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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter PROPERTIES OF BULK MATTER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPSolved Examples
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A wire of length 3.0m has a percentage strain of `0.015%` under a tensile force.Determine the extension in the wire.

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  2. Calculate the percentage increase in length of a wire of diameter 1 mm stretched by a force of half kilo gram weight. Young's modulus of elasticity of wire is `12 xx 10^(11) dyn e // cm^(2)`

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  3. A suructural steel rod has a radius of 10mm and a length of 1m. A 100 kN force stretches it along its length. Calculate (a) the stress (b) elongation, and (c ) percentage strain on the rod. Given that the Young's modulus of elasticity of structural steel is `2.0 xx 10^(11) Nm^(-2)`.

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  4. A hollow cylindrical column of steel supports a load of 20,000 kg. The inner and the outer radii of the column are 50 cm and 60 cm respectively. Assuming the load distribution to be uniform, calculate the compressional strain of the column. Given, Young's modulus of steel `=2.0 xx 10^(11) Nm^(2)` and `g=10ms^(-2)`.

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  5. Find the greatest length of copper wire, that can hang without breaking. Breaking stress `=7.2 xx 10^(7) N//m^(2)`. Density of copper `7.2 g//c c. g=10 m//s^(2)`.

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  6. Two wire A and B of length l, radius r and length 2l, radius 2r having same Young's modulus Y are hung with a weigth mg, fig. What is the net elonetion in the two wires?

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  7. A composite wire of uniform diameter 3.0 mm consisting of a copper wire of length 2.2m and a steel wire of length 1.6m stretches under a load by 0.7 mm. Calculate the load, given that the Young's modulus for copper is `1.1 xx 10^(11) Pa` and for steel is `2.0 xx 10^(11)Pa`.

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  8. A Copper wire of length 2.2m and a steel wire of length 1.6m, both of diameter 3.0mm are connected end to end. When stretched by a load, the net elongation is found to be 0.70 mm. Obtain the load applied . Young's modulus of copper is `1.1 xx 10^(11)Nm^(-2)` and Young's modulus of steel is `2.0 xx 10^(11)Nm^(-2)`.

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  9. A sphere contracts in volume by 0.02% when taken to the bottom of a sea 2km deep. Find the value of bulk modulus of the material of the sphere. Density of sea water `1g//c c,g=10ms^(-2)`.

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  10. By howmuch the pressure on one litre of water be changed to compress it `0.2%` ? Given the bulk modulus of water `-2.2 xx 10^(9)Pa`.

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  11. A cube is subjected to pressure of `5 xx 10^(5)N//m^(2)`. Each side of the cube is shortened by 1%. Find volumetric strain and bulk modulus of elasticity of cube.

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  12. The average depth of indian Ocean is about 3000 m. The fractional compression, `(triangleV)/(V)` of water at the bottom of the ocean is (Given Bulk modulus of the water `=2.2xx10^9Nm^-2` and `g=10ms^-2`)

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  13. If the normal density of sea water is `1.00 g//cm^(3)`, what will be its density at a depth of 4km? Given compressibility of water = 0.00005 per atmosphere. 1 atmospheric pressure `=10^(6) dyn e//cm^(2), g=980 cm//s^(2)`.

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  14. A metallic cube of side 8cm is under a tangential force. The top face of the cube is sheared through 0.15 mm with respect to the bottom face. Find (a) shearing stain (b) shearing stress and (c ) shearing force.
    Given , modulus of rigidity of the metal
    `=2.08 xx 10^(11) dyn e.//cm^(2)` .

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  15. Two metal plates are held together by two rivets width radii of 0.2cm. If the maximum shear stress a single rivet can withstand is `5 xx 10^(8) Nm^(-2)`, how much force must be applied parallel to the plates to shear off both the rivets?

