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Complete Solutions to PART I : PHYSICS (SECTION -1) of chapter JEE ADVANCED of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions10
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The diameter of a cylinder is measured using a vernier callipers with no zero error . It is found that the zero of the vernier scale lies between `5.10 and 5.15 cm` of the main scale . The `24 th` division of the vernier scale exactly coincides with one of the main scale divisions . The diameter of the cylinder is

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  2. A ray of light travelling in the direction `(1)/(2)``(hati,+sqrt3hatj)` is incident on a plane mirror. After reflection, it travels along the direction `(1)/(2)` `(hati-sqrt3hatj)` . The angle of incidence is

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  3. In the Young's double slit experiment using a monochromatic light of wavelength `lamda`, the path difference (in terms of an integer n) corresponding to any point having half the peak

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  4. Two non-reactive monoatomic ideal gases have their atomic masses in the ratio `2:3.` The ratio of their partial pressures, when enclosed in a vessel kept at a constant temperature, is `4:3.` The ratio of their densities is

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  5. Two rectangular blocks, having identical dimensions, an be arranged either in configuration-I or in configuration-II as shown in the figure. One of the blocks has thermal conductivity k and the other 2k. The temperature difference between the ends along the x-axis is the same in both the configurations. It takes 9s to transport a certain amount of heat from the hot end to the cold end in the configuration-I. The time to transport the same amount of heat in the configuration-II is

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  6. A pulse of light of duration `100ns` is absorbed completely by a small object initially at rest power of the pulse is `30 mW` and the speed of light is `3 xx 10^(8) ms^(-1)` The final momentum of the object is

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  7. A particle of mass m is projected from the ground with an initial speed `u_0` at an angle `alpha` with the horizontal. At the highest point of its trajectory, it makes a completely inelastic collision with another identical particle, which was thrown vertically upward from the ground with the same initial speed `u_0.` The angle that the composite system makes with the horizontal immediately after the collision is

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  8. The work done an a particle of mass `m` by a force
    `K[(x)/((x^(2) + y^(2))^(3//2)) hati +(y)/((x^(2) + y^(2^(3//2))) hatj)]
    (K being a constant of appropriate dimensions), when the partical is taken from the point `(a,0)` to the point `(0,a)` along a circular path of radius a about the origin in x - y plane is

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  9. One end of a horizontal thick copper wire of length 2L and radius 2R is welded to an end fo another horizontal thin copper wire of lenth L and radius R. When the arrangement is stretched by applying forces at two ends, the ratio of the elongation in the thin wire to that in the thick wire is

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  10. The image of an object, formed by a plano-convex lens at a distance of 8 m behind the lens, is real is one-third the size of the object. The wavelength of light inside the lens is 2/3 times the wavelength in free space. The radius of the curved surface of the lens is

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PART I : PHYSICS (SECTION -1) questions and complete solutions for chapter JEE ADVANCED of JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12