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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS of chapter JEE ADVANCED of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In the experiment to determine the speed of sound using a resonance column,

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  2. A student performs an experiment to determine the Young's modulus of a wire, exactly `2m` long, by Searle's method. In a particular reading, the student measures the extension in the length of the wire to be `0.8`mm with an uncertainty of `+- 0.05mm` at a load of exactly `1.0kg`, the student also measures the diameter of the wire to be `04mm` with an uncertainty of `+-0.01mm`. Take `g=9.8m//s^(2)` (exact). the Young's modulus obtained from the reading is

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  3. A particle moves in the `xy` plane under the influence of a force such that its linear momentum is `vecP(t) = A [haticos(kt)-hatjsin(kt)]`, where `A` and `k` are constants. The angle between the force and momentum is

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  4. A small object of uniform density rolls up a curved surface with an initial velocity v. it reaches up to a maximum height of `(3v^2)/(4g)

    with respect to the initial position. The object is

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  5. Water is filled up to a height h in a beaker of radius R as shown in the figure. The density of water is `rho,` the surface tension of water is T and the atmospheric pressure is `P_0.` Consider a vertical section ABCD of the water column through a diameter of the beaker. The force on water on one side of this section by water on the other side of this section has magnitude

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  6. A spherical portion has been removed from a solid sphere having a charge distributed uniformly in its volume as shown in the figure. The electric field inisde the emptied space is

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  7. Poistive and negative point charges of equal magnitude are kept at `(0, 0, a/2)` and `(0, 0, (-a)/(2))` respectively. The work done by the electric field when another poistive point charge is moved from `(-a, 0, 0)` to `(0, a, 0)` is

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  8. A magnetic field ` vec(B) = B_(0)hat(j)` , exists in the region `a ltxlt2a` , and `vec(B) = -B_(0) hat(j)` , in the region `2a lt xlt 3a`, where `B_(0)` is a positive constant . A positive point charge moving with a velocity `vec(v) = v_(0) hat (i)` , where `v_(0)` is a positive constant , enters the magnetic field at `x= a` . The trajectory of the charge in this region can be like

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  9. Electrons with de-Broglie wavelength `lambda` fall on the target in an X-ray tube. The cut-off wavelength of the emitted X-ray is

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  10. Satement-1: if there is no external torque on a body about its centre of mass, then the velocity of the center of mass remains constant.
    Statement-2: The linear momentum of an isolated system remains constant.

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  11. STATEMENT-1: A cloth covers a table. Some dishes are kept on it. The cloth can be pulled out without dislodging the dishes from the table.
    STATEMENT-2: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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  12. Statement I: A vertical iron rod has coil of wire wound over it at the bottom end. An alternating current flows in the coil. The rod goes through a conducting ring as shown in the figure. The ring can float at a certain height above the coil.
    Statement II: In teh above situation, a current is induced in he ring which interacts with the horizontal component of teh magnetic field to produce an average force in the upward direction.

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  13. Statement-1: The total translational kinetic energy of fall the molecules of a given mass of an ideal gas is 1.5 times the product of its pressure and its volume because.
    Statement-2: The molecules of a gas collide with each other and the velocities of the molecules change due to the collision.

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  14. Two trains `A and B` moving with speeds `20m//s` and `30m//s` respectively in the same direction on the same straight track, with `B` ahead of `A`. The engines are at the front ends. The engine of train `A` blows a long whistle.
    Assume that the sound of the whistle is composed of components varying in frequency from `f_(1) = 800 Hz` to `f_(2) = 1120 Hz`, as shown in the figure. The spread in the frequency (highest frequency - lowest frequency) is thus `320 Hz`. The speed of sound in still air is `340 m//s`.
    (4) The speed of sound of the whistle is

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  15. Two trains `A and B` moving with speeds `20m//s` and `30m//s` respectively in the same direction on the same straight track, with `B` ahead of `A`. The engines are at the front ends. The engine of train `A` blows a long whistle.
    Assume that the sound of the whistle is composed of components varying in frequency from `f_(1) = 800 Hz` to `f_(2) = 1120 Hz`, as shown in the figure. the spread in the frequency (highest frequency - lowest frequency) is thus `320 Hz`. the speed of sound in still air is `340 m//s`.
    (5) The distribution of the sound intensity of the whistle as observed by the passengers in train `A` is best represented by

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  16. Two trains `A` and `B` are moving with speeds `20 m//s` respectively in the same direction on the same stright track, with `B` ahead of `A`. The engines are at the front ends. The engines of train `A` blows a long whistle.
    Assume that the sound of the whistle is composed of components varying in frequency from `f_(1) = 800 Hz` to `f_(2) = 1120 Hz`, asz shown in figure. The spread in the frequency (highest frequency - lowest frequency) is thus `320 Hz`. The speed of sound in still air is `340 m//s`.

    The spred of frequency as observed by the passengers in train `B` is

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  17. Light travels as a

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  18. Fig. shows a surface XY separating two transparent media, medium 1 and medium 2. Lines ab and cd represent wavefronts of a light wave travelling in medium 1 and incident on XY. Line ef and gh represent wavefront of the light wave in medium 2 after rafraciton.

    The phase of the ligth wave at c, d, e, and f are `phi_(c)`, phi_(d), `phi_(e)` and `phi_(f)`, respectively. It is given that `phi_(c ) != phi_(f)`. Then

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  19. Speed of light is

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  20. Column I describes some situations in which a small object moves. Column II describes some characteristics of these motion. Match the situtions in column I with the characteristics in column II.

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  21. Two wires each carrying a steady current I are shown in four configurations in Column I. Some of the resulting effects are described in Column II. Match the statements in Column I with the statements in Column II and the indicate your answer by darkening appropriate bubbles in the `4xx4` matrix given in the ORS.

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  22. Column I gives some devices and Column II gives some processes on which the functioning of these devices depend. Match the devices in Column I with the processes in Column II and indicate your answer by darkening appropriate bubbles in the `4 xx 4 ` matrix given in the ORS.

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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter JEE ADVANCED of JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12