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  16. A square lead slab of side 50 cm and thickness 10 cm is subjected to a shearing force (on its narrow face) of `9xx10^4N`. The lower edge is riveted to the floor. How much will the upper edge be displaced? (Shear modulus of lead`=5.6xx10^9Nm^-2`)

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  17. Two parallel and opposite forces each 5000 N are applied tangentially to the upper and lower faces of a cubical metal block of side 25 cm. the angle of shear is (The shear modulus of the metal is 80 Gpa)

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  18. Two parallel and opposite forces each 5000 N are applied tangentially to the upper and lower faces of a cubical metal block of side 25 cm. the angle of shear is (The shear modulus of the metal is 80 Gpa)

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  19. Calculate the increases in energy of a brass bar of length 0.4 m and cross-sectional are `1 cm^(2)`. When compressed with a load of 4kg wt along its

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  20. A steel wire of length 3.0m is stretched through 3.0 mm. the cross-sectional area of the wire is `5.0mm^(2)`. Calculate the elastic potential energy stroed in the wire in the stretched condition. Young's modulus of steel is `2.0 xx 10^(11) Nm^(-2)`.

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  21. When the load on a wire is slowly increased from `3kgwt` to `5 kg wt`, the elongation increases from `0.61` to `1.02 mm`. The work done during the extension of wire is

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  22. A 45 kg boy whose leg bones are `5 cm^(2)` in area and 50 cm long falls through a height of 2m with out breaking his leg bones. If the bones can stand a stress of `0.9 xx 10^(8) Nm^(-2)`, Calculate the Young's modulus for the material of the bone. Use , `g=10 ms^(-2)`

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  23. A 10 kg mass is attached to one end of a copper wire, 3m long and 1 mm in diameter. Calculate the lateral compression produced in it. (Possion's ration is 0.25and Young's modulus, of the metereal of the wire is modulus of the material of the wire is `12.5 xx 10^(10) N//m^(2))`.

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  24. If the volume of a wire remains constant when subjected to tensile stress, the value of poisson's ratio of material of the wire is

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  25. A material has a Poisson's ratio 0.3. If a uniform of it suffers longitudinal strain `4.5 xx 10^(-3)`, calculate the percentage change in its volume.

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  26. The Young's modulus for steel is `2.0xx10^(11)Nm^(-2)`. If the interatomic spacing for the metal is `2.0 Å`, Find the increases in the interatomic for a force of `10^(9)Nm^(-2)` and the force constant.

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  27. A wire of radius r stretched without tension along a straight line is tightly fixed at A and B. fig. What is the tension in the wire when it is pulled in the shape ACB? Assume Uoung's modulus of material of the wire to by Y.

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  28. A steel wire of length 20 cm and unifrom crossection ` mm^(2)` is tied rigidly at both the ends. If temperature of the wre is altered from `40^(@)C` to `20^(@)C`, calcutlate the change in tension. Given coeffeicient of linear expansion of steel is `1.1 xx 10^(-5) .^(@)C^(-1)` and Young's modulus for steel is `2.0 xx 10^(11) Nm^(-2)`.

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  29. What is the density of lead under a pressure of `2.0xx10^(8) N//m^(2) ` , if the bulk modulus of lead is ` 8.0xx10^(9) N//m^(2)` and initially the density of lead is `11.4 g//cm^(3)`?

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  30. The two thigh bones (femurs) each of cross-sectional are `10 cm^(2)` support the upper part of a human bodu of mass 40 kg . Estimate the average pressure sustained by the femurs. `g=10m//s^(2)`

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  31. Find the pressure at the tip of a drawing pin on area `0.2 mm` square if it is pushed against a board with a force of 5 kg wt.
    (use `g=10m//s^(2))`

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  32. Force on a phonograph needle is 120 gf. The needle end has a circular cross-section of radius 0.1 mm. Find the pressure (in atm) it exerts on the record. Given,
    1 atm = `1.013 xx 10^(5) Pa. Use g=10ms^(-2)`

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  33. How much pressure will man of weight 60 kg exert on the ground when (a) he is standing on his feet and (b) he is lying on ground. Given that the area of a foot is `100cm^(2)` and areaa of the body of a man in contact with ground =`0.6 m^(2)`. Use `g=10m//s^(2)`

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  34. What is the pressure on a swimmer 10m below the surface of lake? `g=10ms^(-2)`, atmospheric pressure = `1.01 xx 10^(5)Pa`

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  35. The density of the atmosphere at sea level is `1.29 kg//m^(3)`. Assume that it does not change with altitude. Then how high would the atmosphere extend ? `g=9.8 ms^(-2)`. Atmospheric pressure `=1.013 xx 10^(5) Pa`.

