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Complete Solutions to SECTION-III ( Comprehension Type ) of chapter JEE ADVANCED of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

JEE ADVANCEDSECTION-III ( Comprehension Type )
Number Of Questions6
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Scientists are working hard to develop nuclear fusion reactor Nuclei of heavy hydrogen, `_(1)^(2)H` , known as deuteron and denoted by `D`, can be thought of as a candidate for fusion rector . The `D-D` reaction is `_(1)^(2) H + _(1)^(2) H rarr _(2)^(1) He + n+` energy. In the core of fusion reactor, a gas of heavy hydrogen of `_(1)^(2) H` is fully ionized into deuteron nuclei and electrons. This collection of `_1^2H` nuclei and electrons is known as plasma . The nuclei move randomly in the reactor core and occasionally come close enough for nuclear fusion to take place. Usually , the temperature in the reactor core are too high and no material will can be used to confine the to plasma for a time `t_(0)` before the particles fly away from the core. If `n` is the density (number volume ) of deuterons , the product` nt_(0) `is called Lawson number. In one of the criteria , a reactor is termed successful if Lawson number is greater then `5 xx 10^(14) s//cm^(2)`
    it may be helpfull to use the following boltzmann constant
    `lambda = 8.6 xx 10^(-5)eV//k, (e^(2))/(4 pi s_(0)) = 1.44 xx 10^(-9) eVm`
    Assume that two deuteron nuclei in the core of fusion reactor at temperature energy `T` are moving toward each other, each with kinectic energy `1.5 kT` , when the seperation between them is large enough to neglect coulomb potential energy . Also neglate any interaction from other particle in the core . The minimum temperature `T` required for them to reach a separation of `4 xx 10^(-15) m ` is in the range

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  2. Scientists are working hard to develop nuclear fusion reactor Nuclei of heavy hydrogen, `_(1)^(2)H` , known as deuteron and denoted by `D`, can be thought of as a candidate for fusion rector . The `D-D` reaction is `_(1)^(2) H + _(1)^(2) H rarr _(2)^(1) He + n+` energy. In the core of fusion reactor, a gas of heavy hydrogen of `_(1)^(2) H` is fully ionized into deuteron nuclei and electrons. This collection of `_1^2H` nuclei and electrons is known as plasma . The nuclei move randomly in the reactor core and occasionally come close enough for nuclear fusion to take place. Usually , the temperature in the reactor core are too high and no material will can be used to confine the to plasma for a time `t_(0)` before the particles fly away from the core. If `n` is the density (number volume ) of deuterons , the product` nt_(0) `is called Lawson number. In one of the criteria , a reactor is termed successful if Lawson number is greater then `5 xx 10^(14) s//cm^(2)`
    it may be helpfull to use the following boltzmann constant
    `lambda = 8.6 xx 10^(-5)eV//k, (e^(2))/(4 pi s_(0)) = 1.44 xx 10^(-9) eVm`
    Assume that two deuteron nuclei in the core of fusion reactor at temperature energy `T` are moving toward each other, each with kinectic energy `1.5 kT` , when the seperation between them is large enough to neglect coulomb potential energy . Also neglate any interaction from other particle in the core . The minimum temperature `T` required for them to reach a separation of `4 xx 10^(-15) m ` is in the range

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  3. Scientists are working hard to develop nuclear fusion reactor Nuclei of heavy hydrogen, `_(1)^(2)H` , known as deuteron and denoted by `D`, can be thought of as a candidate for fusion rector . The `D-D` reaction is `_(1)^(2) H + _(1)^(2) H rarr _(2)^(1) He + n+` energy. In the core of fusion reactor, a gas of heavy hydrogen of `_(1)^(2) H` is fully ionized into deuteron nuclei and electrons. This collection of `_1^2H` nuclei and electrons is known as plasma . The nuclei move randomly in the reactor core and occasionally come close enough for nuclear fusion to take place. Usually , the temperature in the reactor core are too high and no material will can be used to confine the to plasma for a time `t_(0)` before the particles fly away from the core. If `n` is the density (number volume ) of deuterons , the product` nt_(0) `is called Lawson number. In one of the criteria , a reactor is termed successful if Lawson number is greater then `5 xx 10^(14) s//cm^(2)`
    it may be helpfull to use the following boltzmann constant
    `lambda = 8.6 xx 10^(-5)eV//k, (e^(2))/(4 pi s_(0)) = 1.44 xx 10^(-9) eVm`
    Result of calculations for four different design of a fusion reactor using `D-D` reaction are given below. which of these is most promising based on Lawson criterion ?

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  4. When a particle is restricted to move along x-axis between `x=0` and `x=a`, where `alpha` if of nenometer dimension, its energy can take only certain specific values. The allowed energies of the particle moving in such a restricted region, correspond to the formation of standing waves with nodes at its ends `x=0` and `x=a`. The wavelength of this standing wave is related to the linear momentum p of the particle according to the de Broglie relation. The energy of the particle of mass m is related to its linear momentum as `E=(p^2)/(2m)`. Thus the energy of the particle can be denoted by a quantum number `n` taking values 1,2,3, ...(`n=1`, called the ground state) corresponding to the number of loops in the standing wave.
    Use the model described above to answer the following three questions for a particle moving along the line from `x=0` to `x=alpha`. Take `h=6.6xx10^(-34)Js` and `e=1.6xx10^(-19)` C.
    Q. The allowed energy for the particle for a particular value of n is proportional to

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  5. When a particle is restricted to move along x-axis between `x=0` and `x=a`, where `alpha` if of nenometer dimension, its energy can take only certain specific values. The allowed energies of the particle moving in such a restricted region, correspond to the formation of standing waves with nodes at its ends `x=0` and `x=a`. The wavelength of this standing wave is related to the linear momentum p of the particle according to the de Broglie relation. The energy of the particle of mass m is related to its linear momentum as `E=(p^2)/(2m)`. Thus the energy of the particle can be denoted by a quantum number `n` taking values 1,2,3, ...(`n=1`, called the ground state) corresponding to the number of loops in the standing wave.
    Use the model described above to answer the following three questions for a particle moving along the line from `x=0` to `x=alpha`. Take `h=6.6xx10^(-34)Js` and `e=1.6xx10^(-19)` C.
    Q. If the mass of the particle is `m=1.0xx10^(-30)`kg and `alpha=6.6nm`, the energy of the particle in its ground state is closest to

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  6. When a particle is restricted to move along x-axis between `x=0` and `x=a`, where `alpha` if of nenometer dimension, its energy can take only certain specific values. The allowed energies of the particle moving in such a restricted region, correspond to the formation of standing waves with nodes at its ends `x=0` and `x=a`. The wavelength of this standing wave is related to the linear momentum p of the particle according to the de Broglie relation. The energy of the particle of mass m is related to its linear momentum as `E=(p^2)/(2m)`. Thus the energy of the particle can be denoted by a quantum number `n` taking values 1,2,3, ...(`n=1`, called the ground state) corresponding to the number of loops in the standing wave.
    Use the model described above to answer the following three questions for a particle moving along the line from `x=0` to `x=alpha`. Take `h=6.6xx10^(-34)Js` and `e=1.6xx10^(-19)`C
    Q. The speed of the particle that can take discrete values is proportional to

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SECTION-III ( Comprehension Type ) questions and complete solutions for chapter JEE ADVANCED of JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12