g//cm^(3)`. What will be the effect on the block?

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  35. A man is sitting in a boat which is floating in a pond. If the man drinks some water from the pond, the level of water in the pond decreases.

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  36. A block of wood is floating on water at `0^(@)C` with a certain volume `V` above water level. The temperature of water is slowly raised to `20^(@)C` . How does the volume `V` change with the rise of temperature ?

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  37. A ball floats on the surface of water in a container exposed to the atmosphere. Will the ball remain immersed at its initial depth or will it sink or rise somewhat if the container is shifted to the moon?

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  38. A glass plante of negligible mass and thickness is held against the end of a tube and pushed 10 cm under the surface of water. When released, the plate does not fall off. What depth of kerosene oil of relative density 0.8 must be poured into the tube so that the plate just falls off?

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  39. A block of ice in which a piece of stone is embedded is floating on water contained in a beaker. When all the ice melts the level of water in the beaker

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  40. A wooden cylinder is floating on water in a beaker which is placed in a lift. When the lift is at rest, `1//3` of the volume of wood is exposed above the water . The lift now moves up with an ac celeration equal to `g//2`. What is the fraction of the volume exposed now?

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  41. A balloon filled with air is just floating in water in a beaker, as shown in fig. If the balloon is submerged more by a small distance and released, then the balloon will move up or move down to bottom or remains at the same location where released. Explain.

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  42. A hemispherical portion of radius R is removed from the bottom of a cylinder of radius R. The volume of the remaining cylinder is V and its mass M. It is suspended by a string in a liquid of density `rho` where it stays vertical. The upper surface of the cylinder is at a depth h below the liquid surface. The force on the bottom of the cylinder by the liquid is

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  43. What will be the shape of the bigger drop of mercury on a glass sheet (a) on the surface of earth (b) at the centre of the earth, and why?

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  44. Explain why it is difficult to make mercury enter a fine therometer tube?

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  45. Why does a glass rod coated with wax not becomes wet when dipped in water?

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  46. A liquid is contained in a vertical tube of semi-circular cross-section. The angle of contact is zero fig. What is the ratio of the force of surface tension on the curved part and the flat part of the tube?

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  47. The oil is sprinkled on sea waves to calm them down. Why ?

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  48. Why are the droplets of mercury when brought in contact pulled together to form a bigger drop? Also state with reasons whether the temperature of this bigger drop will be the same, or more, or less than the temperature of the smaller drop.

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  49. A soap bubble of radius r si blown up to form of bubble of radius 3r under isothermal conditions . What is the energy spent in doing so if the surface tension of soap solution is S.

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  50. The excess pressure inside a soap bubble is thrice the excess pressure inside a second soap bubble. What is the ratio between the volume of the first and the second bubble?

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  51. A glass tube of radius r is dipped vertically into a container of mercury of density `rho` with its lower end at a depth h below the mercury surface . If S is the surface tension of mercury, what must be the gauge pressure of air in the tube to blow a hemispherical bubble at the lower end?

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  52. A small drop of water of surface tension S is squeezed between two clean glass plates so that a thin layar of thickness d and area A is formed between them. If the angle of contact is zero, what is the force required to pull the plates apart?

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  53. Two soap bubbles have radii in the ratio 2:3. comare the excess of pressure inside these bubles. Also compare the works done in blowing these bubbles.

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  54. If a capillary tube is put in water in a weightlessness state, how will the rise of water in a capillary tube will be observed as compared to one under normal condition?

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  55. A capillary tube when immersed vertically in a liquid records a rise of 3cm.if the tube is immersed in the liquid at an angle of `60^(@)` with the vertical, then find the length of the liqiud column along the tube.

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  56. If a capillary tube is immersed at first in cold water and then in hot water, the height of capillary rise will be smaller in the second case. How can this be explained?

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  57. What is fluid? Show that fluid exerts pressure and prove that the force acting on a fluid in equilibrium of rest have to be perdicular to its surface.

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  58. Show that liquid in equilibrium of rest exerts normal force on the surface in contact with it.

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  59. What is pressure? Give its units and demensions. How can you measure it?

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  60. State Pascal's law.Give the construction and working of Hydraulic brakes.

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  61. How can you measure atmospheric pressure experimentally?

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  62. What do you understand by hydrostatic paradox. Explain it with an illustration.

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  63. Find the height of atmosphere.

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  64. State the various units of atmospheric pressure.