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  36. The base of a ractangular vessel is `10 cm xx 15 cm`. It is taken at a depth of 4 m into the water. What is the pressure and thrust on the base of the vessel? Take `g = 10ms^(-2)`. Density of water = `10^(3) kg m^(-3)`.

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  37. A cylinder has a radius 20 cm. To what height should it be filled with water so that thrust in its walls is equal to that on its bottom? Find the mass of water filled in cylinder.

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  38. Determine height h of oil in the U tube as shown in fig. Density of oil `=0.9 g//c c`, Density of liquid is `1.6 g//c c` and density of mercury. `= 13.6 g//c`.

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  39. At a depth of 1000 m in an ocean (a) what is the absolute pressure? (b) what is the auge pressure? (c ) Find the force acting on the windown of area `20 cm xx 20cm` of a submarine at this depth, the interior of which is maintained at sea-level atmospheric pressure. The density of sea water is `1.03 xx 10^(3) kg m^(-3)`, `g=10ms^(-2)`. Atmospheric pressure = `1.01 xx 10^(5) Pa`.

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  40. The average mass that can be lifted by a hydraulic press is 100kg. If the radius of the larger piston is six times that of a smaller poston. What is the minimum force (in kg wt) that must be applieed? Use `g=10ms^(-2)`.

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  41. To lift an automobile of 2000 kg, a hydraulic pump with a large piston 30 cm square in area is employed. Calculate the force that must be applied to pump a small piston of area 10 square cm to achieve it.

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  42. In a car lift, compressed air exerts a force `F_(1)` on a small piston having a radius of `0.5 cm`. This pressure is transmitted to a second piston of radius 10.0 cm . If the mass of the car to be lifted is 1350 kg. calculate `F_(1)`. What is the pressure necessary to ac complish this task?

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  43. The area of smaller piston of a hydraulic pressure is `2cm` square and that of larger piston is 20 cm square. How much weight can be raised on the larger piston when a force 200kg f is exerted on the smaller piston? `g=10m//s^(2)`

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  44. Two syringes of different cross-sections (with out needles) filled with water are connected with a tightly fitted rubber tube filled with water. Diameters of the smaller pison and larger pistom are 1.0cm and 3.0 cm respectively.
    (a) Find the force on the larger piston when a force of 10N is applied to the smaller piston.
    (b) The smaller piston is pused in through 6.0 cm, much does the larger piston move out?

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  45. A body of mass 6 kg is floating in a liquid with `2//3` of its volume inside the liquid. Find (i) buoyant force acting on the body and (ii) ratio between the density of the body and density of liquid. Take `g=10m//s^(2)`.

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  46. A metallic block weighs `15 N` in air. It weights `12 N` when immersed in water and `13 N` when immersed in another liquid. What is the specific gravity of the liquid?

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  47. A solid body floating in water has `1//5th` of its volume above surface of water. What fraction of its volume will project upwards if it floats in a liquid of specific gravity 1.3?

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  48. A piece of alloy has a mass 240g in air. When immersed in water, it has an apparent weight of 1.83N and in oil has an apparent weight `2.10N`. Calculate the specific gravity of (a) metal and (b) oil.

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  49. A piece of pure gold of density `19.3 g cm^(-3)` is suspected to be hollow inside. It weighs 38.250 g in air and 33.865 g in water. Calculate the volume of the hollow portion of the gold, if any:

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  50. A cube of wood floating in water supports a 200g mass resting at the centre of its top face. When the mass is removed, the cube rises 2 cm. find the volume of the cube.

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  51. The tension in a string holding a solid block below the surface of a liquid (of density greater than that of solid) as shown in figure is `T_(0)` when the system is at rest. What will be the tension in the string if the system has an upward acceleration a?

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  52. A jeweller claims that he sells ornaments made of pure gold that has the relative density of `19.3`. he cells an ornament weighing `20.250 gf` to a person. The clever person weighs the ornament immersing it in pure water and find it weights 19.075 gf. Is teh ornaments made of pure gold? what is the percentage of impurty in the ornament if any?

