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Complete Solutions to Multiple choice questions-II of chapter PROPERTIES OF BULK MATTER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPMultiple choice questions-II
Number Of Questions14
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The stress-strain graphs for two materials are shown in Fig. 7(EP).3 (assume scale).

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  2. A wire is suspended from the ceiling and stretched under the action of weight F suspended from its other end. The force exerted by the ceiling on it is equal and opposite to the weight.

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  3. A rod of length 1.05 m having negliaible mass is supported at its ends by two wires of steel (wire A) and aluminium (wire B) of equal lengths as shown in fig. The cross-sectional area of wire A and B are `1 mm^(2)` and 2` mm^(2)`, respectively . At what point along the rod should a mass m be suspended in order to produce (a) equal stresses and (b) equal strains in both steel and aluminium wires. Given,
    `Y_(steel) = 2 xx 10^(11) Nm^(-2) and Y-(alumi n i um) = 7.0 xx 10^(10)N^(-2)`

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  4. For an ideal liquid

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  5. A Copper wire and steel of the same diameter and length are connected end to end and a force is applied, which stretches their combined length by 1 cm. The two wires will have

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  6. For a surface molecule,

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  7. Pressure is a scalar quantity, because

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  8. A wooden block, with a coin placed on its top, floats in water as shown in figure. The distance l and h are shown here. After some time the coin falls into water. Then

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  9. With increase in temperature the viscosity of

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  10. Streamline flow is more likely for liquid with

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  11. Mark the correct option:

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  12. Gulab jamuns (assumed to be spherical) are to be heated in on oven They are available in two sizes, one twice bigger (in radius) than the other Pizzas (assumed to discs) are also to be heated ibn oven They are also in two sizes, one twice bigger (in radius) than the other All four are put together to be heated option to oven temperature. Choose the correct option from the following .

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  13. Refer to the plot of temperature versus time (figure) showing the changes in the state if ice on heating (not to scale). Which of the following is correct ?

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  14. A glass full of hot milk is poured on the table. It begins to cool gradually. Which of the following is correct ?

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Multiple choice questions-II questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF BULK MATTER of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11