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Complete Solutions to SECTION 2 of chapter JEE ADVANCED of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions7
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two men are walking along a horizontal straight line in the same direction. The man in front walks at a speed 1.0 `ms^(-1)` and the man behind walks at a speed `2.0 ms^(-1)`. A third mad is standing at a height 12m above the same horizontal line such that all three men are in a vertical plane. The two walking men are blowing identical whistles which emit a sound of frequency 1430 Hz. The speed of sound in air is 330 `ms^(-1)`. At the instant, when the moving men are 10 m apart, the stationary man is equidistant from them. The frequency of beats in Hz, heard by the stationary man at this instant, is

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  2. A ring and a disc are initially at rest, side by side, at the top of an inclined plane which makes an angle `60^(@)` with the horizontal. They start to roll without slipping at the same instant of time along the shortest path. If the time difference between their reaching the ground is `(2 - sqrt(3)) //sqrt(10s)` 2– 3 / 10s, then the height of the top of the inclined plane, in metres, is _____________ . Take `g = 10ms^(-2)`

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  3. A spring-block system is resting on a frictionless floor as shown in the figure. The spring constant is `2.0Nm^(-1)` and the mass of the block is 2.0 kg. Ignore the mass of the spring. Initially the spring is in an unstretched condition. Another block of mass 1.0 kg moving with a speed of `2.0ms^(-1)` collides elastically with the first block. The collision is such that the 2.0 kg block does not hit the wall. The distance, in metres, between the two blocks when the spring returns to its unstretched position for the first time after the collision is

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  4. Three identical capacitors `C_(1),C_(2)` and `C_(3)` have a capacitance of `1.0 mu F` each and they are uncharged initially. They are connected in a circuit as shown in the figure and `C_(1)` is then filled completely with a dielectric material of relative permittivity `epsilon_(r)`. The cell electromotive force (emf) `V_(0)=8V`. First the switch `S_(1)` is closed while the switch `S_(2)` is kept open. When the capacitor `C_(3)` is fully charged, `S_(1)` is opened and `S_(2)` is closed simultaneously. When all the capacitors reach equilibrium, the charge on `C_(3)` is found to be `5 mu c`. The value of `epsilon_(r)` = ____________.

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  5. In the XY- plane , the region `y gt 0` has a uniform magnetic field `B_1 hatk` and the region ` y lt 0 `has another uniform magnetic field `B_2 hatk`. A positively charged particle is projected from the origin along the positive y- axis with speed ` v_0= pi m s^(-1)` at t=0 , as shown in the figure . Neglect gravity in this problem . Let t=T be the time when the particle crosses the X- axis from below for the first time . If `B_2 = 4B_1`, the average speed to the particle , in `ms^(-1)`, along the x- axis in the time interval T is __________ .

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  6. Sunlight of intensity `1.3kW m^(–2)` is incident normally on a thin convex lens of focal length 20 cm. Ignore the energy loss of light due to the lens and assume that the lens aperture size is much smaller than its focal length. The average intensity of light, in kW `m^(–2)`, at a distance 22 cm from the lens on the other side is __________.

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  7. Two conducting cylinders of equal length but different radii are connected in series between two heat baths kept at temperatures `T_(1) = 300K and T_(2) = 100 K`, as shown in the figure. The radius of the bigger cylinder is twice that of the smaller one and the thermal conductivities of the materials of the smaller and the larger cylinders are `K_(1) and K_(2)` respectively. If the temperature at the junction of the two cylinders in the steady state is 200 K, then ` K_(1)//K_(2)=`__________.
    ` (##JA_18_PHY_P1_E02_008_Q01.png" width="80%">

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SECTION 2 questions and complete solutions for chapter JEE ADVANCED of JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12