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  53. A liquid drop of mass `0.0129 g` drips from a capillary. When the drop breaks away, the diameter of the neck of capliiary is 1mm. Find surface tension of liquid.

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  54. (a) there is a rectangular frame of wir measuring `20 cm xx 13 cm`. Calculate (i) the perimeter of the square and (ii) radius of the circle, which will have the same perimeter as the rectangular frame, (b) shown that of the three, the circle has the maximum surface area.

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  55. A glass plate of length 10 cm, breadth 4 cm, and the thickness 0.4cm , weighs 20g in air. It is held vertically with long side horizontal and half the plate immersed in water. What will be its apparent weight? Surface tension of water = `70 dyn e//cm`.

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  56. Calculate the energy evolved when 8 droplets of water (surface tension `0.072 Nm^(-1)`) of radius `1.2 mm ` each combine into one.

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  57. Find the work done in blowing a soap bubble of surface tension `0.06 Nm^(-1)` from 2 cm radius to 5 cm radius.

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  58. Two mercury droplets of radii 0.2 cm and 0.4 cm collapse into one single drop. What amount of energy is released? The surface tension of mercury `440 xx 10^(-3) Nm^(-1)` and `g=10ms^(-2)`.

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  59. If the excess pressure inside a spherical soap bubble of radius 1 cm is balanced by that due to column of oil of specific gravity 0.9, height 1.36 mm. Calculate the value of surface tension of soap solution.

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  60. A glass tube of 1 mm bore is dipped vertically into a container of mercury, with its lower end 5 cm below the mercury surface. What must be the gauge pressure of air in the tube to a hemispherical bubble at its lower end? Given density of mercury ` = 13.6 xx 10^(3) kg//m^(3)`, surface tension of mercury = `440 xx 10^(-3) Nm^(-1)` and `g = 10m//s^(2)`

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  61. What will be the total pressure inside a spherical air bubble of radius 0.2 mm at a depth of 2m below the surface of a liquid of density `1.1 g//cm^(3)` and surface tension `50 dyn e//cm`. Atmospheric pressure is `1.01 xx 10^(5) Nm^(-2)`.

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  62. The lower end of a capillary tube of diameter 2.0 mm is dipped 8.00cm below the surface of water in a beaker. What is the pressure required in the tube in order to blow a hemispherical bubble at its end in water? The surface tension of water at temperature of the experiments is `7.30 xx 10^(-2) Nm^(-1)`. 1 atmospheric pressure =` 1.01 xx 10^(5) Pa`, density of water `= 1000 kg//m^(3), g=9.80 ms^(-2)`. also calculate the excess pressure.

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  63. Water rises in a capillary tube upto a certain height such that the upward force of surface tension balances the force of `75 xx 10^(-5)N` due to weight of the liquid. If surface tension of water is ` 6 xx 10^(-2)Nm^(-1)`, what must be the internal circumference of the capillary tube?

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  64. Liquid rises to a height of 5.0 cm in a capillary tube and mercury falls to a depth of 2.0 cm in the same capillary tube. If the density of liquid is `1.2 g//c c`, of mercury is `13.6 g//c c` and angles of contact of liquid and mercury with capillary tube are `0^(@)` and `135^(@)` respectively. find the ratio of the surface tension for mercury and liquid.

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  65. The tube of mercury barometer is 4mm in diameter. How much error does the surface tension cause in the reading? Surface tension of mercury = `540" cc "10^(-3) Nm^(-1)`, angle of contact = `135^(@)`. Density of mercury `= 13.6 xx 10^(33)kg m^(-3)`.

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  66. A U tube is supported with its limbs vertical and is partly filled with water. If the inner diameter of the limbs are 1cm,and 0.01 cm , respectively, what will be the difference in height of water in the two limbs? S.T. or water `70 xx 10^(-3) Nm^(-1)`. Angle of contact , `theta = 0^(@)`.

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  67. Two soap bubbles of radii 4cm and 6 cm are in contact with each other. What is the radius of the common boundary?

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  68. A stream line body with relative density `rho_(1)` falls into air from a height `h_(1)` on the surface of a liquid of realtive density `rho_(2)`, where `rho_(2) gt rho_(1)`. Find the time of immersion of the body into the liquid.

