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Complete Solutions to Conceptual Problems of chapter PROPERTIES OF BULK MATTER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPConceptual Problems
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which one is more elastic rubber or steel? Explain.

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  2. A wire stretches by a certain amount under a load. If the load and radius are increased to four times, find the stretch caused in the wire.

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  3. The maximum load that a wire can sustain is W. If the wire is cut to half its value, the maximum load it can sustain is

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  4. Why is a spring made of steel, not of copper?

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  5. A wire of length l and radius r has a weight W and the Young's modulus of elasticity Y. it is suspended vertically from a fixed point. Calculate the increase in length of wire porduced due to its own weight.

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  6. The density of a metal at normal pressure is `rho`. Its density when it is subjected to an excess pressure p is `rho'` . If B is the bluk modulus of the metal, then find the ratio `rho'//rho`.

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  7. If F is the breaking force of a wire, what will be the breaking force for (a) two parallel wires of the same size (b) for a single wire of double the thickness?

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  8. A uniform pressure P is exerted by an external agent on all sides of a solid cube at temperature `t^(@)C`. By what amount should the temperature of the cube be raised in order to bring its volume back to its original volume before the pressure was applied if the bulk modulus is B and co-efficient of volumetric expansion is `gamma`?

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  9. The stress strain graph for a metal wire is shown in the fig. Upto the point E, the wire returns to its original state O along the curve EPO, when it is gradually unloaded. Point B corresponds to the fracture of the wire. (a) Upto what point on the curve is Hooke's law obeyed? (this point some times called proportional limits).

    (b) Which point on the curve corresponding to elastic limet or yield point of the wire?
    (c ) Indicate teh elastice and plastic regions of the stree-strain graph.
    (d) Describe what happens when the wire is loaded upto a stress corresponding to the point A on the graph and then unloaded gradulally. In particular explain the dotted curve.
    (e) Wht is peculiar about the protion of the stree- strain graph from C to B? Upto what stress can the wire be subjected with out causing fracture?

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  10. Two different types of rubber are found to have the stree-strain curves shown in fig.

    (a) In which significant ways do these curves differ form the stree-strain curve of a metal wire.
    (b) A heavy machine is to be installed in a factory. To absorb vibrations of the machine, a block of rubber is placed between the machinery and the floor. which of the two rubbers A and B would you perfer to use for this purpose? why?
    (c) Which of the two rubber materials would you choose for a car tyre ?

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  11. Why are the bridge declared unsafe after long use?

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  12. Why a spring balance does not give correct measurements when it has been used for a long time?

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  13. A wire gets heated when it is bent back and forth. Why?

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  14. Two cylinder A and B of radii r and 2r are soldered co-axially. The free end of A is clamped and the free end of B is twisted by an angle `phi`. Find twist at the junction taking the material of tow cylinders to be same and of equal length.

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  15. A matallic wire is stretched by suspending weight to it. If `alpha` is the longitudinal strain and Y its Young's modulus of elasticity, shown that the elastic potential energy per unit volume is given by `Y alpha^(2)//2`

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  16. What is the force on a common man due to atmospheric pressure? Why one does not feel it?

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  17. A bottle full of a liquid is fitted with a tight cork. Explain why a slight blow on the cork may be sufficient to break the bottle.

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  18. A tank of square cross-section of each side is filled with a liquid of height h . Find the thrust experienced by the vertical surfaces and bottom surface of the tank.

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  19. Why is mercury perferred as a barometric substance over water?

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  20. What angle will the free surface of a liquid subtend with the horizontal when the liquid in a container is moving horizontally with constat ac celeration a as shown in fig.

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  21. A car is to be lifted by a hydraulic jack which consists of two pistons. The large piston is 80 cm in diameter and the smaller piston is 16 cm in diameter. If W is the weight of the car, then how much smaller force is needed on small pistonto lift the car?

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  22. A balloon filled with helium does not rise in air indefinitely but halts after a certain height. (Neglect winds). Explain

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  23. The force required by a man to move his limgs immersed in water is smaller than the force for the same movement in air.

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  24. Ice floats in water with about nine tenths of its volume submerged. What is the fractional volume submerged for an ice berg floating on a fresh water lake of a (hypothetical) planet whose gravity is ten times that of the earth?

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  25. What is the fractional volume of an ice cube in a pail of water produced in an enclosure which is freely falling under gravity?

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  26. Explain why a small ireon needle sinks in water while a large iron ship floats?

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  27. A block of wood floats in a bucket of water in a lift. Will the block sink more of less if the lift starts ac celerating up ?

