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Complete Solutions to SECTION 1 of chapter JEE ADVANCED of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions6
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The potential energy of a particle of mass ? at a distance ? from a fixed point ? is given by `V(r)=kr^(2)//2`, where ? is a positive constant of appropriate dimensions. This particle is moving in a circular orbit of radius ? about the point ?. If ? is the speed of the particle and ? is the magnitude of its angular momentum about ?, which of the following statements is (are) true?

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  2. Consider a body of mass 1.0 at rest at the origin at time `t = 0`. A force `vec F=(alpha t hat l +beta hat J) ` is applied on the body, where `alpha =1.0 Ns^(-1) and beta =1.0 N`. The torque acting on the body about the origin at time `t=1.0 s " is " vec tau` . Which of the following statements is (are) true?

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  3. A uniform capillary tube of inner radius r is dipped vertically into a beaker filled with water. The water rises to a height h in the capillary tube above the water surface in the beaker. The surface tension of water is `sigma`. The angle of contact between water and the wall of the capillary tube is `theta`. Ignore the mass of water in the meniscus. Which of the following statements is (are) true?

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  4. In the figure below, the switches `S_(1) and S_(2)` are closed simultaneously at `t =0` and a current starts to flow in the circuit. Both the batteries have the same magnitude of the electromotive force (emf) and the polarities are as indicated in the figure. Ignore mutual inductance between the inductors. The current ? in the middle wire reaches its maximum magnitude `I_(max)` at time `t=tau`. Which of the following statements is (are) true?

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  5. Two infinitely long straight wires lie in the xy-plane along the lines `x =pm R`. The wire located at `x =+R` carries a constant current `I_(1)` and the wire located at ` x = -R` carries a constant current `I_(2)`. A circular loop of radius R is suspended with its centre at `(0,0, sqrt(3)R)` and in a plane parallel to the xy-plane. This loop carries a constant current ? in the clockwise direction as seen from above the loop. The current in the wire is taken to be positive if it is in the `+hat J` direction. Which of the following statements regarding the magnetic field ` vec B` is (are) true?

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  6. One mole of a monatomic ideal gas undergoes a cyclic process as shown in the figure (where V is the volume and T is the temperature). Which of the statements below is (are) true?

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SECTION 1 questions and complete solutions for chapter JEE ADVANCED of JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12