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  69. A body weighs `W_(1)` in a liquid of density `rho_(1)` and `W_(2)` in a liquid of density `rho_(2)`. What is the weight of body in a liquid of density `rho_(3)`?

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  70. A vessel contains oil (density `=0.8gm//cm^3`) over mercury (density `=13.6gm cm^3`). A homogeneous sphere floats with half its volume immersed in mercury and the other half in oil. The density of the material of the sphere in `gm//cm^3` is

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  71. A large block of ice `5 m` thick has a vertical hole drilled through it and is floating in the middle of a lake. What is the minimum length of a rope required to scoop up a bucket full of water through the hole? Relative density of ice `=0.9`.

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  72. Two soap bubble of radii `r_(1)` and `r_(2)` combime to form a single bubble of radius r under isothermal conditions . If the external pressure is P, prove that surface tension of soap solution is given by `S=(P(r^(3)-r_(1)^(3)-r_(2)^(3)))/(4(r_(1)^(2)+r_(2)^(2)-r^(2)))`.

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  73. A plate of metal 10 cm sq. rests on a layer of caster oil 2mm thick whose coefficient of viscosity is `15.5 dyn e cm^(-2)s`. Calculate the horizontal force required to move the plate with a speed of `3 cm s^(-1)`. Also calculate strain rate and shearing strees.

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  74. A square plate of 20 cm side moves over another plate with velocity `5 cm s^(-1)`, both plates immersed in water. If the viscous force is `0.205 gf` and viscosity of water is 0.01 poise, what is the separation between the plates?

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  75. A circular metal plate of radius 6 cm rests on a layer of caster oil 1.5 mm thick, whose coefficient of viscosity is 15.5 poise. Find the horizontal force (in kg wt) required to move the plate with a speed of `60 ms^(-1)`.

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  76. A metal plate of area `0.10m^(2)` is connected to a `0.01 kg` mass via a string that passes over an ideal pulley (considered to be friction-less), as shown in the figure. A liquid with a film thickness of `3.0 mm` is placed between the plate and the table. When released the plate moves to the right with a constant speed of `0.085ms^(-1)`. Find the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid.

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  77. In giving a patient a blood transfusion, the bottle is set up so that the level of blood is 1.3 m above the needle, which has an internal diameter of 0.36 mm and 3 cm in length . If `4.5 cm^(3)` of blood passes through the meedle in one minute, calculate the viscosity of blood. The density of blood is 1020 kg `m^(-3)`.

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  78. Two capillary tubes AB and BC are joined end to end at B, AB is 16cm long and of diameter 4mm whereas BC is 4cm long and of diameter 2mm. The composite tube is held horizontally with A connected to a vessel of water giving a constant head of 3cm and C is open to the air. Calculate the pressure difference between B and C.

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  79. A capillary tube of 2 mm diameter and 20 cm long is fitted horizontally to a vessel kept full of alcohol of density `0.8 g//cm^(3)`. The depth of the centre of capillary tube below the free surface of alcohol is 30 cm. If viscosity of alchole is 0.112 poise, find the amount that will flow in 5 minutes.

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  80. A rain drop of radius 0.4 mm falls through air with a terminal velocity of `50 cm s^(-1)` . The viscosity of air is 0.019 Pa-s`. Find the viscous force on the rain drop.

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  81. The velocity of a small ball of mass 10 g and density `7.8 g//c c`. When dropped in a container filled with glycerine becomes constant after some time. If the density of glycerine is `1.3 g//c c`. What is the viscous force acting on the ball?

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  82. In Millikan's oil experiement, what is the terminal velocity of a liquid droplet of radius 0.02 mm and density `1.2 g//c c`. Take the viscosity of air the temperature of the experiment to be `1.8 xx 10^(-5)Nm^(-2)s`. Find the viscous force on the broplet at the given velocity. Neglect the buoyancy of the droplet due to air.

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  83. A drop of water of radius 0.001 mm is falling in air. If the coeffcient of viscosity of air is `1.8 xcx 10^(-5) kg m^(-1) s^(-1)`, what will be the terminal velocity of the drop? Neglect the density of air.