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  28. A big size balloon of mass M is held stationary in air with the help of a small block of mass `M//2` tied to it by a light string such that both float in mid air. Describe the motion of the balloon and the block when the string is cut. Support your answer with calcutations

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  29. A man while walking is carrying a fish in the bucket full of water in the other water and thinks, he is now carrying less-weight as weight of fish will reduce due to upthrust. What do you say about it.

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  30. Why a sinking ship often turns over as it becomes immeresed in water?

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  31. A piece of ice having a stone frozen in it floats in a glass vessel filled with water. How will the level of water in the vessel change when the ice melts?

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  32. A body of density `rho` is released gently on the surface of a layer of liquid of depth d and density `rho'(rho' lt rho)` . Show that it will reach the bottom of the liquid after a time.
    `[(2 d rho)/(g(rho-rho'))]^(1//2)` .

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  33. A small ball of density `rho` is immersed in a liquid of density `sigma(gtrho)` to a depth `h` and released. The height above the surface of water up to which the ball will jump is

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  34. A body of density `rho` floats with volume `V_(1)` of its total volume `V` immersed in a liquid of density `rho_(1)` and with the remainder of volume `V_(2)` immersed in another liquid of density `rho_(2)` where `rho_(1)gtrho_(2)`. Find the volume immersed in two liquids. (`V_(1)` and `V_(2)`).

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  35. A razor blade can be made to float on water. What force act on this blade? Is Archimedes principle applicable?

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  36. While sewing, a person often wets the end of a thread before, trying to put it through the eys of the needle. Why?

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  37. Explain why water can be poured into a bottle with a narrow neck with the aid of glass tube?

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  38. Explain why small drops of mercury are spherical and large drops become flat?

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  39. A shot is obtained by pouring molten lead through narrow holes into water from certain height. The falling lead solidifies and takes the form of small spheres, Explain the phenomenon.

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  40. Explain why some oil spread uniformly on water, when other floats as drops?

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  41. Why surface tension concept is only held for liquids and not for gases which are also fliuds?

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  42. Why an oil drop on a hot cup of soup spreads over when the temperature of the soup falls?

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  43. A bubble having surface tension T and radius R is formed on a ring of radius b `(b lt gt R)` . Air is blown inside the tube held in front of the ring , with velocity `upsilon` as shown in fig. The air molecules collides perpendicularly with the wall of the bubble and stops. Calculate the radius R at which the bubble and stops. Calculate the radius R at which the bubble separates from the ring.

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  44. Why undergarments are usually made of cotton?

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  45. Water is depressed in a glass tube whose inner surface is cotated with paraffin wax. Why?

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  46. Why does an iron needle float on clean water but sink when some detergent is added to this water?

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  47. When one end of a tube of radius r is immersed vertically in a liquid of density `rho`, surface tension S, the rise of liquid in the tube is h and angle of contact is `theta` . If the tube is broken and its length is made `h' (lt h)`, then find the value of height of rise of liquid in the tube and angle of contact.

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  48. It is better to wash the clothes in hot soap solution. Why?

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  49. If a capillary tube is put in water in a weightlessness state, how will the rise of water in a capillary tube will be observed as compared to one under normal condition?

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  50. What is the reason that a constant driving force is always required for the maintenance of the flow of oil through the pipe lines in the oil refineries?

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  51. Water flows faster than honey. Why?

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  52. From where viscous force come about in moving liquids. Discuss the factors on which viscous drag of liquid depends.

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  53. Machine parts are jammed in winter. Why?

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  54. Why oils of different viscosity are used in different seasons?

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  55. Discuss the effect of temperature on the viscosity of liquids and gases.

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  56. Explain viscosity. Give some examples. Where is its part being played in nature?

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  57. The sides of a horizontal pipe carrying dirty water get dirty. Explain.

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  58. Two capillary tubes of equal length and inner radii 2r and 4r respectively are added in series and a liquid flows through it. If the pressure difference between the ends of the whole system is 8.5 cm of mercury, find the pressure difference between the ends of the first capillary tube.

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  59. what is the origin of viscous drag on a body falling through a fluid?

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  60. Are there some conditions for stoke's law to be obeyed. If no, explaine. If yes mention those conditions .

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  61. What is terminal velocity? Discuss the factors on which it depends.

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  62. Rain drops falling under gravity do not acquire very high velocity. Why?

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  63. Under what conditions, the velocity of a body falling in a medium (i) increases with time (ii) becomes constant with time (iii) becomes zero with time.

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  64. What are the qualities of an ideal liquid?

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  65. Why dies velocity increase when water flowing in broader pipe enters a narrow pipe?

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  66. The shapes of cars and planes are streamlined. Why?