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  65. Describe a simple experiment for measuring the surface tension of a liquid.

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  66. Explain surface energy. Establish its relation with surface tension.

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  67. Show that there is always an excess pressure on the concave side of the meniscus of a liquid. Obtain expression for the excess pressure inside liquid bubble

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  68. What do you understand by angle of contact? On what factors does it depend? Where is the angle of contact obtuse, acute or zero degree.

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  69. What is surface tension? Define angle of contact of a liquid with a solid surface. Why does it vary for different liquids?

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  70. What happens when a capillary tube of insufficient length is dipped in a liquid?

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  71. Discuss the effect of presence of impurities and the temperature on the surface tengion of a liquid.

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  72. How dirty clothes can be cleaned using a detergent in hot water?

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  73. Write two factors affecting viscosity. Which one is more viscous : Pure water or saline water?

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  74. Under a constant pressure head, the rate of streamlined volume flow of a liquid through a capillary tube is V. if the length of the capillary tube is double and diameter of the bore is halved, find the rate of flow of the liquid through the capillary tube.

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  75. Explain the difference between solid friction and viscosity.

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  76. Explain the effect of (i) density
    (ii) temperature and (iii) pressure on the viscosity of liquids and gases.

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  77. Two capillaries of same length and radius in the ratio of 1:2 are connected in series and a liquid flows through this system under streamline conditions . If the pressure across the two extreme ends of combination is 1m of water, what is the pressure difference across the (i) first capillary (ii) second capillary?

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  78. A small ball of mass m and density `rho` is dropped in a viscous liquid of density `sigma`. Ather some time the ball falls with a constant velocity. Calculate the viscous force acting on the ball.

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  79. Give an example for a force proportional to velocity . Prove that terminal velocity of a solid object moving in a viscous medium is directly proportional to square of its size and inversely proportional to the viscoisity of the medium.

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  80. Two equal drops of water are falling through air with a steady velocity v. If the drops coalesced, what will be the new velocity?

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  81. The cloud's are seen floating in the sky. Why?

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  82. How will the weight of a body be affected, when it falls with its terminal velocity through a viscous medium?

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  83. The velocity of fall of a man jumping with a parachute first increases and then becomes constant. Explain.

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  84. A small sphere of mass 'm' is dropped from a great height. After it has fallen 100m, it has attained its terminal velocity and continue to fall at that speed. The workdone by air friction against the sphere during 100m fall is `W_(1)` and during next 100m fall is `W_(2)` , then compare `W_(1) and W_(2)`.

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  85. A parachute is advised to be used by a person, while jumping out of an aeroplane. Explain why?

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  86. What happens when the velocity of the liquid flowing through a horizontal tube is gradually increased?

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  87. The velocity of water in a river is less on the bank and large in the middle : why?

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  88. Deep water runs slow. Explain.

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  89. The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has radius `R`, one end of which has `n` fine holes, each of radius `r`. If the speed of the liquid in the tube is `V`, the speed of the ejection of the liquid through the holes is:

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  90. Distinguish between streamline motion and turbulent motion.

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  91. Flags flutter in breeze. Why?

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  92. It is advised not to stand near a running train. Why?

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  93. Why two boats moving in parallel directions close to each other get attracted?

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  94. An aeroplane runs for some distance on the run way before taking off. Why?

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  95. The water level on a tank is 5m high. There is a hole of `1 cm^(2)` cross-section at the bottom of the tank. Find the initial rate with which water will leak through the hole. (`g= 10ms^(-2)`)

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  96. In a test experiement on a model aeroplane in a wind tunnel, the flow speeds on the lower and upper surfaces of the wing are `upsilon` and `upsilonsqrt(2)` respectively. If the density of air is `rho` and the surface area of the wings is A, what is the dynamic lift on the wing of aeroplane.

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  97. The stream of water flowing at high speed from a garden hose pipe tends to spread like a fountain when held vertically up, but tends to narrow down when held vertically up, but tends to narrow down when held vertically down. Explain how?

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  98. There are two holes, each of cross-sectional area a, on the opposite side of a wide rectangular tank containing a liquid of density`rho`. When the liquid flows out of the holes, find the net force on the tank. Given h is the vertical distance between two holes.

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  99. Explain viscosity of a liquid. Discuss its cause.

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  100. Explain coeffecient of viscosity , its units and give its dimensional formula.

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Short Answer Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF BULK MATTER of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11