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  84. Find the terminal velocity with which an air bubble of density `1 kg m^(-3)` and 0.6 mm in diameter will rise in a liquid of viscosity `0.15 Nm^(-2)s` and of specific gravity 0.9 ? What is the teminal velocity of the same bubble in water of coefficient of viscosity `10^(-3) Nm^(-2)s`?

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  85. With what terminal velocity will an air bubble `0.8 mm` in diameter rise in a liquid of viscosity `0.15 N-s//m^(2)` and specific gravity `0.9`? Density of air is `1.293 kg//m^(3)`.

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  86. Eight spherical rain drops of equal size are falling vertically through air with a terminal of `0.10 ms^(-10`. What should be the velocity if these drops were to combine to form one large spherical drop?

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  87. The flow rate of water from a tap of diameter 1.25 cm is `0.48 L//mi n`. The coefficient of viscosity of water is `10^(-3) Pa-s`. After sometime, the flow rate is increased to `3L//mi n`. Characterise the flow for both the flow rates.

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  88. What should be the average velocity of a water in a tube of radius 0.005m, so that the flow is just turbulent? The viscosity of water is 0.001 Pa-s.

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  89. Water flows through a horizontal pipe of varying cross-section at the rate of 20 litres per minuts , determine the velocity of water at a point where diameter is `4 cm`

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  90. Water flow througyh a horizontal pipe whose internal diameter is `2.0 cm` at a speed of `1.0 ms^(-1)` What should be the diameter of the nozzle, If the water is to emerge at a speed of `4.0ms^(-1)`?

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  91. A liquid is flowing through a horizontal pipe line of varying cross - section .At a certin point the diameter of the pipe is `6cm` and the velocityof flow of liquid is`2.0cm s^(-1)` Calculate the velocity of flow at another point where the diameter is `1.5 cm.

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  92. At what speed will the velocity head of a stream of water be equal to 20 cm of mercury . Taking `(g=10ms^(-2))`.

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  93. Calculate the total energy per unit mass possessed by water at a point, where the pressure is 10 gh f//sq mm, velocity is `0.1 ms^(-1)` and height of water level from the graund is `0.20 m (g = 9.8 ms^(-2))`.

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  94. Water at a pressure of `4xx 10^(4) Nm^(-2)` flows at `2 ms^(-1)` through a horizontal pope of `0.02 m^(2)`. What is the pressure in the smaller cross-section of the pipe?

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  95. The reading of pressure meter attached with a closed pipe is `3.5 xx 10^(5)Nm^(-2)`. On opening the value of the pipe, the reading of the pressure meter is reduced to `3.0 xx 10^(5) Nm^(-2)`. Calculate the speed of the water flowing in the pipe.

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  96. An aeronautical engineer observed that on the upper and the lower surface of the wing of an aeroplane the speed of the air are `120 ms^(-1) and 90 ms^(-1)` respectively during flight. What is the lift on the wing of aeroplane if its area is `3.2 m^(2)`? Given density of air is `1.29 kg//m^(3)`.

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  97. Calculate the minimum pressure required to force the blood from the heart to the top of the head (vercical distance = 40 cm). Assume that the denisity of blood to be `1.04 g cm^(3)`. Friction is to be neglected.

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  98. The cross-sectional area of water pipe entering the basement is `4 cm^(-2)` . The pressure at the point is `3.5 xx 10^(5) Nm^(-2)` and the speed of water is `2.2 ms^(-1)` . This pipe tapers to a cross-sectional area of `2 cm^(2)` when it reaches the second floor 10 m above . Calculate the speed and pressure at the second floor. use `g = 10 m//s^(2)`.

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  99. A drum of 40 cm radius has a capacity of `440 dm^(3)` of water. It contains `396 dm^(3)` of water and is palece on a solid block of exactly the same size as of drum. If a small hole is made at lower end of the durm perpenduclar to its length , find the horizontal range of water on the ground in the beginning. given `g=10 m//s^(2)`.

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  100. Find the velocity of efflux of water from an oriffice near the bottom of a tank in which pressure is `500 gf//sq` cm above atmosphere.

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF BULK MATTER of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11