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  67. Two row boats moving parallel to each other and near by, are pulled towards each other. Explain.

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  68. Ac cording to Bernoulli's theorem the pressure of water should remain uniform in a pipe of uniform radius. But actually it goes on decreasing, why is it so?

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  69. If a small ping pong ball is placed in a vertical jet of water or air, it will rise to a certain geight above the nozzle and will be spinning there.

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  70. In an emergency, the vacuum brake is used to stop , the high speed train. How does this vacuume brake work?

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  71. A uniform pressure p is exerted on all sides of a solid cube of a meterial at temprature `t^(@)C`. By what amount should the temperature of the cube be raised in order to bring its original volume back to the value it had before the pressure was applied ? K is the bulk modulus and `alpha` is the coefficient of linear expansion of material of solid cube.

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  72. If I is the moment of inertial of a disc about an axis passing through its centre then find the change in moment of inertial due to small change in its moment of inertia due to small change in its temperature `Delta t`. `alpha` is the coefficient of linear expansion of disc.

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  73. A hollow sphere and a solid sphere of equal radii and of same material are heated to raise their temperature by equal amounts. How will the change in their volume expansion be related?

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  74. The triple point of water is a standard fixed point in mordern thermometry. Why?

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  75. Why is inver used in making a clock pendulum?

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  76. A block of wood is floating in water at `0^@ C`. The temperature of water is slowly raised from `0^@ C` to `10^@ C`. How will the precentage of volume of block above water level change with rise in temperature?

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  77. Two rods, one of aluminium and other made of steel, having initial lenghts `l_(1) and l_(2)` are connected together to form a singel rod of length `(l_(1)+l_(2))`. The coefficient of linear expansions for aluminium and steel are `alpha_(a)` and `alpha_(s)` respectively. If length of each rod increases by same amount when their tempertures are raised by `t^(@)C`, then find the ratio `l_(1) (l_(1)+l_(2))`.

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  78. Is J a physical constant or a conversion factor?

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  79. Two bodies at different temperature `T_(1)` and `T_(2)`. If brought in thermal contact do not mecesserily settle to the mean temperature `(T_(1)+T_(2))//2`.

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  80. The coolant in a chemical or nuclear plant (i.e. the liquid used to prevent different parts of a plant from getting too hot) should have hight specific heat, comment?

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  81. Why burns from steam are more serious than those from boling water?

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  82. How does skating is possibel on snow?

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  83. Can water be boiled without heating?

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  84. Why water is preferred to any other liquid in the hot water bottles?

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  85. At the triple point of water wheater the relative amounts of ice, water and vapour fixed or not. Explain.

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  86. What happens if water vapour at a pressure of 0.003 atmosphere is cooled to `0^(@)C`?

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  87. The ice at `0^(@)C` is converted into steam at `100^(@)C` . State the isothermal changes in the process.

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  88. Why do electrons in insulators not contribute to its conductivity?

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  89. As air is a bad conductor of heat, whu do we not feel warm without clothes?

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  90. Why is it hotter at the same distance over the top of a fire than in front of it?

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  91. On a hot day, a car is left in sunlight with all the windows closed. After sometimes, it is found that air inside the car is considerably warmer than the air outside. Explain why?

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  92. Why felt is used for thermal insulation in preference to air?

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  93. Two rods A and B are of equal length. Each rod has the ends at temp `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` . What is the condition that will ensure equal rates of flow of heat through the rods A and B ?

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  94. Three rods made of same material and having the same cross-section have been joined as shown in fig. each rod is of the same length. The left and the right ends are kept at `0^(@)C` and `90^(@)C` respectively. What will be the temperature of the junction of the three rods?

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  95. The temperature of the two outer surfaces of a composite slab, consisting of two materials having coefficients of thermal conductivity K and 2K and thickness x and 4x respectively. Temperatures on the opposite faces of composite slab are `T_(1) and T_(2)` where `T_(2)gtT_(1)`, as shown in fig. what is the rate of flow of heat through the slab in a steady state?

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  96. If a drop of water falls on a very hot iron, it does not evaporates for a long time. Give reason.

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  97. We cannot boil water inside the earth's satellite. Explain.

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  98. A sphere of radius r, density,`rho` and specific heat s is heated to temperature `theta` and then cooled in an enclosure at temperature `theta_(0)` . How , the rate of fall of temperature is related with r, `rho` and s?

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  99. The earth constantly receives heat radiation from the sun and gets warmed up. Why does the earth not get as hot as the sun is ?

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  100. Is it necessary that all black coloured objects should be considered black bodies ?

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Conceptual Problems questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF BULK MATTER of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11